A wireless system component that converts wired electrical energy to wireless radio waves, and directs them through the air in some pattern.
A structure that is intended to radiate electromagnetic waves into or collect electromagnetic energy from space.
The device that radiates electromagnetic radiation from a transmitter and receives electromagnetic radiation from antennae or other sources.
A device for transmitting or receiving, or transmitting and receiving signals. An antenna’s shape and size depends on what frequency and the strength of the signal it is receiving.
(Also called aerial; sometimes the more general term radiator is used.) A conductor or system of conductors for radiating and/or receiving radio energy. As used in radar, the antenna is usually "directional," that is, it has the property of radiating or receiving radio waves in larger proportion in a given direction than in others. It includes both the basic radiating element or feed (such as dipole antenna or horn antenna) and its associated reflector for focusing the energy. See also waveguide, loop antenna, beavertail antenna.
Rod or wire used to receive television signals broadcast over the air.
A device for transmitting and receiving radio waves. Depending on their intended use, antennas could be a single piece of wire, a di-pole, a grid, a helix, a parabolic satellite dish, etc.
A device that both transmits and receives radio frequencies.
a device consisting of spaced elements that are used to receive broadcast signals. It may be either broadband or single channel.
Wire or set of wires capable of transmitting or receiving radio waves. Sometimes bonded to or imbedded in replacement glass parts.
An antenna acts as a radiator that propagates a radio frequency signal from a wireless device through the air. An antenna also works in reverse by capturing signals from the air.
an instrument for receiving radio waves. The BIMA telescope is made up of several antennas linked together. Because of their shape, antennas like those that make up the BIMA telescope are sometimes referred to as "dishes". (See also text in mainarray HighPlanDish, GtrSensitiv, and DataIncr.)
A device which increases the efficiency of transmission or reception of radio or radar signals into or from a medium. For instance, transmitting and receiving antennas are the same device.
A device that sends and/or receives radio frequency signals.
Device, which picks up and delivers satellite signals to a receiver; most commonly a dish antenna.
Aerial wire for radio communication.
A piece of wire that can be flat or round, rigid or flexible, hidden or visible that picks up (recieves) or sends (transmits) radio waves in the air.
a part of a cell phone that receives and transmits cellular radio-frequency transmissions.
Any structure or device used to collect or radiate electromagnetic waves. A device that converts radio frequency electrical energy to radiated electromagnetic energy and vice versa; in a transmitting station, the device from which radio waves are emitted.
A device for receiving or transmitting electromagnetic energy
A device used to receive a signal for use by a component.
Device used to transmit and/or receive radio waves. The physical design of the antenna determines the frequency range of transmission/reception.
A metallic apparatus for sending or receiving electromagnetic waves.
A conductor or set of conductors used to radiate RF energy into space or to collect RF energy from space or to do both. [ Antenna Manufacturers], [ Antenna Terms
in microalgae, set of photosynthetic pigments that trap solar energy
A conductive physical device designed to radiate RF energy from a transmitter, or to capture RF energy for application to a receiver.
A mechanical device, such as a rod or wire, which picks up a received signal or radiates a transmitted signal.
Device used for transmitting or receiving electromagnetic radiation at radio frequencies.
An antenna (or aerial) is a device for radiating and receiving electromagnetic waves in the radio frequency (RF) range.
The antenna is the part of the reader/interrogator that radiates the radio frequency energy to, and receives energy from the transponder.
A conductor or system of conduction for transmitting or receiving radio signals.
A device that contributes an energy gain. Satellite dishes, broadband antenna and cut-to-channel antennas are some types of antennas encountered in private cable systems.
Aerial Antenne Antenne Antenne Antenna
The part of a radio system that is designed to radiate electromagnetic waves into free space (or to receive them). This does not include the transmission lines or waveguide to the radiator.
a device that enables the sending and/or receiving of electromagnetic waves. See also Transmitter, Receiver Coils and Surface Coils.
A device for sending and receiving radio signals. Antennas come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some wireless phones contain internal antennas, while others have antennas that extend above the phone.
A device used for transmitting, sending and receiving radio signals. Typical cell phone antennaes are either internal or external. Some are retractable.
