A quantity which may increase or decrease; a quantity which admits of an infinite number of values in the same expression; a variable quantity; as, in the equation x2 - y2 = R2, x and y are variables.
variable is a container for storing integer values.
A concept that can undergo measurable changes.
a letter or symbol which represents one or more numbers; that is, the value of the variable can 'vary'
Changing; subject to change, not constant; indeterminate.
A variable is a property of a unit that we can measure. For example, if our units are people, variables could be height, weight, and an indicator of whether the person was on a diet. For the indicator, we can make a variable that takes the value of 1 if the person is on a diet and 0 if the person is not on a diet. Sometimes variables are called " data elements".
A data container used by Scripting languages.
In programming, variables represent data. Like all programming languages, PHP allows you to store bits of data in variables, and then to access that data by writing the variable's name. A variable is probably most simply explained as an area of memory set aside to store information, and it is assigned a particular identifier by the programmer. In PHP, all variable names must start with the dollar sign character "$". There is no limit on the length of a variable. Variable names in PHP are case-sensitive.
A named storage location for data that can be modified while a program is running. Each variable has a unique name that identifies it within its scope. Each variable can contain a certain type of data.
A value determined within the context of a model. Also called endogenous variable.
An entity which can be measured or calculated or observed, that can take different values, e.g. time to run 10 km is a variable, but distance run in the race is a constant.
A location used for storing and manipulating values by name. As JScript is loosely typed, a single variable can hold different types of data over the course of a script.
Compare with independent variable and dependent variable. A quantity that can have many possible values. In designing experiments, variables that affect measurements must be identified and controlled. For example, an experiment that measures reaction rates must control temperature, because temperature is a variable that can change the rate of reaction.
A named storage location for a modifiable value.
A letter used to represent a number value in an expression or an equation.
A variable or variable number is a unspecified quantity that may assume any one of a set of values ( = the "range" of a variable). Variables can be continuous or discontinuous and "dependent" and "independent"
a quantity that is liable to change; the adjective describing such a quantity.
A quantity that may assume any one of a set of values. Usually represented in algebraic notation by the use of a letter. In the equation y = 2x + 7, both x and y are variables.
A symbol with a value that may change. In the shell, the variable is a symbol representing some string of characters. Variables may be used in an interactive shell as well as within a shell procedure. Within a shell procedure, positional parameters and keyword parameters are two forms of variables.
In BASIC, a token that is an indirect pointer to an entries in variable tables that contain the variable name and the variable value.
NCL: A name that can contain a singly-dimensioned or multi-dimensioned data array, dimension names, coordinate variables, attributes, and so forth.
a term which can take on a range of values; an indeterminate quantity (quality) until further specified; a function relates two or more variables so that the particular value of one (the dependent variable) depends on the specific value given to the other(s) (independent variable(s)).
A named storage location that can contain data that can be modified during program execution. Each variable has a name that uniquely identifies it within its scope. A data type can be specified or not. Variable names must begin with an alphabetic character, must be unique within the same scope, can't be longer than 255 characters, and can't contain an embedded period or type-declaration character. .
where the interest rate offered is liable change it is described as a variable rate.
A data object whose value can be defined and redefined during the execution of an executable program. It may be a named data object, array element, array section, structure component, or substring. Note that in FORTRAN 77, a variable was always scalar and named.
A component of a science activity that can be manipulated or held constant.
1] Within a query, a value entered by users in response to a question during the execution of the query. [2] Within a report, a value inserted into a cell that can be either one of the Result Objects of the query or a calculation or combination of the Result Objects.
a quantity, represented by a symbol that may have many values
A specific field or data element in a file.
A data object whose value may be defined and redefined during a program's execution. For example, array element s or array section s, named data objects, structure component s, and substring s all can be variables.
A physical quantity or property that can be measured. Also known as the measurand.
