Definitions for "SNOTEL"
SNOw TELemetry. An automated network of snowpack data collection sites. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), formerly the Soil Conservation Service (SCS), has operated the Federal-State-Private Cooperative Snow Survey Program in the western United States since 1935. A standard SNOTEL site consists of a snow pillow, a storage type precipitation gauge, an air temperature sensor, and a small shelter for housing electronics.
Observing sites mainly in remote, high-elevation locations. Operated and maintained by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Data reported: 24-hour max/min temperatures and precipitation Frequency of reports: 6-12 hours
Snowpack telemetry network. A network of Natural Resources Conservation Service automated sites which continually monitor snowpack and weather conditions and transmit data to a data retrieval center in Portland, Oregon.