Definitions for "WIMPS"
Keywords:  mice, scroll, pointer, icon, xerox
Windows, Icons, Mice, Pointers, Scroll Bars.
Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers, Scroll Bars. A style of graphical user interface originally developed by Xerox and popularised by Apple Macintosh
Windows, Icons, Mouse, Pointer, Scroll bars. The P may also be used for Pull-down or Pop-up menus. Also seen without the S: WIMP. Generic name for systems which use windows, icons, mouse or similar pointing device, and the other things listed and normally associated with a GUI. The term no doubt came into popular use on the basis that real men don’t use mice. See also icon
short for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, which are theorized particles 10 to 100 times the size of protons, could account for lots of the dark matter.