Definitions for "World Intellectual Property Organization"
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is an international organization focused on the protection of intellectual property. WIPO administers 23 international treaties and is one of 16 specialized agencies of the Untied Nations. 183 nations are part of the WIPO and its headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland.
A specialized agency of the United Nations system that seeks to promote international cooperation in the protection of intellectual property. WIPO administers the International Union for the Protection of Industrial Property (the “Paris Union”), which was founded in 1883 to reduce discrimination in national patent practices, the International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (the “Barn Union”), which was founded in 1886 to provide analogous functions with respect to copyrights, and other treaties, conventions and agreements concerned with intellectual property.
WIPO (French: Organisation Mondiale de la Propri‚t‚ Intellectuelle, OMPI) promotes protection of intellectual property around the world through cooperation among states, and administers various "Unions," each founded on a multilateral treaty and dealing with the legal and administrative aspects of intellectual property. The Organization was established in July 1967 (came into force in 1970), and became a specialized agency of the United Nations in December 1974; headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland.