Definitions for "MLA"
See Member.
Member of the Legislative Assembly. There are currently 79 MLAs. MLAs perform a variety of functions. They debate and vote on bills, budget items and other measures that come before the Legislative Assembly. They also represent their constituents in the Assembly by asking questions to cabinet ministers, presenting petitions and raising issues of local concern. MLAs maintain offices in their electoral districts and provide advice and information services to their constituents. For more information on the role and duties of MLAs, visit the Legislative Assembly's web-site,, and click on "Members".
Members of Legislative Assembly
Modern Languages Association
Minnesota Library Association (Divisions include MLTA, Minnesota Library Trustee Association)
Massachusetts Library Association
Mabel Lucie Attwell. famous English illustrator of children's books, employed by Shelley to produce nurseryware for children.
Keywords:  yaba, sfla, etla, tla, nir
(see ETLA, SFLA, TLA, and YABA) Multi-Letter Acronym
Multispectral Linear Array. Sensor that uses a radiometer to collect data from 16 bands within the visible and NIR wavelengths at a spatial resolution of 33 ft.
Multi-spectral Linear Array.
Keywords:  atlantique, littoral, mission
Mission Littoral Atlantique
Marine(unteroffiziers)lehrabteilung Naval Training Department (for warrant officers)
Keywords:  assay, lymphoma, mouse
mouse lymphoma assay
Meat and Livestock Australia
Monitoring Learning Achievement
Manufacturing Learning Australia.
Multilateral Agreement/Arrangement
Keywords:  para, landscape, mature, area
Mature Landscape Area Para 3.86
Mineral Leasing Act (Amended) (1973)
Mineral Licence Agreement