an electrical device that sends or receives radio or television signals
a breakthrough for wireless internet in Europe
a conductor or a set of conductors used either to radiate electromagnetic energy into space or to collect this energy from space
a conductor or system of conductors (or, in some instances, partial or semi-conductors) used to either radiate electromagnetic waves (EM) into space or to receive EM waves from space
a conductor, or system of conductors, that radiates or receives energy in the form of electromagnetic waves
a device made of wire, designed to radiate a changing electric field or changing magnetic field when powered by a high-frequency AC source, or intercept an electromagnetic field and convert it to an AC voltage or current
a device specifically designed to transfer radio signals from a transmitter and radiate that signal into the atmosphere
a device that radiates and captures radio (wireless) signals
a device that transmits and/or receives electromagnetic waves
a device used to transmit and receive electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves and microwaves
a device which allows us to collect or radiate electromagnetic fields
a device which uses radio waves to read and write data to the Tags/Labels/PCBs
a dish design which does not lend itself to simultaneous tracking and telemetry from multiple data sources without severe penalty to data signal quality
a metallic instrument used for transmitting and receiving electronic signals
an appropriate distance (several cm) away from the transmitting device
an arrangement of electrical conductorss that can transmit and/or receive electromagnetic energy
an electrical conductor used in the transmission and reception of electromagnetic energy
an electromagnetic device that collects or emits radio waves
an important part of a radio receiver as well
an RF component used to transform an RF signal, traveling on a conductor, into an airbourne wave and vice versa
a passive or an active device, which permits transmission
a specialised transducer that converts radio-frequency (RF) fields into alternating current (AC) or vice-versa
a specialized transducer that converts RF (radio-frequency) fields into AC (alternating current) or vice-versa
a transducer that converts radio frequency electric current to electromagnetic waves that are then radiated into space
a transducer through which electromagnetic waves are coupled from a transmitter to space and from space to a receiver
a wire or metal conductor used either to radiate energy from a transmitter or to pick up energy at a receiver
external or internal device used to retrieve wave data
_A metal or dielectric (insulative) substance fromwhich electromagnetic waves (photons) are transmitted orreceived.
A radio telescope: a collecting 'dish' and associated equipment, used for radio astronomy.
An arrangement of wire, metal rods, etc. used in sending or receiving electromagnetic waves.
a device for radiating or receiving radio waves.
That part of the GPS receiver hardware which receives ( and sometimes amplifies) the incoming signal.
An accessory in the cellular phone that transmits and receives radio frequency energy.
(communications usage) The basic element of a satellite receive site; a parabolic dish-shaped device that is either fixed (locked onto a particular satellite), steerable (able to "look at" more than one satellite of the same sort), or even dual (able to receive both C- and Ku-Band signals, one at a time or both simultaneously).
A device for transmitting and receiving radio waves from/to satellites. Depending on their use and operating frequency, groundstation antennas are frequently a dipole, a yagi, a helix, or a parabolic dish. The primary consideration that drives antenna selection is gain, which must be sufficient to overcome the path loss between the satellite and the groundstation.
An array of metal rods or wires used to intercept radio waves and convert them into electrical currents.
The device (normally similar to a wire) used to convert the electromagnetic energy in the air to an electrical signal that a receiver can process. The dimensions of an antenna are mathematically related to the frequency it will work best for. Normally, higher frequencies will use smaller antennas.
The antenna device connected to the receiver. This is known by its serial number, type and manufacturer, and has an associated Calibration
A metal structure or wire that picks up or transmits electromagnetic energy through space. | Previous
wires, rods, or other devices used to assist the sending and/or receiving of telecommunications signals.
That part of a radio communications system intended to radiate and/or collect radio frequency energy.
A conductive structure specifically designed to couple or radiate electromagnetic energy. In RFID systems, the antenna may be used to both transmit and receive electromagnetic energy.
A device employed as a means for radiating or receiving electromagnetic energy. Aperture: An opening in a shield through which electromagnetic energy passes.
The device used for transmitting, sending and receiving radio signals.
RFID system component that radiates the radio frequency energy to and receives energy from the tag or transponder.
Used for receiving RF signals. The classic broadcast satellite antenna is a parabolic reflector. Sometimes called a “dish†due to its shape.
The conductive elements that radiate and receive the RF energy between tags and readers. Every tag (transponder) consists of an IC chip connected to an antenna. Readers are typically outfitted with multiple antennas,which are positioned for optimal alignment (or coupling) with the transponders.
The device that concentrates a beam of electromagnetic waves to a focal point so as to send/receive signals.
A device, which radiates or captures RF energy.
Electro magnetic equipment which sends or receives radio signals. Most common mis-reference is satellite "dish", see: Reflector
A device for transmitting and/or receiving electromagnetic waves, which is attached to a tower or other structure.
An Antenna is any device used for transmitting signals. Antennas come in all shapes and sizes, their size and shape depending on the frequency and use of the signal transmitted. Some antennas can broadcast signals in all directions, they are called omnidirectional antennas. Other antennas can also broadcast signals in a fine straight line - like a flashlight, they are called directional antennas. Electrical signals with frequencies higher on the spectrum, for example, are shorter and more directional. As they get higher on the spectrum, they behave more like light. These must be focused and thus, require antennas which are shaped like the mirror reflector of a focusing flashlight. This parabolic shape focuses the broad beam (of the bulb or the electrical signal), into a narrow, focused beam. The weaker the received signal the bigger the antenna must be.
A structure that is designed to radiate or pick up electromagnetic fields efficiently. Individual antennas are often used in combinations called antenna arrays.
