Before the invention of the IC, electronic circuits were constructed from discrete components which are separate electronic components such as diodes and transistors.
Pertaining to distinct elements or to representation by means of distinct elements, such as characters.
An electronic device that has an individually distinct identity as opposed to being part of an integrated circuit.
A device or component that has a single function, such as a diode or transistor.
Complete in and of itself. In electronics, a discrete component consists of a single circuit element in a package, for example a diode or transistor. In practice, some components considered discrete may actually consist of a few simple circuit elements in a single package.
An individual circuit component, complete in itself, such as a resistor, diode, capacitor or transistor. It is used as an individual and separable circuit element.
A term used for circuit made up of individual components.
A discrete component is a nonintegrated, or a stand alone part. Some common discrete components are diodes and transistors. A discrete semiconductor is a circuit made up by combining nonintegrated devices. For more information about discrete electronics, Click Here .
separate and distinct, as in: The company is composed of three discrete units.
a single semiconductor device per die or packaged product, as opposed to an integrated circuit that is more than one semiconductor device per die.