The point in any figure opposite to, and farthest from, the base; the terminating point of some particular line or lines in a figure or a curve; the top, or the point opposite the base.
in computer graphics, a 2D or 3D point; two vertices may be connected together by a line, or edge
A point of a graph; may be linked by edges to other vertices.
The point found in the western section of a horoscope that indicates the intersection of the ecliptic and prime vertical, called the "third angle of a horoscope". This point and its opposite, the Anti-Vertex, are sensitive degrees in a natal horoscope associated with fate and wish fulfillment.
(Plural-Vertices) Vertices are corner points on a solid. Vertices are labeled with a āVā prefix (V317).
1. In general, a point in 3D space. 2. In polygonal modeling, a corner shared by two or more polygonal faces. Plural is vertices.
The highest point on the head with the head in the Frankfort horizontal plane.
A multidisciplinary study of VERtical Transport and EXchange of material in the upper ocean performed in the California Current. See Martin et al. (1987).
A point where two or more rays meet, where sides of a polygon meet, or where edges of a polyhedron meet.
The point where two rays forming an angle meet, the point where two sides of a polygon meet, or the point where three or more faces of a polygon meet
A point occurring along an arc between nodes that defines the shape of the arc.
(1) The point at which the rays of an angle, or the edges of a polyhedron meet.
A corner or point in a polygon. Each vertex has its own coordinate matrix.
Intermediate points along a line curve, or arc. They represent the critical points of inflection along the arcs, thereby reflecting its shape.
The point on an angle where the two sides intersect.
An experimental horoscope angle, or sensitive point. As the horizon divides the chart into up and down, the vertex divides it into back and front.
noun - A zero-dimensional unit of a one-or-higher dimensional figure. A vertex is the intersection point of two edges. It is the zero-dimensional analog of edge, face, cell, and teron.
popupid: vertex](Geometry) The point of intersection of multiple Edges of a solid object, such as a Brush.
A specific point in 3D space; a corner point where plane polygons join.
A corner point of a polygon
(1) The highest point of a feature. (2) The meeting-point of lines that form an angle. (3) Also, one of a set of "x,y" coordinates that define a linear feature in vector structured data.
A reference point used in the definition of an arc or linear segment.
A three dimensional geometric location, used for defining the edges of an element. Also known as coordinates, points, or nodes.
The highest point, crown, or apex.
(plural: vertices) a point in a polyhedron where three or more edges meet
Corner of a System formed by Convergence of Lines or Edges
the point of intersection of lines or the point opposite the base of a figure
the highest point (of something); "at the peak of the pyramid"
a candidate for deletion only if it has degree two
a corner on any polyhedron
a good hub, if it points to many good authorities, and it is a good authority, if it is pointed to by many good hubs
a highest point, a zenith, and the word has several specialized senses in geometry and other sciences as well
a point at which edges and faces join
a point at which two edges or sides meet
a point, for example the end point of a line, or a corner of a polygon
a point in space also described by (x, y, z) coordinates which symbolize the amount of displacement along each of the axes
a point plus possible various specific parameters
a point that is part of a three-dimensional object
a point used to describe the corners of a face
a point where the distances PF and PD are least
a point where two or more lines meet, cg where three or more surfaces meet, or where a curve cg or surface has the greatest curvature
a small diamond-shaped handle which appears in the point where two segments meet
a special point of a mathematical object, and is usually a location where two or more lines or edges meet
The vertex of a polygon is a corner. The vertex of a parabola is the highest or lowest point.
The points where two line segments come together (corners).
A vertex is the 3D location of a triangle corner for a Mesh or Skin. P04
Latin = summit; hence the highest point on the skull.
The endpoint of an edge of a polygon. Also the minimum or maximum point of a graph.
the point at which two rays meet and form an angle, or the point at which two sides meet in a polygon.
a point or node in a graph
Point of highest latitude through which the extended great-circle course passes.
A point where lines, rays, sides of a polygon or edges of a polyhedron meet (corner).
a point in a crease pattern where multiple crease s come together. See leaf vertex, branch vertex.
An endpoint of the major or minor axis.
A point on an object that is manipulatable.
A point in three-dimensional space.
(plural: vertices) the point of intersection of two rays that form an angle, two sides of a polygon or two edges of a solid.
the common endpoint from which two rays begin (i.e., the corner of an angle) or the point where two lines intersect; the point on a triangle or pyramid opposite to and farthest from the base.
Endpoints of a line segment. (Plural: vertices)
A dimensionless position in three- or four-dimensional space at which two or more lines (for instance, edges) intersect.
A single corner of a polyhedron. A dice has 8 vertexes.
The point at which the rays of an angle, two sides of a polygon, or the edges of a polyhedron meet.
A point in 3D space that defines a corner of one or more polygons.
One can start a long discussion about the definition of a vertex in a tiling. We leave that to others and define a vertex in a plane tiling as a point in 2 which is contained in more than two tile s of the tiling.
graph is made up of dots connected by lines. A ``dot'' is called a vertex. When there is more than one vertex, they are called vertices. A ``line'' is called an edge. (The plural is simply edges.)
the point at the bottom or top of a character where two strokes meet (, , ); see also Crotch
The general name for a 3D or 2D point. Besides an X,Y,Z coordinate, a vertex can have color, a normal vector and a selection flag. Also used as controlling points or handles on curves.
A point at which edges meet. A cube has 8 vertices.
A vertex of an angle is a point at which two sides of the angle meet. A vertex of a polygon is a point at which two of the sides meet. A vertex of a polyhedron is a point at which 3 or more faces meet.
vertex, summit], the top of the head towards the posterior portion, including the area or areas at which the hair grows in a spiral pattern
A vertex is a 'dot' in a graph. The plural of vertex is 'vertices', as in, 'this graph has five vertices'. Other synonyms for vertex are node, point or state. Here are the vertices of a graph (in red)
A vertex is the point where two or more polygons join.
The Vertex is the intersection of the Ecliptic with Western Prime Vertical.
The point of intersection of the sides of a polygon or faces of a solid.
Group of co-ordinates X, Y and Z that represent a precise point in a 3D space. Synonym of "point".
3D location where two or more lines meet.
The point at which the optical axis of a lens intersect the surface.
(n) The coincidental termination of two or more edges, defined by a point in space. This point indicates a transition from one edge to another and is often the juncture of two or more faces (surfaces).
1. The intersection of two lines. 2. A summit.
The point of intersection of two sides of an angle
The peak opposite the base of a figure, where two sides meet.
A vertex is the point at which two line segments, lines, or rays meet to form an angle. It could be a common endpoint of two sides of a polygon, the endpoint of two rays that form an angle, or where two or more edges of a three-dimensional solid meet.
Point used by astrologers in the 70's, representing the inner life of the ascendant. Calculated by inverting the degree of the Ascendant (ie calculating the degree of the ascendant as if the native were born in the opposite hemisphere and calling this point the Vertex).
(n.) The location at which vector s and polygon faces or edges intersect. In transformation algorithms, an object's vertexes describe the object's location and its location in relation to other objects.
The most superior point on the top of the skull.
In the geometry of curves a vertex is a point of where the first derivative of curvature is zero. This is typically a local maximum or minimum of curvature. Other special cases may occur, for instance when the second derivative is also zero, or when the curvature is constant.