All of the physical, chemical and biological factors in the area where a plant or animal lives.
(as relates to stimuli to the plant)
Everything around a person.
Everything that surrounds anything.
all the surrounding things and conditions which influence the growth and lifestyle of people and living things (Visitors to the Pinelands usually discover a different environment than the one they know at home.)
The conditions, influences, or forces which affect the desirability and value of property, as well as the effect on people's lives.
The natural world around us - trees, rocks, soil, lakes, rivers, streams, animals, and everything else.
All of the conditions an animal is subjected to.
The physical surroundings including soil, vegetation, wildlife and atmosphere.
The aggregate of all surrounding conditions, influences, or forces affecting the life, development, and survival of an organism.
Aggregate of the external procedures, conditions, and objects affecting the development, operation, and maintenance of an IS.
all the living and nonliving things that surround and affect an animal or plant
Everything around us, plants, air, land, life etc.
physical surroundings; circumstances and influences affecting people's lives and development
The existing condition of the surroundings that results from a combination of climate, soil, topography, and other plants and animals. An organism's environment influences its form and survival.
the external conditions and surroundings in which people and organisms live and work.
Surroundings - where we live. A frog's pond, your local neighbourhood, a whale's ocean.
the land and climate where an animal lives.
the surrounding things, conditions, or influences.
Normally this is your surroundings. Inside your computer, the environment is the settings of a group of variables. Think of it as the surroundings or boundaries...
The external system that an agent is "embedded" in, and can perceive and act on.
the air, land, water, plants and wildlife
The physical context you create for learning, for example the room, furniture arrangement, materials, handouts, visual aids, and equipment.
2. a. The combination of external conditions that affect organisms. b. The social and cultureal conditions affecting an individual or a community.
The combination of all the conditions external to the genome that potentially affect its expression and its structure.
people and all their surroundings - natural and made by humans.
There is no generally agreed definition of environment in Environmental Assessment. For the purposes of the Act, it is defined as the components of the Earth, and includes: land, water and air, including all layers of the atmosphere; all organic and inorganic matter and living organisms; and the interacting natural systems that include components referred to in paragraphs a) and b). Increasingly, it means the complex web of inter-relationships between abiotic and biotic components which sustain all life on earth, including the social/health aspects of human group existence.
the surroundings that influence an individual's life such as air, water, vegetation, wildlife, etc.
All that which is external to the individual human host. Can be divided into physical, biological, social, cultural, etc., any or all of which can influence health status of populations.
Defined in the EA as including (a) ecosystems and their constituent parts (including people and communities) and (b) all natural and physical resources and (c) those physical qualities and characteristics of an area that contribute to people's appreciation of its pleasantness, aesthetic coherence, and cultural and recreational attributes and (d) the social, economic, aesthetic, and cultural conditions which affect the matters stated in (a) to (c) or which are affected by those matters.
the total circumstances surrounding an organism or group of organisms. Circumstances may include factors such as soil, climate, and other living things that influence the form and the ability of a plant, animal or ecological community to survive.
Everything external to people -- everything other than behavior and genetics. All conditions that affect people during their lifetimes.
The complex of physical, chemical and biotic factors (such as climate, soil and organisms) that act upon an organized ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival.
all the things that surround us from the climate, soil to other living things.
Abiotic and biotic factors that influence the life of an organism. Abiotic and biotic factors that influence the function of some nonliving natural system.
The elements around us, like the air we breathe and the water we drink that influences our health.
Forest Stewardship] The interaction of climate, soil. topography and organisms in any given area. An organism's environment influences its form, behavior and survival.
The sum of circumstances, objects, and conditions that surround an individual. The aggregate of social, cultural and physical environmental conditions that influence the life of an individual or community. For the gene, the environment encompasses all conditions external to the gene, including the influence of other genes.
conditions of land, air and water and how they relate or influence each other; East, Statistics, People
the conditions under which an organism lives
The sum of all external conditions influencing the growth and development of an organism.
A surrounding that affects the development of a living organism.
Everything external to a system which interacts with the system.
