A variable which places the observations in categories, e.g. gender, colour of M&M's, type of fish
a variable whose values indicate a category to which an observation or an object belongs; may be nominal (e.g. eye colour), ordinal (e.g. low, medium, high), or cyclical (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, ... Sunday).
also called qualitative variable A variable whose possible values are one of a number of categories. Although the values may be represented by numeric codes, the numbers are not thought of as measured or counted quantities. cf. quantitative variable.
a characteristic that has been measured on the nominal scale.
A variable that can take values that represent distinct categories.
A variable whose value ranges over categories and has no numerical value, such as: red, green, blue.
A variable that organizes respondents into groups of items based on classification by type or by kind (e.g., political affiliation, gender, ethnicity).
A categorical variable groups items into pre-defined discrete, non-continuous classes (male, female), (board certified, not board certified). Categories may reflect a natural order, in which case they are called ordinal (cancer stage: I, II, III, or IV), (hospitals rankings: good, better, best).