Life Insurance - Variable Life Insurance is a type of life insurance where the death benefits and cash values are dependent on the investment performance of one or more separate accounts that may be invested in mutual funds or other investments permitted under the policy
any condition or instance of an event that has a quantifiable dimension, or set of dimensions, that may change, or be changed, in value; the opposite of a constant.
A data element that holds a value, e.g. the value of a temperature, or a set of temperatures, a count etc.
(n.) a data object whose value can be defined and redefined during the execution of an executable program. It may be a named data object, an array element, an array section structure component, or a substring. In Fortran 77 a variable is always scalra nd named.
A symbol used to stand for any one of a given set of numbers or other objects. (e.g., in the equation y = x + 5, y and x are variables).
A letter that represents a numerical value.
a symbol whose value can be set.
A letter or symbol that stands for a number or numbers.
Variable-life insurance combines a mortality charge with a savings vehicle chosen among a number of options offered by your insurer. The savings vehicle is usually one of several investment portfolios structured like mutual funds. On average, most companies offer 10 different portfolios, including stock, bond and money-market funds. The insurers often manage these funds themselves, collecting fees for administering the insurance and managing the portfolios. There are two basic types of variable life. One demands a fixed premium payment. The other, variable-universal life, has a flexible premium like universal life. Remember, though, that variable returns often fluctuate with the financial markets. If the stock market goes south, then one may find themselves with a low cash-value. For this reason, variable life is not recommended for people on a tight budget or those who may need to dip into their savings on short notice. Many variable buyers would be better off buying term insurance and investing separately in a mutual fund.
A name that is used to refer to an object.
Any concept about which we gather information, that is thought to be composed of measurable phenomena that can assume more than one value, state, or degree in empirical observations. Income level, socioeconomic status, level of education, etc. are all variables. Concepts or phenomena that only have one single form or value in a population or site (e.g., everyone in the community speaks Spanish) are said to be constants.
A data item which may assume any value.
Any factor that can change
Data element that changes according to user input. In macros, you can include variable definitions that will cause the AR System to prompt the user for certain information when the macro executes.
A symbol or word representing information, eg a = 69, where is the variable whose name or identifier is , and 69 is the information, constant, or literal assigned to that variable. Variables are temporary storage space on your computer that can be manipulated and processed. Variables and their literals are also usually of a particular data type, eg boolean, number, or string variables.
(1) In programming languages, a named object that may take different values, one at a time. The values of a variable are usually restricted to one data type. (2) A quantity that can assume any of a given set of values. (3) A name used to represent a data item whose value can be changed while the program is running. (4) A name used to represent data whose value can be changed, while the program is running, by referring to the name of the variable.
(1) A quantity that can assume any of a given set of values. (A) (2) A data item, identified by a name, that is not a named constant, array, or array element, and that can assume different values at different times during program processing.
a symbol used to represent a quantity that changes or can have different values. For example in 5, the is a variable.
A named object that holds a single value. SQL*Plus uses bind substitution, system, and user variables.
A symbol, usually a letter, that represents, and may be replaced by, any number from a particular set of numbers.
Life Life insurance under which the benefits relate to the value of assets behind the contract at the time the benefit is paid. The assets fluctuate according to the investment experience of funds managed by the life insurance company. Premium payments may be fixed as to timing and amount (scheduled premium variable life) or subject to change by the policy holder (flexible premium variable life). Waiting Period (Elimination Period or Deductible) The number of days the insured must pay for care before the policy starts paying benefits. After a period of 180 days of not requiring care, a subsequent period of care would require a new waiting period. Some policies have a one time-only waiting period.
A name used to represent data that can be changed while the program or procedure is running.
A representative symbol that can assume any of a given set of values.
An item of data named by an identifier. Each variable has a type, such as int or Object, and a scope. See also class variable, instance variable, local variable.
Variables allow you to vary the fixed values recorded in Scripts. A variable is defined within a Script. Refer to the Modeling Scripts section for more information.
A letter or name used in a script or program to represent data that can change.
