A self-contained, fully functional execution environment set up by an operating system. Each instance of an application typically runs in a separate process. Compare thread.
(1) A unique, finite course of events defined by its purpose or by its effect, achieved under defined conditions. *(2) Any operation or combination of operations on data. *(3) A function being performed or waiting to be performed. *(4) A program in operation. For example, a daemon is a system process that is always running on the system.
thread of execution with attached resources
1. v. To perform operations on data in a process. 2. n. In data processing, the course of events that occurs during the execution of all or part of a program. 3. n. A course of the events defined by its purpose or by its effect, achieved under given conditions. 4. n. Any operation or combination of operations on data. 5. n. A function being performed or waiting to be performed.
(1) A thread of control that can logically execute concurrently with other processes, specifically an operating system process. See also thread. (2) A set of partially ordered steps intended to reach a goal; in software engineering the goal is to build a software product or to enhance an existing one; in process engineering, the goal is to develop or enhance a process model; corresponds to a business use case in business engineering. (1) A heavyweight unit of concurrency and execution in an operating system. Contrast: thread, which includes heavyweight and lightweight processes. If necessary, an implementation distinction can be made using stereotypes. (2) A software development process—the steps and guidelines by which to develop a system. (3) To execute an algorithm or otherwise handle something dynamically.
program in execution; Execution of an executable file stored in the file system. Click here for detailed information.
A BSD abstraction for a running program. A processâ€(tm) resources include a virtual address space, threads, and file descriptors. In Mac OS X, a process is based on one Mach task and one or more Mach threads.
A process is a program that is running on your computer. This can be anything ...
A distinct task having its own state and address space. cf thread
An executable that has been loaded by the kernel (that is, a running executable).
1) a cohesive collection of endeavor-specific process components (e.g., work products, their producers, and the work units performed by the producers as they collaborate to produce the work products) that documents and constrains how an endeavor is executed. Also known as a method or methodology. 2) the activity during which the project process is produced and maintained.
In Windows, an object consisting of an executable program, a set of virtual memory addresses, and a thread; in UNIX, a synonym for thread. See also thread.
A set of activities and transactions that an organization conducts on a regular basis in order to achieve its objectives. It can be simple (i.e. order fulfillment) or complex (i.e. new product development), short-running (i.e. employee on-boarding) or long-running (i.e. regulatory compliance), function-specific (i.e. proposal management) or industry-specific (i.e. energy procurement). It can exist within a single department (i.e. billing), run throughout the entire enterprise (i.e. strategic sourcing), or extend across the whole value chain (i.e. supply chain management).
A program that is currently executing on a computer. For example, one of the CallPath Enterprise components such as the CallPath Enterprise Client.
A single instance of a program that is being executed by the operating system, also known as a task.
A binary executed by the CPU. Each process is executed independently.
The fundamental unit of a program that is managed by the job scheduler. A collection of one or more execution streams within a single logical address space; an executable program. A process is made up of one or more threads.
An invocation of a program. Generally, process refers to a program running in memory, while program is the code (a sequence of instructions stored on disk that cause the system to perform some function). Several users can access the same program simultaneously. Each generates a separate process from the same program.
A process is the UNIX kernel's view of your running program. A process consists of one or more threads of execution, a set of system resources (such as open files), some virtual memory resources (text, data, and stack segments), and various other goodies.
Instance of a program, in the sense of a set of instructions loaded into memory and capable of being executed.
A running program. Sometimes referred to as a task.
Programs that are running on your computer contain one or more processes.
a program operating on a computer; an execution of a command on a Unix system
a job or program running on a computer. Unix assigns each process a unique reference number, called a process identification number (PID). Users refer to the PID when they want to affect a process in some way, such as to terminate it. A user identification number (UID) is also attached to every operating system process. When a user enters a Unix command, it is executed as a subordinate process, or child process of a parent process. Every process on the system has a parent except the init process (see init process). All processes that a user creates will be children of the login shell.
a series of continual, linked procedures executed to generate a result (p. 88)
an operating system resource that embodies an independent task or executing program, which runs concurrently with other processes on your computer. Most well-behaved applications run within their own separate process, reducing the risk of a failure in one application causing problems in another application, or another instance of the same application. Since some additional overhead is required to support each separate process, some applications (especially older ones from Microsoft) have been optimized to support multiple instances within a single process, in a way that is usually transparent to the user. This implies that each running instance of an application does not necessarily have a unique process ID, a fact which greatly complicates the problem of detection in application launchers, like Montage.
When a program runs, a Windows NT process is created. A process is an object type which consists of an executable program, a set of virtual memory addresses, and one or more threads.
A sequential program that has its own register set and memory address space. Sometimes "process" is used in the same sense as thread.
A computer program running on a computer. A process is an actively running program.
A process consists of a single program, a unique Process ID (PID), and a description of the process's environment.
A single instance of a program in execution. This can be a login shell or an operating system command, but not a built-in shell command. If a command is built into the shell a separate process is not created on its invocation; the built-in command is issued within the context of the shell process.
