A broad, relatively flat region of the ocean that lies at least 4.5 km below sea level.
the ocean bottom from depths below about 1,100 m.
a flat, gently sloping or nearly level region at the bottom zone of the oceans at depths between 4,000 and 6,000 metres.
A flat, sediment-covered province of the seafloor.
area of the ocean-basin floor that is flat, with a slope of less than 1:1000. Abyssal plains are among the flattest portions of the earth's surface. They occur adjacent to the outer margins of the continental slope, between 3000 and 6000 m deep.
Any of the large flat areas of deep ocean floor.
Sea floor constituting vast expanses of deep ocean from 2000 to 6000 meters deep.
The deep ocean floor, an expanse of low relief at depths of 4,000 to 6,000 m.
The ocean floor offshore from the continental margin, usually very flat with a slight slope.
The flat, gently sloping or nearly level region of the sea floor.
The nearly flat portion of deep-ocean floor. About 75 percent of the deep ocean is abyssal plain.
The flat region of the ocean floor from 4,000 to 7,000 metres.
The relatively flat area of an ocean basin between a continental margin and a mid-ocean ridge.
Abyssal plains are flat or very gently sloping areas of the deep ocean basin floor. They are among the Earth's flattest and smoothest regions and the least explored. Abyssal plains cover approximately 40% of the ocean floor and reach depths between 2,200 and 5,500 m (7,200 and 18,000 ft).