An environment (sometimes also called a runtime environment) is a collection of external variable items or parameters that a program can access when run. Information about the computer's hardware and the user can often be found in the environment.
everything external to the organism.
totality of conditions surrounding an organism
A word used to describe the total conditions in which an organism lives. It can refer to physical environment (such as the soil type, the amount of light, the temperature), the chemical environment (nutrients available), the biological environment (predators, parasites, symbiotic organisms) and so on.
The combination of all things and factors external to the individual or population of organisms in question.
all of the things mental and physical that affect a person's life and survival.
(n.) a combination of physical conditions that affect and influence the growth, development, and survival of an animal
All elements, living and inanimate, that affect a living organism.
A set of variables and their values. Some variables are set before the start of the command processor. Others may be set at the command line using the SET command, or by your batch files. If a variable is defined, it has a value, which is a character string, and is at least 1 character long. A variable can be removed from the environment using the UNSET command, or by setting its value to an empty string. See also Master Environment and Passed Environment.
All external or surrounding conditions (physical or cultural) which act upon or influence the existence and development of a living thing or society.
The body of laws pertaining to planning, contaminated land, abandoned mines, National Parks, pollution control, conservation of natural resources, and the conservation and enhancement of the natural environment.
The natural world in which social and political events take place
The physical, chemical, biological and social milieu in which we live. See also congenital and endocrine disrupter. This environment is sometimes called the external environment, in contrast to an internal environment that might describe the physical and chemical milieu inside the body, around a particular organ, tissue, cell or intracellular organelle.
Everything near and on the Earth's surface. Natural or physical environment refers to climate, biosphere, hydrosphere, soil, and geology. Human or cultural environment refers to aspects of the environment produced by humans.
( Ecol.) All the biotic factor and aboitic factors of a site. Syn. Locality ( BCFT). Cf. Habitat; Site.
Everything and everyone outside the organisation: competitors, customers, government, etc. Note that 'green' environmental issues are only one part of the overall definition. See also Changeability of environment and Predictability of the environment.
the total infrastructure of the affected society including the existence, condition, of the nature as well as social factors such as population densities, topography, culture and existing social and governmental structures, as well as living conditions and known hazards and the risks associated with each hazard.62,63
A collective term referring to the factors, conditions and influences that affect an organism or its community.
the natural world that surrounds us.
The surrounding conditions in which an assembly exists and functions, including temperature, humidity, altitude, vibration, shock, etc.
The total of all those physical, chemical, biological and social economic factors that impinge on an individual, a community or a population.
The interdependent system of living and nonliving things.
Aggregate of Surrounding Things, Conditions, Influences & Processes
the diverse community activities and cultures of a country's inhabitants, as well as its scarce and sensitive natural resources
the natural world of land, sea, and air in which people, plants, and animals live ..... return
external factors that an organism is exposed to, including living and non-living factors.
combination of people, places and things that surround a person.
the totality of surrounding conditions; "he longed for the comfortable environment of his livingroom"
the area in which something exists or lives; "the country--the flat agricultural surround"
a fluid milieu of intermingling forces that condition the many contexts of life
a surrounding condition, influence, or force
Combination of external conditions influencing the life of an individual or population.
The combination of all the physical and other factors and conditions that influence the development or survival of an organism or group of organisms
The set of environment variables and their values kept by the shell. The user can alter (or unset) the values of existing environment variables and set new variables. Permanent assignments are made by means of the configuration files of the shell.
The physical, chemical and biotic conditions surrounding an organism.
everything, living and non-living, on the Earth.
The totality of the natural and human environments, including both biophysical and socio-economic aspects and components.
The place in which an organism lives, and the circumstances under which it lives. Environment is characterized by measures like moisture, temperature as well as the actual physical place where ...
the result of all the elements that influence living things in a given area
The total of climate, soil, topography, and other plants and animals in any given area. An organism's environment influences its form, behavior, and survival.
Factors outside the human body. To a geneticist, the environment is everything that is not genetic. Some aspects of the environment that influence health and disease are listed below: Diet -- food, preservatives, coloring, method of preparation (smoked foods, for example), composition of diet (fats, carbohydrates, protein), and amount. Air -- clean air, smog, pollution, tobacco, workplace chemical fumes, dust (coal, cotton, etc.), humidity, temperature. Water -- everything we drink, cook, or bathe in. Also, fluoride, pesticides, minerals. Radiation -- sunlight, tanning lights, radiation (X rays, microwaves, radio waves). Infection -- bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites. Also includes infection-related factors, such as sanitation and proximity to people, animals, or insects.
