Definitions for "VRT"
Anything that can be created in Blackspace can be assigned to any of the 34 colors in the VRT Inkwell. Then by turning on the VRT switch, you can simultaneously recall and rescale anything that has been assigned to a VRT inkwell color. You can also use the VRT to draw a VDACC, Free Grid or a Zone.
variable rate technology which includes the controllers used to vary fertilizer, pesticide and lime outputs as prescribed by a application map or the measurement made by an "on-the-go" sensor.
Variable Rate Technology. Applying varying rates of seed, lime, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc., within each field.
Vehicle Registration Tax. It is at the point at which vehicle details are initially captured for use in administering the VRT that the Revenue data files described in this document are generated. VRU Vehicle Registration Unit. A division of the Department of the Environment Heritage and Local Government that manages the database known as the National Vehicle and drivers file.
Virtual Reality Time invented and used in AW: GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) - 2 hours, without daylight savings