The extent of material covered on the page.
The definition of the extent to which a selection is logically independent from other selections. For example, selections made in separate windows are typically considered to be independent of each other.
6,7,8,9,10 The extent of an author's treatment of a subject.
the extent in time and location in which a variable is accessible. There are three kinds of scope: global, local, and static.
In programming, the extent to which a given identifier (constant, variable, data type, routine) can be referenced within a program. See also class scope, file scope, function scope, function-prototype scope, local scope.
The portion of a program in which a declaration or a particular name has meaning. Scope can be global (throughout an executable program), scoping unit (local to the scoping unit), or statement (within a statement, or part of a statement).
a real or abstract border or limitation of actions, processes or a geographical area; extent to which it is possible to range.136
(1) The portion of a computer program within which the definition of a variable remains unchanged. (2) In Appendix A, BLACS Quick Reference Guide, for the broadcast topologies and global operations, scope can equal 'all', 'row', or 'column'.
The region of source code over which a name's declaration is active.
The part of a program in which a name or declaration has a single interpretation.
a group where related variables exist
a room in your house and the variable is an item in your room
A variable's scope is the areas of a program in which it can be accessed, according to the rules of the programming language.
The portion of a program in which a declaration is in effect.
The extent to which a variable can be referred to. Global variables are always in scope; local variables are only in scope when their defining function is the current function.
A region of program in which a name can be declared. Declarations of the same name in different scopes are distinct.
The programs or services covered by a report, or the extent of a report's coverage of an organization.
The range of statements over which a variable or constant can be referenced by name. See “global constant,” “global variable,” “local constant,” “local variable.
Defines the visibility of a variable, procedure, or object. For example, a variable declared as Public is visible to all procedures in all modules. Variables declared in procedures are visible only within the procedure and lose their value between calls.
The extent to which your theory attempts to account for all the factors necessary to reach your long-term outcome. Different scopes are appropriate for different purposes. In general, each group must decide the “breadth” of its scope—how many of all the possible pathways for change will you identify, and the “depth” of its scope—how many levels of preconditions will your pathway have which shows all the steps to reach the goal.
A criterion used in evaluating the quality of information. Scope describes the range or extent to which an information source covers its chosen topic.
1. the range or extent of action, inquiry, etc., or of an activity, concept, etc. 2. room or opportunity for freedom of action or thought
A characteristic of an identifier that determines where the identifier can be used. Most identifiers in the Java programming environment have either class or local scope. Instance and class variables and methods have class scope; they can be used outside the class and its subclasses only by prefixing them with an instance of the class or (for class variables and methods) with the class name. All other variables are declared within methods and have local scope; they can be used only within the enclosing block.
The region of a program where a name is visible, extending from its declaration to the end of the block which contains the declaration.
Normal Perl variables can be used by any function and therefore are said to have a global visibility or scope. You can create variables that are local to a particular function or block of code with the my() function. These variables have a local scope.
The part of a program where a variable can be recognized and used in statements. For example, if a variable is declared ( DIM statement) in the Declarations section of a form, then the variable can be used in any procedure in that form (such as the Click event for a button on the form).
The established boundary (or extent) of what must be accomplished; during planning, this defines what the project will consist of (and just as important, what the project will not consist of).
The area of a program in which a variable exists, defined by the nearest { and } marks that surround the variable. A variable's scope is the block in which the variable was created, and it cannot be used outside of that scope.
The range of reference for an object or variable or a range of records in a view or table. For example, local variables can be referenced only within the procedure in which they were defined. Public variables are accessible from anywhere in the application. Objects, such as the current database, are in scope if they are in the defined search path. Record ranges can be specified with a Scope clause in many commands.
n. The region over which a declaration is active. adj. ``In scope'': Visible. See question 1.29.
An attribute of a variable or procedure that determines which sections of which modules recognize it. There are three levels of scope: public, module, and procedure. Variables declared with the Public keyword can be accessed by any module, whereas variables declared within a specific module (with the Private keyword) can be used only within that module. Variables declared within a procedure can be used only in that procedure.
Is the range within a program, for which a data item can be seen to exist. For example the scope of private data to an Object is just within that object. A variable local to a procedure, disappears when execution leaves that procedure. It's scope is just within the procedure. In C and C++ scope can be limited down to any block of code, ie. code contained within {...} brackets.
The program segment in which a reference to a variable is valid.
The lifetime of a variable. Any given variable exists only within a certain scope, defined by the block of code it is declared in. The variable exists in that block and in all sub-blocks, but not in any functions called in those blocks. If the variable is not declared in any block, it is a global variable, and can be said to have global scope. Otherwise, it is a local variable.