Definitions for "Jehu"
(843-815) King of Israel who was instrumental in engineering the demise of the house of Ahab. See Chapter 9.
Jehu (יְהוּא "The LORD is he", Standard Hebrew Yehu, Tiberian Hebrew Yəhû) was king of Israel, the son of Jehoshaphat Jehu’s father was not the roughly contemporaneous King Jehoshaphat of Judah, whose own father was King Asa of Judah. “Generally Jehu is described as the son only of Nimshi, possibly because Nimshi was more prominent or to avoid confusing him with the King of Judah (R’Wolf)”. Scherman, Nosson, ed., “I-II Kings”, The Prophets, 297, 2006. See (2 Kings 9:2), and grandson of Nimshi.
A coachman; a driver; especially, one who drives furiously.