The fifth or last card in a community board game such as Holdem or Omaha .
The fifth community card dealt face-up on the table. This is also the fourth round of betting in Texas Hold'em, Omaha and Omaha Hi-Lo.
The last (5th) community card drawn to the board.
In flop and stud games the last round of betting, Fifth street And seventh street card.
The final round of betting with players dealt a 3rd down card.
a dynamic system and is not the final destination for the sediments
The last card shown in the 5 card holdem and omaha board.
Blue lines on map cards are rivers.
This is the name for the fifth card that is dealt face up in Texas Hold'em, for example.
The last card dealt up. This is the fifth street in Hold 'em and Omaha, and the 7th street in stud.
also known as fifth street, is the fifth card dealt face up in texas hold'em poker.
The fifth common card turned up on the board; also known as fifth street.
The last of the 5 community cards to be dealt face-up on the table.
The final community card in flop games. Another term for the river card is "fifth street", but it is not used as much.
In Texas Hold 'Em, the last communal card to be dealt is known as "the river."
sometimes used as a generic term for the cards everyone uses placed face up in the middle of the table
The last card dealt in Texas Holdem, Omaha, or Stud.
The fifth and final community card, put out face up, by itself. A.K.A. "fifth street"
In Texas Holdem, the river card is the fifth and final community card, or the card after the turn. Also known as fifth street.
The last card dealt in the community cards
The last card dealt. Also known as 5th street.
The final stage in Seven Card Stud Poker. Also known as Seventh Street.
The fifth and last community card dealt face up on the board.
the last community card dealt to players in games like Hold'em and Stud Poker
Also known as 5th Street, the last community card in a flop game, also refers to the last card in 7 card stud.
The last or fifth card dealt in a game.
Also known as “ Fifth Streetâ€, the river is the fifth community card dealt to the board.
This is the fifth and final card that comes on the board in Holdem, after the turn.
The fifth and final community card, put out face up, by itself. Also known as "fifth street." Metaphors involving the river are some of poker's most treasured cliches, e.g., "He drowned in the river."
In Texas Holdem and Omaha, the fifth and final community card (also known as 5th Street). See also: Turn.
The fifth and final community card. This card is also known as the fifth street.
The last community card that is dealt in Texas Holdem.
In flop games, the last round of betting on the fifth street card; in stud games, the last round of betting on the seventh street card.
A term for the last board-card that is dealt. Or the last card dealt to a player in 7 card stud.
The River is the fifth community card on the table and starts the final round of betting. Also known as "Fifth Street". Back To
Also known as Fifth Street - the last community card or "board card" in flop games.
this is the last community card that the dealer puts on the Texas Holdem table.
the fifth community card, dealt face up after the turn
The last (5th) community card dealt in poker games such as Texas Hold'em and Omaha.
Also known as 5th street or the last card drawn in Texas hold ‘em.
The fifth and last community card dealt face up in a Hold 'Em game.
A common term used in games such Hold'em, Omaha, and Hi-Lo which use community cards. The river represents the fifth and final card to appear on the board. It is also commonly called "fifth street". In seven card Stud games, it is also known as 7th street.
The last community card on the board, also called fifth street
This is the last card given in all games. In Hold'em and Omaha, it is also known as 5th street. In Stud games, it is also known as 7th street.
Sometimes called fifth street, its the last of five community cards in flop games.
The final card. In hold’em it is the fifth card on the board. In 7-stud it is the 7th card received by a player.
The fifth face up card dealt. Also known as fifth street
The 5th board card in Texas Hold 'Em or the last card in stud.
The last card dealt face up by the dealer.
The last card that is revealed on the board in a hold'em or Omaha game.
the 5th and final community card in a Texas Hold-em hand.
The 5th and last community card dealt in Texas holdem
The fifth and last community board card, after the turn. Also called fifth street.
The fifth and final community card. Also used as a verb for being beaten by a hand that an opponent makes on the river card (i.e. "I got rivered when that Ace hit!").
The fifth, and final, community card. AKA fifth street.
The last community card dealt to the board. Sometimes referred to as Fifth Street in Texas Holdem.
The fifth and final community card in board games like Texas Hold'em and Omaha. You may have heard someone say "You caught me on the river." This means the player made his hand on the very last card, also known as Fifth Street.
the fifth and final community card also called fifth street.
The final community card that is shown to the table. After the river card is shown all players at the table will know their final hand and will be given one last opportunity to fold or to enter a showdown with other players. Also known as Fifth Street.
The fifth and final community card placed on the board in Texas Hold'em. Chippy says, "Dreams are Made and Broken at the river".
this is the last card that is dealt in Stud of Hold'em. In the case of seven card stud this means to play until the final round of betting is called going to the river.
This is the last community card in a flop game, but also refers to the last card in 7 card stud.
The seventh and last card, dealt face down, in Seven-Card Stud. The fifth and last up card in Hold'em and Omaha.
The last of five community cards in flop games (e.g. hold'em and omaha). Sometimes called fifth street. Sometimes "river" is used to refer to the last card in non-flop games, such as seven card stud.
The last communal card to be dealt. Also known as "fifth street".
Is the last card to be flipped on the board. Also know as "Fifth Street."
The last community card dealt in a flop game.
The 5th community card on the board
Last, fifth card added to cards on table. After this, last BIDDING takes place.
The final community card in Hold'em and Omaha, also known as fifth street, or seventh street in Seven Card Stud.
The fifth and final community card which is put out face up, by itself. It is also known as "fifth street". Metaphors which involve “the river†are among poker's most treasured clichés - e.g. "He drowned in the river."
this is the last round of betting, and the last fifth community card. When the river card is placed on the broad, the dealing is completed. It is then followed by final betting and winner is then decided and the pot is awarded to the winner.
The fifth and final Community Card, placed face up in the center of the Table, in a game of Hold'em or Omaha Poker. Also sometimes referred to as Fifth Street.
The last (fifth) board card, also called fourth street.
The fifth and final community card. Also used as a verb for being beaten by a hand that an opponent makes on the river card. For example “I got rivered by the flush
Name for the last card dealt in Texas Hold Em, Omaha, or Seven Card Stud games.