A form of electromagnetic radiation, such as visible light or radio waves
Fundamental quantum particles. It is the interaction of photons with other particles that drives the universe.
Little bits of energy that make up light.
The smallest increment (a quantum) of radiant energy. Brown, Theodore L., H. Eugene LeMay, Jr. and Bruce E. Bursten.-8th ed. Chemistry: the central science. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 2000. (Tayolor Whitney)
Packets of radiant energy: quanta of light.
Massless packet of energy, which behaves like both a wave and a particle.
Discrete packets of electromagnetic energy. Ensembles of photons are called light.
Quanta (plural of quantum, i.e., very small increments or parcels of electromagnetic radiation (such as light).
Is a massless particle composed of pure energy and thus the amount of energy is directly related to the color of light.
Light and more generally electromagnetic radiation can be considered in complementary ways, either as propagating waves, or as grains of energy called photons. The photon picture is convenient to discuss many of the resonant interaction processes with matter.
Also called quantum, light quantum or radiation quantum of the electromagnetic field. Depending on the way of looking at it, photons are considered to be either particles or energy. They are electromagnetic wave packages departing from their place of origin with the speed of light. Photons can interact with matter and at the same time emit energy.
The term given to describe light particles. Different wavelengths of light can be used to transmit data to optimise bandwidth using DWDM.
High energy X-rays used to treat tumors.
Discrete packets of electromagnetic radiation. A light beam is made up of a stream of photons.
Particle-wave duality is an important concept of quantum theory. In quantum theory, electromagnetic radiation may be treated as a system of photons endowed with particle properties such as energy and momentum. A photon is a massless boson of unit spin.
particles of electromagnetic radiation;
individual "particles" of light.
Quantum of electromagnetic radiation. A "particle" of light.