Procedure by which data are collected (i.e., mall intercept, telephone survey, focus group, etc.)
The study of the direction and implications of empirical research, or of the suitability of the techniques employed in it.
concerns the theoretical, political and philosophical roots and implications of particular research methods or academic disciplines. Researchers may adopt particular methodological positions (for example, concerning epistemology or political values) which establish how they go about studying a phenomenon. Method, on the other hand, generally refers to matters of practical research technique.
describes how the research will be done, which makes research reproducible
the way in which you find out information; it includes the methods, procedures and techniques used to collect and analyze information.
The approach, strategy, and methods used in market research.
A strategy and approach to achieving some goal presented as a framework in which related processes made up of activities or steps are grouped. A methodology is normally used as a guideline rather than as a strict set of instructions.
A procedural documentation of the steps required for a successful design, implementation and maintenance of a data warehouse or data mart system. ()
The approach one takes to academic study; modes of research and analysis, as in the use of historical case and comparative case studies, or the use of statistics as in formal hypothesis testing.
ies the system of methods and principles used in a particular activity.
The way in which information is found or something is done. The methodology includes the methods, procedures, and techniques used to collect and analyze information.
A set of standardized procedures and practices that have been peer-reviewed and have received general acceptance by the profession.
Systematic Procedures for Carrying Out Specific Tasks
A documented approach for performing activities in a coherent, consistent, accountable, and repeatable manner. [Treasury Enterprise Architecture Framework
Proven processes followed in planning, defining, analyzing, designing, building, testing, and implementing a system.
the branch of philosophy that analyzes the principles and procedures of inquiry in a particular discipline
the system of methods followed in a particular discipline
a collection of procedures, techniques, tools, and documentation aids which will help the systems developers in their efforts to implement a new information system
a holistic approach to impact assessment in two senses
an organized approach to writing and organizing your code
an overall approach to a field
a particular procedure or set of procedures that enable a
a perspective or framework from which one approaches a problem
a practical and effective way to analyze business requirements with participation from business users
a prescribed set of processes through which the developer analyzes the client's requirements and develops an application
a set of formal procedures designed to help achieve an outcome in a controlled and logical way
a set of guidelines, that help an analyst gather and analyze requirements, translate stakeholder requirements and needs into something that is tangible by development teams so they are able to design and implement the software system
a set of interlocking rules, principles, or a story, that describes and prescribes the nature of acceptable methods -- the means of observational exploration - in a scientific discipline
reflection on the systematic approach to a topic or field.
An integrated body of principles, practices, and methods that prescribe the proper performance of a process.
A system of rules and procedures used by those engaged in a discipline or inquiry.
The procedures and techniques used to collect, store, analyse and present information; a research process.
Methodology refers to a set of standard procedures that are performed in a specified order or style.
A set of procedures or methods used to conduct research.
A collection of methods, procedures, and standards that defines an integrated synthesis of approaches.
The research approach used to collect the data (i.e: telephone and web surveys, mall intercepts, and focus groups.)
The body of methods, rules, postulates, procedures, and processes that are used to manage a software engineering project. An algorithm that finds a solution with a given performance in a given environment.
A documented process for management of projects that contains procedures, definitions, and roles and responsibilities.
A body of methods , rules, and postulates employed by a discipline : a particular procedure or set of procedures. The basic approach providing the basis for a strong logical and a consistent work structure for any assignment
the research procedures used; the section of the final report in which the researcher outlines the approach used in the research, including the method of recruiting participants, the types of questions used, and so on.
study of the procedures and principles whereby the question of truth and knowledge is approached.
A disciplined set of process/procedures whose intent is to increase the success factor of analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance of a business solution.
The means and logical procedure by which a program plan or approach is implemented.
Methods, procedures, techniques and rules that describes how something will be or was done
Describes the approach that the applicant will use to achieve the Objectives. It explains in detail how the applicant will proceed.
A methodology is the term which describes the methods that will be employed in gathering data for any given research project.
A set of methods, procedures, and standards that define the approach for completing a system development or maintenance project.
methodology is a broader concept than method, and refers to the interrelationship of the theoretical and practical aspects of research - the thinking one does about the about the significant choices and actions that constitute the research act. A (singular) methodology usually refers to an interrelated package of concepts and procedures, for example a structuralist methodology, though is often used wrongly in place of method. Can also be used to mean the study of method in particular fields.
A system of principles, practices, and procedures applied to a specific branch of knowledge.
The approach or plan you adopt in order to set about achieving something.For example, you would need to choose a specific research methodology before you implement a study.
A recommended collection of philosophies, phases, procedures, tools, documentation, management, and training for developers of information systems. Maddison 1983