The overall setting, including natural elements and elements created by humans, in which a world community exists.
the external conditions that influence the development and survival of an organism or population; usually refers to air, water, land, plants, and animals.
is everything that surrounds us, including ourselves.
operational environment, all those factors that are not parts of the unit but which have an impact on it or its efforts at promoting its interests
The air, water, soil and all living things that make up the Earth and how they interact.
en-vi-ron-ment The complete range of external conditions, physical and biological, in which an organism lives.
The circumstances or conditions that surround one in a setting, such as a laboratory-classroom.
in the broadest sense, all aspects of the natural environment plus human manipulations and additions to the natural environment.
the bringing together of external circumstances, conditions, and things that affect the existence and development of an individual or group
All of the factors (living and nonliving) that actually affect an individual organism or population at any point in the cycle.
All the living and nonliving things, such as plants, animals, soil, weather, etc., that affect the existence of anything in that community.
The aggregate of all conditions and influences affecting the behavior and development of humans as individuals and as societies.
the physical and biological conditions that surround an organism or a group of organisms.
the conditions that surround an organism and influence its growth, development and survival
all external conditions and influences affecting the life or development of a person or organism
the external conditions, both living and non-living, that act upon an organism
the surroundings and setting that impact on the consumer's choices
the total (living and non-living) surroundings of an organism.
The sum of all physical, chemical, and biological factors to which an organism or community is subjected.
The external surroundings and influences.
taiao The place that a plant or animal lives.
All of the organic and inorganic components surrounding us, as well as the events, conditions and processes of their interactions.
The set of conditions surrounding someone or something.
all of the surroundings and conditions that affect the growth and development of living things
The circumstances or conditions that surround an organism or group of organisms as well as the complex of social or cultural conditions that affect an individual or community.
The terrestrial human habitat, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and the interrelation of these and other constituents.
The conditions in which an organism lives. The environment of any living thing is described by its physical, chemical and biological surroundings.
The aggregate of all conditions which externally influence a device's performance.
The place in which an organism lives, and the circumstances under which it lives. Environment includes measures like moisture and temperature, as much as it refers to the actual physical place where an organism is found.
Surroundings and conditions that affect natral prosesses
The natural surroundings of an organism, which involve everything, living and nonliving organisms, which influence on the organism
the surroundings, e.g. a room, a town, a park, a forest
surroundings or context, often meaning natural, physical or biophysical but also including social, financial and economic
aggregate of external conditions that influence the life of an individual organism or population.
The conditions, circumstances, influences and stresses surrounding and affecting the product during manufacturing, storage, handling, transportation, installation and use.
everything that surrounds an organism or organisms, including both natural and human-built elements: wilderness, city or town, mammals, birds, the air you breathe and the water you drink.
An environment that provides localized control of airborne contaminants by means of an enclosure designed to isolate product-handling areas from personnel and the surrounding room environment.
The sum of all external conditions that affect an organism or community to influence its development or existence.
The total of all the surrounding natural conditions that affect living organisms on earth, including air, water, soil, minerals, climate, and the organisms themselves.
The set of physical, chemical and biological agents and social factors that are able to exercise an effect, either direct or indirect, immediate or more or less long-term, on living beings and on human activities.
The living things, climate, soil, air, and other factors that surround an organism. OR The complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (as climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism (a living thing) or an ecological community (a collection of living things) and ultimately determine its form and survival. The circumstances, objects, and conditions that surround each of us.
the surrounding area in which a person, animal or plant lives Our zoo tries to make each animal's cage like its natural environment.
All the biotic and abiotic factors that affect an individual organism at any one point in its life cycle.
the surroundings (both living and non-living) that affect the growth and general existence of living things (We can preserve the balanced ecosystem by caring for the environment.)
All the natural and living things around us. The earth, air, weather, plants, and animals all make up our environment.
the conditions and surroundings that have an effect on the development of a person, animal, or plant
the sum of the living and non-living surroundings of an individual living thing.
