the final, decisive battle between the forces of good and evil, as foretold in the Apocolypse of Saint John. Also, the site of that battle. Used metaphorically for a vast and decisive conflict, attended by cataclysmic destruction.
(har me-GEED-do) n. Armageddon. “Hill of Megiddo” (Rev. 16:16). The word is a corruption of Har Megiddo, the Mount of Megiddo, near Tel Aviv, a place where many battles were fought ages ago.
The place of the final battle where the followers of Antichrist are destroyed when Jesus Christ returns on the Day of the Lord. Babylon the Great – Mystery Babylon the Great· A powerful city-state or superpower at the end of the age, which will hold a position of great influence over the world until it is destroyed by the fourth beast kingdom.
A Greek word derived from the Hebrew "Har Megiddon," (lit. "mountain of Megiddo"), a battlefield mentioned several times in the Deuteronomistic History. In the book of Revelation, it is the sight where the apocalyptic battle between good and evil will take place at the end of time.
(New Testament) the scene of the final battle between the kings of the Earth at the end of the world
any catastrophically destructive battle; "they called the first World War an Armageddon"
The final battle between the forces of good and evil, mentioned in Revelation 16:16. The word is a corruption of Har Megiddo, the Mount of Megiddo, near Tel Aviv, a place where many battles were fought ages ago. Many wars have been deemed Armageddon by contemporaneous doomsayers, including the English Civil War, Crimean War, World War I and the Gulf War.
In Biblical prophecy, the scene of a great battle between the forces of good and evil, to occur at the end of the world
The geographic location given in the book of Revelation (16:16) for the climactic battle between Christ and Antichrist, with Christ's victory ushering in his thousand-year reign on earth. Named after the hill near the town of Megiddo in Palestine, which due to its strategic location overlooking major military and trade routes was the site of many ancient battles. Believers - Saints, chosen, elect, servants of God, followers of Christ, Christians, Church, Body of Christ Those who have truly placed their faith in Jesus Christ; those who have their names written in the Book of Life.
location where many decisive battles took place during Israel's history
The location of the final battle of earth's history as described in the Book of Revelation. The name appears only once in the Bible, and then in Greek, but is probably based on the Hebrew for "mountain of Megiddo." Megiddo was a common battleground, located as it was in a valley along the trade route between Egypt and Mesopotamia (see Judg 5:19). Most notably, it was the battleground where Pharaoh Neco's army killed King Josiah in 621 B.C.E. (2 Kgs 23:29-30; 2 Chr 35:22; Zech 12:11).
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that a total world battle will take place soon. All people and institutions not affiliated with them will be destroyed. King Jesus and His heavenly host will battle with Satan and his armies. Satan will be defeated.
Place of the final battle between Christ and Satan at the end of the millennium. Also the last battle of the nations during the Tribulation. According to the Revelation of St. John the Divine, the battle will be so fierce that blood will run as high as a horse's bridle
Derived from Hebrew "mountain of Megiddo," it is the site of the final battle between God and the forces of evil in apocalyptic thought.
Derived from Hebrew har megiddo, "the hill of Megiddo," in Palestine, Armageddon refers to the battle mentioned in Rev. 16:16.
A battle that is prophesized to occur in the plain of Megiddo, Israel. Jesus and Satan, and their armies, will fight a final battle (as stated in the biblical Book of Revelation).
Armageddon comes from the Hebrew word meaning "the Mount of Megiddo." This ancient fortress is located in northern Israel, across the Plain of Esdraelon from Nazareth. Armageddon will be the gathering place for the final great battle, which bears its name. (Rev 16:16)
Transliteration of the Hebrew har megiddon, which means literally the “hill of Megiddo.” Revelation 16:16 uses this place to symbolize the final great battle between good and evil. Many battles were fought at this location because the main trade route went through a mountain pass nearby.
Armageddon is a fictional planet in the universe of the Warhammer 40,000 setting and has been featured heavily in Games Workshop's table top wargames and related games. This article deals with both the world, and the three major wars that have been fought on its surface.