An operating system object that consists of an executable program, a set of virtual memory addresses, and one or more threads. When a program runs, a Windows 2000 process is created. See also thread.
A job running on the computer. Each process is associated with a unique process identification number (PID).
Generally, any executing program or code unit. This term implies that the program or unit is one of a group of processes executing independently.
In unix/linux world this refers to things which are running on your computer. If I start an application, for example, it can also be said that I start a process.
A program or command that is actually running the computer. It consists of a loaded version of the executable file, its data, its stack, and its kernel data structures that represent the process's state within a multitasking environment. The executable file contains the machine instructions (and any calls to shared objects) that will be executed by the hardware. A process can contain multiple threads of execution. The process is created via a fork() system call and ends using an exit() system call. Between fork and exit, the process is known to the system by a unique process identifier (pid). Each process has its own virtual memory space and cannot access another process's memory directly. Communication methods across processes include pipes, sockets, shared memory, and message passing.
A task or program currently being executed by the computer system.
The security context under which an application runs. Typically, the security context is associated with a user, so all applications running under a given process take on the permissions and privileges of the owning user.
A process (in somewhat simplistic terms) is one instance of a running program on a Linux system.
This is an entity which can execute programs. A process could be thought of as a program in action.
An activity that is repeatedly executed within the enterprise, each execution of which produces a specific effect on information entities. Discrete in time. Includes a short description of the purpose of this process or the results that it achieves. An Elementary Process, in information engineering terms, is the lower level of process and, when complete, leaves the business in a consistent state. That is, output is complete and meaningful (useful) to the business on completion, all business rules identified in the data model (e.g. mandatory relationships) must be satisfied
A virtual address space containing one or more threads.
A nonschedulable entity, which defines the address space and a few data areas. A process must have at least one thread running in it -- this thread is then called the first thread.
a sequence of events occurring to produce an intended effect; the sequence of actions produced by an executing program
An instance of a program.
A sequence of execution in an active program. A process is made up of one or more thread
A discrete running program under UNIX. The user's interactive session is a process. A process can invoke (run) and control another program that is then referred to as a sub-process. Ultimately, everything a user does is a subprocess of the operating system.
A program in execution. A source or destination of data from the point of view of the TCP or other host-to-host protocol.
In the Multitasking context, a process is a task with high protection and isolation against other processes. The memory areas of two processes are separated completely. Processes can be executed using different user IDs resulting in different access rights. Sub-processes share file handles with their parent process.
The fundamental entity of the software implementation on a computer system. A process is a sequentially executing piece of code that runs on one processing unit of the system.
An address space, I/O state, and one or more threads of program control.
A space in a virtual addressing system containing one or more threads of execution.
refers to a program that is currently executing, or "running" on a computer.
A lot of the time, a process is nothing more than another name for a program that is running on the system. But there is a more formal definition: a process is a single execution thread, or a single stream of computer instructions. One job may be built from many different processes. For example, a command line with pipes ( 1.4) starts two or more processes. See also article 38.3.
A mechanism in an operating system that can run an executable. (Some operating systems use the term job or task.) A process normally has its own private memory area in which it runs. On Windows NT, a process is created when a program runs (such as Oracle or Microsoft Word). In addition to an executable program, all processes consist of at least one thread. The Oracle master process contains hundreds of threads.
One execution of an application, tool, or program that uses the ToolTalk service.
A program in execution. It is completely characterized by a single current execution point (represented by the machine state) and address space.
A thread that can execute concurrently with other threads.
1. The sequential execution of functions triggered by one or more events. 2. A grouping of tasks within a method based on common functions or disciplines which lead to one or more key deliverables.
Address space together with a program counter, a set of registers, and a stack. Processes can be single threaded or multithreaded. Single-threaded processes can only perform one task at a time. Multithreaded processes can perform multiple tasks concurrently as when overlapping computation and communication.
A single instance of a program running on a system.
The Symbian OS unit of memory protection - one user process may not access another's memory. A process contains one or more threads.
System execution of a program.
in a POSIX environment, an address space and single thread of control that executes within that address space, and its required system resources. OpenEdition also allows processes to be created that share the address space of their caller.
A program running on your computer is called a process. [ edit][ edit
the execution of any program.
Each program you run exists as a "process" within Windows. Each process has one or multiple "threads" at any time -- paths through the program's code.
1. an "entity", such as a computer program running in memory. A process may be part of the OS, an application that you started, a print spooler, or many more things. See spawn, thread, child process, parent process. 2. to act upon, as in "this program will process the data."
A program that is running. A process is the active element in a computer. Terminals, files, and other I/O devices communicate with each other through processes. Thus, network communications is interprocess communication s (that is, communication between processes).
process is a running program. It consists of a virtual memory address space, state (registers, stack, variables, etc), program code, and other operating system resources.
A process is a running instance of a program, including all variables and other state. A multitasking operating system switches between processes to give the appearance of simultaneous execution, though in fact only one process can be executing at once per CPU core.
The virtual address space and the control information necessary for the execution of a program. See also: socket
An application that is running on your system. Show related articles
A work system that is documented, executed, and measured.