The sum total of external influences acting on an organism.
The complex surroundings of an item or area of interest, such as air, water, natural resources and their physical conditions (temperature, humidity).
the UDI Environment: a description of all interfaces surrounding the driver and the implementation thereof. Includes system services, scheduling and synchronization, as well as inter-module communication mechanisms.
conditions in an area influenced by the climate, soil, topography, and living components in an area.
Physical surroundings that establish place time and atmosphere/mood, the physical conditions that reflect and affect the emotions, thoughts , and actions of characters and the audience
All the living and nonliving things with which an organism interacts.
The surroundings in which a living creature lives.
Environment as defined in the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act means: a) air land or water; b) plant and animal life, including human life; c) the social, economic and cultural conditions that influence the life of humans or a community; d) any building, structure, machine or other device or thing made by humans; e) any solid, liquid, gas, odour, heat, sound, vibration or radiation resulting directly or indirectly from human activities; or f) any part or combination of the foregoing and the interrelationships between any two or more of them, in or of Ontario . Environmental Assessment (EA) A decision-making process used to determine the advantages and disadvantages to the environment of proceeding with a proposed project. Under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act, the Spadina Subway Extension is required to undergo an Environmental Assessment before a decision is made on whether or not the project should proceed. For more information about environmental assessments and the process, visit the Ontario Ministry of the Environment web site at:
an individual's surroundings
surroundings; physical, chemical, and biological factors that act upon an organism or an ecological community
the natural habitat of soil, climate, vegetation and living things
the surroundings that affect the growth and development of an organism
Refers to the conditions and surroundings of an individual or group of people including physical, social, biological, geographical, cultural and political factors that, to some extent and in addition to genetic influence, determines quality of life - for example, the risk of disease.
Prevailing conditions that reflect the combined influence of climate, soil, topography, and biology (other plants and animals) in an area. Environmental factors determine, in part, how well a particular tree will grow.
Refers to the components of the Earth and includes: 1) land, water, and air, including all layers of the atmosphere; 2) all organic and inorganic matter and living organisms; 3) the social, economic, recreational, cultural, spiritual, and aesthetic conditions and factors that influence the life of humans and communities; and 4) a part or combination of those things referred to in 1) and 3) and the interrelationships between two or more of them.
Aggregate of surrounding conditions or influences including housing, community, and family.
(1.) The settings for shell variables and paths set when the user logs in. These variables can be modified later by the user. (2.) A named collection of logical and physical resources used to support the performance of a function. (3.) In AIX Common Desktop Environment, the set of rule files, resources, and message files that define the appearance and behavior of a specific desktop configuration.
(biol) That which surrounds an organism. Can be 'physical' (abiotic), or biotic. In both, the organism occupies a NICHE which influences its FITNESS within the total ENVIRONMENT. A biotic environment may present frequency-dependent fitness functions within a POPULATION, that is, the fitness of an organism's behaviour may depend upon how many others are also doing it. Over several GENERATION biotic environments may foster co-evolution, in which fitness is determined with SELECTION partly by other SPECIES.
An organism's surroundings, both living and nonliving; includes temperature, light intensity, and all other species that influence the focal organism.
All external, or non-genetic, conditions that influence the reproduction, production and carcass merit of cattle.
The total of all external conditions which act upon an organism or community of organisms to influence development or existence.
ANSI] Everything that supports a system or the performance of a function. The conditions that affect the performance of a system or function.
Includes: ecosystems and their constituent parts, including people and communities; natural and physical resources; the qualities and characteristics of locations, places and areas; the social, economic and cultural aspects of a thing mentioned in the previous three criteria
In the computer technology context, it refers to the conditions surrounding data, such as databases, data formats, servers, network and any other components that impact the data.
All external (nongenetic) conditions that influence the reproduction, production, and carcass merit of pigs.
the sum of all external conditions and influences, living and nonliving, that affect the development and the survival of an organism or group of organisms.
The living things, their physical, biological and social surroundings, and interactions between all of these.
