Definitions for "immobilisation"
The act or process of limiting movement or making incapable of movement; as, immobilization of the injured knee was necessary; the storm caused complete immobilization of the rescue team.
fixation (as by a plaster cast) of a body part in order to promote proper healing; "immobilization of the injured knee was necessary"
Ensuring there is no movement of a body part. This may be through strapping or using a plaster cast.
Process leading to restricted mobility of a pesticide in plant or soil due to strong binding. Incorporation of terminal pesticide degradates into complex organic forms in microbial or plant tissue.
Process whereby nutrients in inorganic form are converted to organic form by incorporation into micro-organisms. These nutrients are then temporarily unavailable for plant uptake.
Conversion of a plant nutrient from its inorganic to organic form by microbes or plants.
Keywords:  contaminant, waste, locked, fixed, long
Immobilisation of a contaminant in waste is a measure of how securely that contaminant is fixed/locked-up in the waste for the long-term.