Definitions for "engrossing"
Originally, to copy or write in a large hand derived from court hand for formal documents, often elaborate and nearly illegible; in more recent use, hand scripting or calligraphy done on diplomas and certificates, usually in a distinct and legible hand.
buying up all of a commodity in order to control prices; monopoly.
In English common law of the nineteenth century engrossing, forestalling and regrating were three terms used to describe the achievement of an illegal monopoly of a certain good, often food, at market. The terms are no longer in use.
The process of incorporating amendments adopted by a chamber into a new version of the bill.
The incorporation of amendments and all appropriate technical corrections into the text of a bill.
The incorporation ofamendments and all appropriate technicalcorrections into the text of a bill.
capable of holding the attention completely; very interesting.
capable of arousing and holding the attention; "a fascinating story"