Anything outside of onesself. The environment includes location, surroundings, objects or people in those surroundings as well as intrinsic factors such as lighting and temperature. Also, internal environment, refers to a person's thoughts, emotions, sensations, and impulses.
All external factors to which an organism or ecosystem is exposed, and which ultimately determine its form and function.
The natural conditions that make up the area in which a plant, animal, or person lives, such as air, water, and land.
An assembly of computers, communication facilities, procedures, etc. that work together to provide a discreet type of service. There may be one or more environments on a physical platform, e.g. test and production. An environment has unique features and characteristics that dictate how it may be administered in a similar yet diverse, manner. The term is also used to describe physical environments in terms of their accommodation, air conditioning.
The context in which development takes place, including physical properties of stimuli.
The physical environment around us.
The sum of all external influences and conditions affecting the life and development of an organism or ecological community.
'Environment' includes: ecosystems and their constituent parts, including people and communities; natural and physical resources; the qualities and characteristics of locations, places and areas; heritage values of places; and the social, economic and cultural aspects of a thing mentioned in paragraphs a, b or c above.
The natural or physical surroundings where people, plants and animals live.
The surroundings or conditions (physical, chemical, mechanical) in which a material exists.
The sum of the total of the elements, factors and conditions in the surroundings which may have an impact on the development , action or survival of an organism or group of organisms. See the entire definition of Environment
The complex of physical, chemical, and biological factors in which a living organism or community exists.
Water, air, land, and all plants and man and other animals living therein, and the interrelationships which exist among them.
A collection of hardware, software, network communications and procedures that work together to provide a discrete type of computer service. There may be one or more environments on a physical platform e.g. test, production. An environment has unique features and characteristics that dictate how they are administered in similar, yet diverse manners. Examples are the UNIX-Oracle server, NT file server.
the surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and the interrelations of these elements.
this term is used to encompass all the facets of our surroundings: landscape/natural beauty, flora, fauna, geological or geomorphological features and buildings, sites and objects of archaeological, architectural or historic interest.
All the living and nonliving things that are around a living thing. A drop of water, a rotting log, and a forest are different kinds of environments.
the conditions that surround one; the combination of external conditions that affect organisms.
Components of the earth including air, land, water; all layers of the atmosphere; all organic and inorganic matter and living organisms; and all interacting natural systems that include components referred to above (Justice Canada, August 31, 2005 [online]). This includes the natural and managed ecosystems which includes agricultural ecosystems.
Circumstances and conditions that interact with and affect an organisation. These can include economic, political, cultural, and physical conditions inside or outside the organisation.
the climatic, edaphic (i.e. related to soil), and biological factors that surround humans and all other animals, plants, and ecological communities, and which ultimately determines their form and survival.
The physical (e.g., climate), chemical (e.g., soil), and biotic (living things) factors acting upon an organism or ecological community which determine its form and survival.
the conditions on a planet.
This funding category includes all topics related to environmental affairs; protection, preservation, and regeneration of natural resources, including water, air, earth, and wildlife. Please contact individual corporations and foundations directly for specific details on their giving programs for environmental causes.
A concept which includes all aspects of the surroundings of humanity, affecting individuals and social groupings.
Situations, events, or objects in connection with organism as object. Subject to inquiry physically, physiologically, and, in full transactional treatment, behaviorally.
The nongenetic conditions and circumstances that affect a person's conduct and health.
Source: DSMC Includes the air, water, land, plants, animals, and other living organisms, man-made structures, historical and cultural resources, and the interrelationships that exist among them and with people.
Includes (a) ecosystems and their constituent parts, including people and communities; (b) natural and physical resources; (c) the qualities and characteristics of locations, places and areas; and (d) the social, economic and cultural aspects of a thing (EP&BC Act)
Surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelation.
All of the external factors, conditions, and influences which affect an organism or a community. Also, everything that surrounds an organism or organisms, including both natural and human-built elements.
The conditions in which an animal or plant lives. For example, Bullfrog tadpoles live in the marsh at Presqu'ile.
The ability to create accurately the characters surroundings.
In beef cattle management terminology, refers to any non-genetic influence on phenotype, such as climate, nutrition, disease, etc. In ecological terminology, refers to a composite of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (as climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival.
