The dissection of a complex stimulus into meaningful parts.
Parsing may be divided into parts: lexical analysis and semantic parsing. Lexical analysis divides strings into components based on punctuation or tagging. Semantic parsing then attempts to determine the meaning of the string.
Analysis, intended for use by NL (natural language) parsing researchers and others interested in the automated extraction of Chess data from text articles. A more complete usage requires actual game parsing. After reading the game, a parse_game() method is called, and as a result we have the moves available in an array, comments and errors in two hashes, where the keys are the move numbers and the values are comments or errors .
the process or result of making a syntactic analysis (*) (+)
We say that Emacs parses words or expressions in the text being edited. Really, all it knows how to do is find the other end of a word or expression. See section ¹1/2ʸ¥Æ¡1/4¥Ö¥ë.
The process of analyzing a source program syntactically to determine its phrase structure.
We say that certain Emacs commands parse words or expressions in the text being edited. Really, all they know how to do is find the other end of a word or expression. See section AD.6 The Syntax Table.
the algorithm that translates syntax into meaningful machine instructions. Parsing determines the meaning of statements issued in the data manipulation language.
We say that Emacs parses words or expressions in the text being edited. Really, all it knows how to do is find the other end of a word or expression. See section 27.6 The Syntax Table.
In computer science and linguistics, parsing (more formally syntax analysis) is the process of analyzing a sequence of tokens to determine its grammatical structure with respect to a given formal grammar. A parser is a computer program that carries out this task, it a component of a compiler.