Definitions for "ULS"
User Location Server. For Internet Phone users, for example, the ULS checks the user who has come on-line, the user's Internet address, and the NetPhone applications the user may currently be called with. Some NetPhone applications...such as Intel Internet Phone, Connectix VideoPhone, and Microsoft NetMeeting, integrate the ULS protocol directly into their software.
( User Location Service) An Internet-based listing of Internet users who are currently online and ready to receive Internet telephone calls.
Keywords:  incipient, nsp, lun, probe, cluster
Universal LUN Support. The ability of the Incipient NSP to bind to and use any LUN that is visible to a cluster, without discovering or managing the storage array that is presenting the LUN. It possible to use storage from arrays even if the Incipient NSP Administrator is not able to probe the array.
Keywords:  serials, union, list
Union List of Serials