These herbs help to strengthen, tone, and increase bile flow to promote normal liver function. Some herbs with hepatic properties are barberry bark, cascara sagrada, dandelion root, gentian, goldenseal, horseradish, mandrake root, milk thistle, olive oil, Oregon grape, parsley, queen of the meadow and rhubarb
Herbs that strengthen and tone the liver: Oregon grape, agrimony, dandelion, goldenseal, wild yam.
Originating from the liver.
adjective, Greek hepar = the liver.
The hepatics aid the liver. Their use tones and strengthens the liver and increases the flow of bile.
a herb, usually a bitter herb, which works particularly well on the liver by toning, nourishing, and strengthening it, and by empowering its activity as the primary blood-cleansing organ in the body
a herb that assists the liver in its function and promotes the flow of bile.
dysfunction: Impaired liver function
anything relating to liver
Associated with the liver.
Of the liver or liver cells.
An agent which stimulates or nourishes the liver.
Prescribed to promote the well-being of the liver and increase the secretion of bile. Example : Goldenseal.
Promotes normal liver function; increase bile flow Barberry, Milk Thistle
A term used to indicate that the liver is involved.
Hepatics strengthen and tone the liver as well as stimulate the flow of bile. Barberry, Blue Flag, Buckthorn, Cascara Sagrada, Celery, Cleavers, Culver's root, Dandelion, Fennel, Fo-Ti, Fringetree, Golden Seal, Milk Thistle, Motherwort, Oregon Grape, Poke Root, Prickly Ash, Turmeric, Wahoo, Wild Indigo, Wild Yam, Wormwood, Yarrow, Yellow Dock.
Stimulates and aids function of liver and gall-bladder.
adj, pertaining to the liver
hepatics aid the liver by toning and strengthening it and in some cases increasing the flow of bile. They are fundamental in maintaining health because of the important role the liver plays by not only facilitating digestion but also removing toxins from the body.
hepatos, liver). Pertaining to the liver.
(heh pat´ ik) [Gr. hepar: liver] • Pertaining to the liver.
Strengthens, tones and stimulates liver secretions.
hepatics aid the liver by toning and strengthening it and some cases increasing the flow of bile so it facilitates digestion and also removes toxins from the body.
(heh-PAHT-ihk) Pertaining to the liver.
strengthens, tones and stimulates secretive functions of the liver.
any substance that affects the liver.
Yellowdock, Milk Thistle, Fo-Ti, Blessed Thistle, Barberry, Artichoke, Dandelion, Turmeric, Oregon Grape
Increases the flow of bile while toning and strengthening the liver.
To do with the liver (adj)
having to do with the liver
pertaining to the liver: Hepatotoxicity - destructive to the liver Hepatitis - inflammation of the liver Fulminant Hepatitis - a severe and rapidly progressive form of hepatitis accompanied by signs and symptoms of hepatic failure and hepatocellular death Necrosis - the sum of all morphologic changes indicative of cell death
Affects liver and detoxification systems due to its ability to tone, strengthen, detoxify and heal the liver.
Good for the overall health of the liver which in turn is good for the overall health of your body. They can be used to detoxify the liver.
An herb that promotes the well-being of the liver and increases the secretion of bile. For example; golden seal.
(Greek, hepato = liver) relates to the liver and its associated structures. (More? Gastrointestinal Tract - Liver)