The total external conditions and surrounding organisms, physical and biological factors which affect the growth and development of an organism.
The living and non-living components that comprise one's surroundings.
Normally 'editorial environment' - The character or editorial style of a publication or the surrounding programmes into which an advertisement is placed.
The surroundings/ conditions in which an organisation operates and which influences the development or growth of people, animals or plants. The environment extends from within the organisation to the global ecosystem. Components of the earth, including;, air and water, and b.any layer of the atmosphere, and c.any organic or inorganic matter and any living organism, and d.human-made or modified structures and areas, and includes interacting natural ecosystems that include components referred to in (a) to (c).
The air, water, and land where people, animals, and plants live.
External surroundings and conditions in which a company or an individual operates or which may effect, including living systems therein.
Our surroundings, including living and non-living elements, eg land, soil, plants, animals, air, water and humans. The environment also refers to our social and economic surroundings, and our effect on our surroundings.
All the conditions, circumstances, and influences surrounding and affecting the development of an organism.
The aggregate of physical, biological, economic, and social factors affecting organisms in an area.
The places where people, plants and animals live. What is around us, for example, the marine environment or the forest environment.
A combination of the various physical and biological elements that affect the life of an organism. Although it is common to refer to 'the' environment, there are in fact many environments eg, aquatic or terrestrial, microscopic to global, all capable of change in time and place, but all intimately linked and in combination constituting the whole earth/atmosphere system.
the combination of conditions and surroundings that affect and influence the lives of plants and animals
A collection of hardware, software, network communications, and procedures that work together to provide a discrete type of computer service. There may be one or more environments on a physical platform - for example, test and production. An environment often has unique features and characteristics that dictate how it is administered.
all of the external factors that may act on an organism, either plant or animal, or on a natural community. For example: gravity, air, wind, sunlight, moisture, temperature, soil, and other organisms are some of the environmental factors that may affect the life processes of an organism.
Everything surrounding one (e.g., the Earth's environment includes everything in and on the Earth's surface and its atmosphere within which organisms, communities, and objects exist).
The surroundings of organisms. The conditions that affect and influence the growth and development of organisms.
Surroundings in which people operate (for business and pleasure). The environment includes air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their relationships with one another. Surroundings include a business workplace to the global systems (such as the earthâ€(tm)s atmosphere or oceans).
Surroundings, both natural and man made
The interior, exterior space surroundings object or images.
The whole complex of climatic, edaphic, and biotic factors that act upon an organism or an ecological community, and ultimately determine its form and survival.
The circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround us, including: people; social, political, and economic systems and structures; psychological and physical conditions The totality of the social, biological, and physical circumstances surrounding a defined quality of life, health, or behavioural goal or problem [G&K] Environments exist at a number of levels/layers, including, for example, our immediate work teams, our organizational context, and provincial, national, and international influences (see also health-related environment and organization/work-related environment)
All of the conditions that affect living things. The Serengeti Plains is a jackal's environment. Your home town is your environment. "The" environment refers to all the conditions that affect all living things everywhere, and it is often called the "Biosphere."
The physical conditions into which a sensor is placed.
The "environment" consists of all, or any, of the following media: the air, water and land. The medium of air includes the air within buildings and the air within other natural or man-made structures above or below ground.
Aggregate, at a given moment, of all external conditions and influences to which a system under study is subjected ISO, 1975
The world and physics (either simulated or actual) in which a builder and structure exist and operate.
The Protection of the Environment Administration Act 1991 sets out a meaning of 'environment' as: 'Components of the earth, including: land, air and water any layer of the atmosphere any organic or inorganic matter and any living organism human-made or modified structures and areas, and includes interacting natural ecosystems that include components referred to in a-c.'
physical surroundings; all that is around you
Refers to the components of the Earth, including land, water, air, all layers of the atmosphere, all organic and inorganic matter and living organisms (including humans) and the interacting natural systems that include components of the foregoing.
1. the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (as climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival. 2. the aggregate of social and cultural conditions that influence the life of an individual or community.
the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors surrounding and affecting a given organism at any time; any plant, animal, natural resource, surface water, sediments, groundwater, drinking water supply, land surface, tidelands, shorelands, subsurface strata, or ambient air.
