Definitions for "TBN"
total base number, indicative of detergency
Total Base Number. ASTM D2896. This is measured in mg. KOH needed to neutralize an acidic solution through a reverse titration. TBN is the ability of the product to neutralize acid. In a motor oil, this is a property which allows the oil to neutralize acids from combustion that would otherwise degrade the oil.
Total base number. measure of an oil's ability to resist degradation from acids which build up in the oil during use. A high TBN number means that the oil has a high reserve alkalinity and thus a high capability of neutralising potentially harmful acids.
Keywords:  nominated, unknown, ship, still, name
To Be Nominated. To Be Named.
To Be Nominated. (When the name of a ship is still unknown.)
Keywords:  battalion, tank
tank battalion
TARGET blank Trinity Broadcast Network