Definitions for "Stomach cancer"
The Condition" affecting more men than women, and occurring most in older people (the cancer is uncommon in people under 50) other factors that appear to increase the risk of stomach cancer include ... Helicobacter pylori
The Condition"...It causes inflammation of the stomach lining ( gastritis), ulcers and also increases the risk of stomach cancer..."
Recommendation Plant-Based Nutrition"...The researchers found that plant-based nutrients such as dietary fiber, dietary beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin B6 were associated with lower risk of these kinds of cancers..."
The Condition"...Persistent abdominal pain..."
The Condition"...This includes feeling full after eating only a small meal, heartburn, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and difficulty swallowing..."
The Condition"... Pernicious anemia - this affects the lining of the stomach..."
Keywords:  vague, surgery, symptoms, stages, early
The symptoms are often vague and may also be caused by many other conditions. Treatment in the early stages is usually by surgery.