Definitions for "Triangulation"
The series or network of triangles into which the face of a country, or any portion of it, is divided in a trigonometrical survey; the operation of measuring the elements necessary to determine the triangles into which the country to be surveyed is supposed to be divided, and thus to fix the positions and distances of the several points connected by them.
The measurement of distance, length, by the use of vector lines and known measurements (points) and angles. (The paperÕs edges give immediate reference to vertical and horizontal.
Taking a variety of different research approaches to an issue, as if you're seeing it from different angles. Though different methods come up with different results, the results should be similar enough that they might be plotted on a graph as a small triangle. Somewhere inside that triangle is the real truth.
a metaphor derived from surveying and navigation to indicate the convergence of two or more viewpoints on a single position or, in social research, truth. Triangulation expercise migh, for example, involve seeing whether the results of a questionnaire are repeated in observational data. Associated with a realist approach and, largely, with early qualitative discussions of validity, triangulation is treated with scepticism by non-realists who reject the view that revelation of a single truth is the object of a research account.
In practical terms this often means that in the course of research we triangulate, that is we make use of a variety of different research strategies and methods (so we might use a survey as well as in-depth interviews).
is a research technique that involves using more than one source of criminological data to assess the validity of what is being observed.
Keywords:  trojan
diagonal bracing that effectively adds strength to a structure.
Diagonal Triangulation
Keywords:  endgames, pawn, ''tempo', king, lose
A technique used in king and pawn endgames (less commonly seen with other pieces) to lose a ''tempo'' and gain the ''opposition''.
Keywords:  backbearing, taking, another, name
Another name for taking a backbearing
Triangulation is the act of a candidate presenting his or her ideology as being "above" and "between" the left and right sides of the political spectrum. A related term is third way politics.
The building of multiple sources of information or ideas to support a central finding or theme.
Using three or more data sources or multiple measures to get a more complete picture of achievement for a classroom, school, or district.
refers to the calculation of receiver position by way of at least four satellites