A symbolic codeword that temporarily holds a value or an array of values for some specific purpose. A commonly understood variable is "username". The value of the username in play changes, but the variable that refers to it is the same. Allows a programmer to create code intended to process information that will become known only during execution.
a symbol whose numeric value can change
An object known to your shell that stores a particular value. The value of a variable can be changed either from inside a program or from the command line. Each shell variable controls a particular aspect of your working environment on the UNIX system. For example, the variable PS1 stores your primary prompt string.
a symbol, usually a small case letter, used to represent one or more numbers. e.g. In the expression 2x + 3, the variable is x. The 3 is called a constant because its value never changes.
an element of data whose changes are the object of a statistical study
A letter or symbol used to represent a number
An object of a specified type whose value can be changed.
A value in a software program that can change and is expected to change, as opposed to a constant.
any symbol that could represent a number.
Define a named 32 bit storage location. You can store values into this area for later use. The initial value is zero. When the word is executed it leaves its address on the stack. Standards: '79 '83. fig expected an initial value for the variable at compile time. VARIABLE MY-VAR MY-VAR . ( print address of MY-VAR ) 73 MY-VAR ! ( set value ) MY-VAR @ . ( prints 73 ) Related Words: USER CONSTANT CREATE VALUE
A term used in statistics is used to describe the factors that are to be studied. Data variables are described as either: 1) Qualitative (Categorical) or 2) Quantitative (Numerical) Qualitative variables are named categories of data. For example, gender or machine number. The categories may be coded numerically (for e.g., female=1, male=2), but the actual numbers have no true numerical meaning. An average value for the variable gender, for instance, would not make any sense. On the other hand, quantitative variables are truly numeric in nature. For example, taking the average of a sample of item weights would have true meaning. Quantitative variables can further be described as discrete or continuous. In statistical analysis, it is important to know the nature of your variables (categorical or numeric) and how the variable is measured. The scale of measurement used for your variable dictates what statistical procedures can legitimately be applied to your data.
A network management object and a particular value associated with that name. Name and value are linked in the MIB.
A symbol that represents an unknown quantity.
a factor which can change during an experiment
A storage place within an object for a reference to another object. A variable's name is an expression that describes the referenced object. VisualWorks has several kinds of variables (see class variable, shared variable, instance variable, and temporary variable), which differ in terms of how widely they are available (their scope) and how long they persist.
A letter or other symbol that represents one specific number or stands for many different values.
A variable is an object in Lisp that can store an arbitrary value. Emacs uses some variables for internal purposes, and has others (known as `user options' (q.v.)) just so that you can set their values to control the behavior of Emacs. The variables used in Emacs that you are likely to be interested in are listed in the Variables Index in this manual (see section Variable Index). See section AD.2 Variables, for information on variables.
In programming languages, a language object that can take different values, one at a time. The values of a variable are usually restricted to a certain data type. .
A variable is a changeable piece of information used in computer programs. Typically, variables have a name and a data type. Perl variables can be scalars, arrays, or hashes. Every variable has a life-cycle. It gets created, used, and is then destroyed. Regular Perl variables are created when they are initialized and destroyed when the program ends. The my() function can create a variable that only exists inside a function or code block.
A value that varies. When referring to programming a variable is a location capable of storing temporary data within a program. This data can then be modified, stored, and/or displayed whenever needed. For example, a program may have a variable named "myvariable" with a default value of 0 or null and when a user enters data the variable changes to the data the user entered or maybe changes the variable to a value letting the program know data has been entered.
An item in a data file to which a value has been assigned. A data file contains the values of certain variables measured for a set of cases. In the Roper Report data files, variables are responses to questions or parts of questions from each person interviewed.
A quantity that can assume any of a set of values as a result of processing data.
A named storage location capable of containing data that can be modified during program execution. Each variable has a name that uniquely identifies it within its level of scope. A data type can be specified or not. jijjiiramaa View
The name given to a symbol that represents a value that can be a string, number, or Access object. The value of a variable can change during program execution.
