The amount of profit received by the dealer on each car. Mark-up can be calculated by subtracting the selling price from the invoice price.
The raising of prices by market makers on the Stock Exchange in anticipation of an increased demand for a particular security. In pricing relates to cost-based pricing plus a percentage mark-up.
the return an intermediary achieves on the cost price of an article. Using the same example described above, mark-up is .50 divided by $1, or 50%.
Amount added to actual contract price
a percentage added to the total cost to take account of overheads and the budgeted profit margin
A lessors additional amount included in the capitalized cost of the lease for profit. The markup is a method of defraying costs incurred by the bank in acquiring the property before any income is realized from the lease.
this is the money that a selling company adds to the cost of a product or service in order to produce a required level of profit. Strictly speaking, percentage mark-up refers to the difference between cost and selling price as a factor of the cost, not of the selling price. So a product costing €1 and selling for €2 has been given a mark-up of 100%; (at the same time it produces a margin of 50%).
The per unit profit expressed as a percentage of the cost of the unit.
The purchase and sale of a good may be shown as Cost Price + Profit = Selling Price. The percentage added to the cost price to provide a profit is known as the mark-up. Click here to go back to the top of the page
a ratio derived by dividing a product's retail price by its cost. Typically, 5:1 due to high media costs.
the amount or percentage that is added to the purchase price when a customer buys an OTC stock from a market maker in a principal transaction.
The difference between wholesale and retail price.
The difference between the invoice price and the price the dealer sells the car for.
is profit divided by cost.
a ratio (3 to 1, 5 to 1) derived by dividing a product's retail price by its cost of goods (COG). A product costing $20 to manufacture and package retailing for $100 has a mark-up of 5 to 1. Because of rising media costs, the bench mark product mark-up for infomercial products has increased from 3 to 1 in 1984 to 5 to 1 in 1994.
The price increase between buying at wholesale and selling at retail often expressed as a percentage of the wholesale or cost price. Compare margin.