Everything comprising the surroundings in which a computer resource resides. Defined by all aspects of hardware and software in a given system.
Everything in the surroundings of an organism; living and nonliving surroundings and factors including light, temperature, air, soil, water, and organisms.
The sum of all external living and non-living conditions and influences that affect the development and survival of an organism.
Air, water, soil, light, temperature, and similar interacting elements that affect all living organisms.
The surroundings of the system, including other systems and natural features. This context affects the direction of coevolution.
the area around where you live
The surrounding conditions, influences, or forces that affect or modify an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival.
the natural world within which animals and plants live
The aggregate of all conditions (such as temperature, humidity, radiation, magnetic and electric fields, shock, and vibration) which externally influences the performance of an item.
the combination of physical, chemical and biological factors which are present in a particular area
A collection of factors that can in any way influence the manner in which the critical equipment functions. It can include any equipment connected electrically to the critical equipment as well as outside factors such as lightning, grounding, and other users on the power grid.
incorporates all living and non-living surroundings of a plant or animal.
The sum of all the external conditions and influences which effect the development and life of organisms.
The physical, social, intellectual, aesthetic, and emotional surroundings that individuals and families adapt to and modify.
The physical and biological surroundings (plant, animal, climate, and inorganic resources) that influence social groups and their cultural development.
External conditions and surroundings, especially those that affect the quality of life of plants, animals, and human beings. In agriculture the environment includes the air, soil, and water conditions.
all of the external factors, conditions, and influences that affect an organism or a biological community.
Sum of all external conditions affecting the life, development, and survival of an organism.
The physical resources of the database, for example, the system the database runs on and the logical devices used by the database. Data about a database's environment is collected in the Environment collection class.
Environment includes---(a) Ecosystems and their constituent parts, including people and communities; and(b) All natural and physical resources; and(c) Amenity values; and(d) The social, economic, aesthetic, and cultural conditions which affect the matters stated in paragraphs (a) to (c) of this definition or which are affected by those matters.
Physical and interpersonal surroundings that can affect mood and behaviors in people with dementia.
All of the objects, circumstances, and events surrounding an individual.
The dominion that confines a system. The conditions in which a system is embedded over which the system may have influence but not control.
Everything living and nonliving that surrounds a person.
All of the conditions that influence and affect the development of all life forms within a specific area.
The sum of all the physical, chemical and biological components to which an organism is subjected. Soil, water, air, plants, animals, and human beings comprise the environment to which turfgrass communities are subjected.
The non-genetic conditions and circumstances that affect a person's behaviour and health.
The environment is the air, water, organisms, minerals, and other external objects that surround and affect an organism.
The aggregate of external circumstance, conditions, and events that affect the development, operation, and maintenance of a system. Environment is often used with qualifiers such as computing environment, application environment, or threat environment, which limit the scope being considered.
is everything around us, especially natural surroundings like plants, air, water, land and animals.
The land, water, air, plants and wildlife.
Water, air, and land and the interrelationship that exists among and between them and all living things.
all the external conditions surrounding a living thing.
all external physical factors that affect us environmental model: modern analyses of ecosystems and environmental risks to health, such as socioeconomic status, education, and various environmental factors that affect health
Anything surrounding an individual or community of plants or animals, including man, that influences it in any way.
The totality of the surrounding external conditions—biological, chemical, and physical—within which an organism, community, or object exists. The term is not exclusive in that organisms can be and usually are part of another organism’s environment. Thus one can speak of the environment as that within which humankind lives, i.e., separate and external; or, one can speak of humankind as a component of the environment.
The natural or man-made surroundings in which people, animals and other organisms live.
n: All external conditions and factors, living and nonliving (chemicals and energy), that affect an organism or other specified system during its lifetime; the earth's life-support systems for us and for all other forms of life - in effect another term for describing solar capital and earth capital.
Both the physical setting in which communication occurs and the personal perspectives of the people involved.
1. The political, strategic, or operational context within the organization. 2. The external environment is the environment outside the organization.
The combination of all external conditions and influences relating to the life, development, and survival of all living things.
The sum total of all the external conditions that effect an organism, community, material, or energy.