A quantity that can have more than one of a set of values (e.g., plant height).
A variable is a container for a numeric or text value, or for the result of an expression, script, or task, or a reference linked to the referenced object. The value stored in a variable will change each time a template is run. HotDocs refers to most components as variable data types. GhostFill uses the term "fields" or the more generic term "FillPoints." A variable is what document assembly systems use to store data or objects containing data. There are many types of variables, to store different types of data and they form the core of all document assembly projects.
A symbol that denotes an array, a dimension name, an attribute, and so forth.
A quantity able to assume different numerical values
A named region of data space located and accessed by its memory address.
Quantity which is subject to change and supposed to change within an equation.
A variable is a location in memory that stores a value, such as an integer, a floating-point variable, an object, or a string. Variables are used in programming languages to hold certain values for various website functions, such as the use of forms and data manipulation.
A letter used to represent one or more numbers in an expression, equation, inequality, or matrix. (H)
A named storage location that contains data and can be modified during runtime. Variables are generally defined to be a specific data type at design time.
A unit of storage respresenting a character string or numeric value. Variable names can be any length, but only the first two characters are stored by the Commodore 128. The first character must be a letter.
SNMP variable An object's identity and its instance value encoded as an smiOID.
a column in a SAS data set. Each SAS variable can have the following attributes: name, type (character or numeric), length, format, informat, and label.
A memory location that holds data values, and which is referenced by a variable name. Information in this location can be changed.
A named object that can be assigned a value and whose assigned value may change over time. SQL*Plus uses substitution, system, and user variables.
letter used to denote an unknown quantity.
a name, given by a programmer, to represent a piece of data within a certain program. This name is then used to refer to that piece of data.
A logical variable is a name that stands for objects that may or may not be determined at a specific point in a Prolog program. When the object for which the variable stands is determined in the Prolog program, the variable becomes instantiated. A logical variable may be unified with a constant, a compound term, or another variable. Variables become uninstantiated when the predicate they occur in backtracks past the point at which they were instantiated. Variables may be written as any sequence of alphanumeric characters starting with either a capital letter or `'; e.g.: X Y Z Name Position _c _305 One_stop See Variables.
a value which can change, or the name given to a location in memory used to store variable data. See string, integer, float, array, list, local variable, global variable, property, instance variable, Lingo.
An element in a model. For example, in the model RS&Pt+1 = a + b Tbillt + et, where RS&Pt+1 is the return on the S&P in month t+1 and Tbill is the Tbill return at month t, both RS&P and Tbill are "variables" because they change through time; i.e., they are not constant.
binding in the "variable" namespace. See Section Symbols as Forms.
A name, label, quantity, or data item whose value may be changed many times during processing. Contrast with constant.
Refers to the series used in a model. For example, in the model RS&Pt11 = a + b Tbillt + et, where RS&Pt11 is the return on the S&P in month t11 and Tbill is the Tbill return at month t, both RS&P and Tbill are 'variables' because they change through time, i.e. they are not constant.
In programming, a named storage location capable of containing a certain type of data that can be modified during program execution. System environment variables are defined by Windows 2000 Server and are the same no matter who is logged on to the computer. Administrator group members can add new variables or change the values, however. User environment variables can be different for each user of a particular computer. They include any environment variables you want to define or variables defined by your applications, such as the path where application files are located. See also: environment variable
A placeholder in algebraic expressions; for example, in 3x + y = 23, x and y are variables. Those variables can take on any one set of values. It can be a letter or symbol.
n. In programming, a named storage location capable of containing data that can be modified during program execution. See also data structure, data type, global variable, local variable. Compare constant.
In computer science and mathematics, a variable (IPA pronunciation: ) (sometimes called a pronumeral) is a symbolic representation denoting a quantity or expression. In mathematics, a variable often represents an unknown quantity that has the potential to change; in computer science, it represents a place where a quantity can be stored. Variables are often contrasted with constants, which are known and unchanging.