Definitions for "Bealtaine"
Keywords:  beel, teen, rife, tayn'eh, partholon
Great Celtic fair (1rst of May ). It’s the beginning of the Hot Season, the entrance in the world of daily activities and of the light. The Great Mother is particularly honoured in the shape of Dana, gods’mother and wife of Oak King. Oak and fern are the symbols of this fair. During this night, they light very big fires. The first fire who burn have to be the one on Tara Hill. It’s the birthday too of landing of Tuatha and Partholon’s people in Ireland.
(BEEL-teen or BALL-tayn'eh): Also called Beltane. This Sabbat is celebrated on May 1st, and is most often a fertility festival to celebrate the sacred marriage of the Goddess and God.
(Beel-teen): This sabbath is rife with fertility rituals and symbolism, and marks the beginning of summer in the Irish year.