Definitions for "Nikita"
Keywords:  ctv, besson, luc, retitled, surnow
Nikita is a television spy drama based upon the French film directed by Luc Besson (see Nikita). It was created by Joel Surnow, who later co-created 24 with fellow Nikita executive consultant Robert Cochran. Originally produced in Canada and first broadcast there under the title Nikita on CTV, it was later retitled La Femme Nikita when it was broadcast in the United States on the USA Network for five seasons from January 1997 to March 2001.
Keywords:  elton, berlin, michael, singer, george
"Nikita" is a song by English singer Elton John about the Cold War from his 1985 album Ice on Fire. In the song, John describes his crush on an East German citizen who he cannot meet because he is not allowed to cross the Berlin Wall no matter how much he wants it or how hard he tries. It features George Michael on back-up vocals.