A collection of parts that has been given structure according to how the parts fit together. An assembly gives you the opportunity to view the assembled parts, cut sections through them, and make measurements based on the assembled parts. Assemblies are created using instances. An instance is like a snapshot of the part. Multiple instances of a part can be used in an assembly or a series of assemblies while only one actual part exists in the bin.
Any collection of mutually operating parts housed together to form a single unit which may be a subassembly or a principle assembly.
Fastening two or more parts together.
Compilation of overlapping sequences from one or more related genes that have been clustered together based on their degree of sequence identity or similarity. Sequence assembly may be used to piece together "shotgun" sequencing fragments (see shotgun sequencing) based upon overlapping restriction enzyme digests, or may be used to identify and index novel genes from "single-pass" cDNA sequencing efforts.
Single units mulled together.
The process of correctly joining together the DNA sequences from individual sequencing experiments into a contiguous segment.
(fuel): a group of fuel elements assembled together and loaded into a nuclear reactor as a single unit. In a pressurized-water reactor, a fuel assembly can consist of several hundreds fuel rods
a group of machine parts that fit together to form a self-contained unit
a group of persons gathered together for a common purpose
a configured set of loadable code modules and other resources that together implement a unit of functionality
a core part of the runtime
a data structure that has a name and a list of parts
a group of items that you normally use together
an umbrella organization for similar clubs and is part of Program Board
a structure of standard parts which cooperate to perform a single function
a vital part of the governance of the Society
1. Noun. A group of parts which provide a function. For instance the bearings in the bottom bracket housing can be referred to as "bottom bracket assembly." 2. Noun and verb. Taking a new bicycle out of a box, putting it together and adjusting the new bicycle so it works properly. Example: Proud bicycle shop mechanic says, "I did eight assemblies today!"
A number of parts, or sub-assemblies, which are joined together.
the way parts of a product are fitted together
Prefabricated frame forming a part, or the whole, of a structural frame system.
1) The process of joining together two or more parts to complete a unit or structure. The lathe tool shown below-left has two parts - shank and tip. The process of cementing them together is an assembly process 2) A name applied to a complete unit or structure after all of its pieces are joined. A fighter jet has millions of parts and when they are all fitted together it becomes one assembly.
The process or result of putting together a number of components
The stage of production in which components are put together into an end product appropriate to the process concerned.
a group of persons gathered together for a specific purpose.
The process of joining parts by any of several methods.
Rough-cut editing is the substance of assembly. Portions of the film are joined together for the first time, in the editing process, with the intention of managing the film in its entirety for purposes of continuity.
the process of putting thousands of individual DNA sequences back together in the proper order using computer and manual techniques. This part of the sequencing process is much like solving a puzzle. Researchers use bits of overlapping sequence to link individual fragments and rebuild the whole, be it a specific BAC clone, or an entire genome.
Consisting of detailed parts and subassemblies performing functions necessary to the operation of the device.
A number of auto body parts that are either bolted or welded together forming a single unit.
The stage of replication during which all the structural components come together at one site in the cell and the basic structure of the virus particle is formed.
A number of parts, subassemblies, or any combination thereof joined together Automatic Test Equipment
meeting or coming together to discuss, legislate, protest, or plan.
A number of parts or subassemblies, thereof, or any combination thereof joined together to perform a specific function.
A rough piecing-together of the cut, sometimes called a "rough cut." The assembly consists of all of the scenes shot, and usually runs quite a bit longer than the finished film.
either compressing, or bringing together two subcritical masses, to create a critical mass
A number of parts or subassemblies or any combination thereof that are joined together.
A group of subassemblies and/or parts that are put together and that constitute a major subdivision for the final product. An assembly may be an end item or a component of a higher level assembly.
Two or more parts fastened together and not usually disassembled except for replacement.
A fitting together of parts to make a whole.