In meteorology, usually a reference to Geopotential Height; roughly the height above sea level of a pressure level. For example, if a station reports that the 500 mb height at its location is 5600 m, it means that the level of the atmosphere over that station at which the atmospheric pressure is 500 mb is 5600 meters above sea level. This is an estimated height based on temperature and pressure data.
The usually inadvertent production of vertical directional cues, which make some instruments sound as if they are above or below the other performers. See "soundstaging."
altitude. From the highest point, a perpendicular drawn to the base.
The vertical measurement of vegetation from the top of the crown to ground level.
elevation above ground or distance upwards from a given level (especially sea level) to a fixed point. (See altitude).
Measurement from base to top of a stratum, growth form and/or species. Can be calculated for a given community to derive the average height for a given stratum. Fowler & Fowler, 1996 NVIS
Vertical measurement of a bar code.
Measured in hands at the high point of the withers; one hand equals 4 inches.
the structure's greatest height measured from the ground to the track level. Railings, flagpoles and such are not counted as part of the roller coaster's height.
In bivalves the greatest distance from the beaks on a vertical line to the ventral margin.
The angular distance of a celestial object from the horizon. Height can be measured using the vanes on the alilade and the altitude scale.
The distance before stretching from the top edge of knuckle or twist to the bottom edge of the knuckle or twist of the fabric.
The length of an altitude of a polygon or solid.
The vertical dimension of a book as it sits upright on its tail.
in a parallelogram, the perpendicular distance from the base to the opposite side
the vertical distance from a vertex to the base
the perpendicular distance between the bases of a trapezoid
The estimated size of a diamond, measured vertically from the top.
Measurement used from top to bottom on a window
the vertical dimension of extension; distance from the base of something to the top
elevation especially above sea level or above the earth's surface; "the altitude gave her a headache"
of Bobbin Window- The available winding height – calculated as the distance from the inner radius of the bobbin to the inner edge of the core, as shown in Figure 1.
Height in inches was measured shortly before harvest and is given as the average length of plants from the ground to the tip of the main stem.
Either merchantable or total is the distance from the ground to the top of the tree. In measuring total height the distance is measured usually in feet from the base to the highest point of the tree. In measuring merchantable height the distance is measured from the ground to a specified minimum top diameter. Merchantable height is expressed in terms of feet or number of logs of a specified length which includes a trim allowance.
This measurement is always expressed second when ordering a drape. When a drape rod exists, one measures from the top center of the rod down to where you want the drapes to hang. This is the height of the drape. When no rod exists, the height is the measurement from the top center of the window casing to the bottom.
The vertical distance between a wave crest and the next wave trough.
of a building is the distance measured vertically between the topmost point of the building (not being a vent, chimney or the like) and natural ground level below
The vertical distance between the collar and the top of the stem of a plant, measured in its natural position as specified in the latest version of the American Standard for Nursery Stock (ANSI Z60.1)
(of a box) The distance from the baseline of the box to the top edge of the box.
Vertical measurement from the shoulders or withers to the ground
window measurement from top to bottom.
also referred to as stature; distance from the crown of the head to the surface on which the individual is standing; measured when the child/adolescent is not wearing shoes.
The segment from a vertex perpendicular to the line containing the opposite side.
means the height of a building. The exact method of measuring height is determined through the Zoning Bylaw.
1) The vertical distance of a level, point, or object considered as a point, measured from a specific datum. 2) The vertical dimension of an object.
The vertical distance from the grade to the higest point of the sign face. Sign codes often limit height.
The vertical measurement of your blind, taken to the nearest 1/8 of an inch. For measuring instructions, click here.
The distance of gate position above the seat. This measurement is adjustable for best efficiency and comfort according to athlete's size.
Vertical measurement from the withers to the ground; referred to usually as shoulder height.
height is usually measured from the groundline of the seedling stem to the tip of the terminal bud. In hardwoods, like Alder or Eucalyptus, height may be measured to the highest point on the seedling if the seedling droops a lot. Other ways to measure height are from a marked (painted) point 1 inch above ground to the terminal bud.
The height refers to the measurement of the window from top to bottom.
The vertical dimension measured from ground level to the plate line. (Plate line is defined as the intersection of the wall and roof.)
measured from the ground to the point of the withers
Vertical measurement from the withers to the ground. See withers.
The measurement of the blind or shade from top to bottom (vertically).
Width is a distance value that is vertical.You might have a height of two meters, but you also have a width of .5 meters. Length, width, and height are terms used to describe two-dimensional objects. Depth is a term applied to three dimensional objects. The perpendicular distance from a vertex to the line containing the opposite side of a plane figure. Another term for height is altitude.
Height is the measurement of distance between a specified point and a corresponding plane of reference. If the distance is occupied by a contiguous form of matter, the measurement is colloquially known as how "tall" the form is.