Definitions for "Archangels"
Keywords:  angels, zephron, zadkiel, uriel, raziel
(chief angels)
One of the levels within the Angelic Kingdom. Within this strata there are seven Archangels. We list here the names that we are familiar with, along with the particular dominant energetic value each embodies: Michael (Love), Raphael (Courage), Gabriel (Joy), Uriel (Beauty), Raziel (Loyalty), Zadkiel (Purity) and Zephron (Compassion). Please note: There may be other names associated with the Archangel energies. The naming process is simply a device to assist humans in identifying with these wonderful beings and are not to be considered as limiting in any way. All Angels function in support of all cultures, all religions, all around the globe with perhaps various names within different human cultural traditions.
Assistants of Adivatar who discharge appointed tasks to support human beings succeed in the Grand Scheme.
Keywords:  hebraic, briah, spirits, world
Spirits in the Hebraic world of Briah