Definitions for "Twilight Zone"
Keywords:  mslt, cave, dutch, album, zone
the part of a cave near the entrance where light penetrates but does not receive direct sunlight, extending to the zone of absolute dark. An important habitat for many trogloxenes.
slang popular term to describe the waking state of individuals whose MSLT scores are 5 minutes or less. Such individuals are usually sleep deprived or suffer from a sleep disorder.
The part of a cave in which some daylight penetrates (but not direct sun light) and gradually diminishes to zero light.
The set of points that, in TrueType hinting, can be used as reference points by glyph programs and the *preprogram. They are not attached to any particular *glyph. Often key Twilight Points (such as one placed on the cap height) are set in the preprogram. However, many font hinting engineers don't bother with Twilight Points.
Keywords:  bizarre, anywhere, happen, hear, click
Anywhere bizarre events happen..... Click Here to hear it.
Keywords:  ocean, lowest, reach, light, level
the lowest level of the ocean to which light can reach