Piece of equipment designed to transmit and receive radio waves.
A physical device for sending or receiving radio signals. Mobile devices can contain internal antennas or antennas that extend above the phone. If a mobile device includes an FM radio, the lead of the headset functions as the antenna of the radio. The headset needs to be connected when using the radio. See also FM radio.
A wire or set of wires used to send and receive radio waves.
A device for transmitting or receiving a radio frequency (RF). Antennas are designed for specific and relatively tightly defined frequencies and are quite varied in design. An antenna designed for 2. 4-GHz 802.11b devices will not work with 2. 5-GHz devices.
An aerial for receiving or transmitting radio signals. A high gain antenna is highly focused, whereas a low gain antenna receives or transmits over a wide angle.
A device used to transmit or receive broadcast signals.
The antenna is the conductive element that enables the tag to send and receive data. Passive tags usually have a coiled antenna that couples with the coiled antenna of the reader to form a magnetic field. The tag draws power from this field.
Device used for sending or receiving electromagnetic waves.
A device used for transmitting and/or receiving radio signals, whose shape and size is determined by the frequency of signal it is receiving.
A component in a radio system used for transmitting and receiving radio waves. Also called an "Aerial".
An antenna is the device you use to pick up television signals from an over the air broadcast. Antennas have come a long way since the simple rabbit ears back in the fifties, and can now be very powerful and accurate devices
A physical device for sending or receiving radio signals. Antennas come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some wireless phones contain built-in antennas. Many phone owners also use car antennas to boost reception and transmission.
A device used to send or receive electromagnetic radiation. An antenna is said to be omnidirectional if it does not radiate in any particular direction, at least on one plane.
A device for sending and receiving radio signals. Some phones do have built-in antennas.
any part of any SSB system that radiates radio energy
A device used to radiate or receive electromagnetic energy (generally RF). [Antenna Manufacturers
Antennas are the conductive elements which radiate, and/or receive RF energy, to and from the tag.
The telescoping tube that transmits the signal
A device that collects and focuses electromagnetic energy, i.e., contributes an energy gain.
A device attached to a television to enhance reception of local program signals (UHF and/or VHF).
An electric element used to emit high frequency electrical energy.
Hardware that receives incoming signals.
A device used for transmitting, sending and receiving radio signals. Typical cell phone varieties include 1", 3", 6" rubber flex, stubby.
A device for transmitting or receiving radio waves. Also known as aerial. In satellite communication systems the antenna usually consists of a parabolic reflector and a feedhorn. In a receiving system the reflector focuses radio waves onto the feedhorn for detection and conversion into electrical signals. In a transmitting systems the reflector concentrates the radio waves emitted by the feedhorn into a narrow beam aimed towards the satellite.
The device that transmits and/or receives microwave and radio energy.
Antennas are the conductive elements that radiate, and/or receive energy in the radio frequency spectrum, to and from the tag.
The antenna of a mobile is used to radiate to and receive radio signals from the Base Transceiver Station of a cell. Generally, the higher the radio frequency, the smaller will be the antenna. Many mobile antennas are still external, but many are now concealed within the body of the mobile.
The part of a radio transmission system designed to radiate or receive electromagnetic waves.
A conductive metallic structure used for radiating or receiving electromagnetic signals, such as those for radio transmissions and television signals
A structure or device used for the purpose of collecting or transmitting electromagnetic waves, including but not limited to directional antennas, such as panels, microwave dishes, and satellite dishes, and omnidirectional antennas, such as whi p antennas (City of Bloomington Ordinance, Available: http://ci.bloomington.mn.us/structur/codes/special/towerord.html).
A length of wire or similar that radiates (such as a transmitting antenna) or absorbs (such as a radio antenna) radio waves.
A device used to receive over-the-air broadcast signals from various radio and television sources.
In a radio frequency identification system the antenna is the device which radiates and or receives the RF energy.
A conductor or system of conductors for radiating and/or receiving radio energy. Also called aerial.
The Antenna is responsible for sending and receiving the radio signal from a mobile phone base station. This is what makes mobile calls possible.
Transmits and receives radio and television signals. Depending on use and frequency, antennas can be a single piece of wire, dipole, a grid such as a yagi array, horn, helix, parabolic-shaped dish, or a combination of types.
A device for transmitting and receiving signals. Often camouflaged on existing buildings, trees, water towers or other tall structures, the size and shape of antennas are generally determined by the frequency of the signal they manage.
Apparatus attached to a television to enhance reception of programming signals.
Equipment for sending or receiving signals from a satellite.
Equipment that sends and/or receives signals from a satellite.
Copper coil inside a contactless smartcard, the purpose of which is the transmission of electric impulses within a magnetic field.
A device for transmitting and/or receiving signals. The size and shape of antennas are determined, in large part, by the frequency of the signal they are receiving.
An apparatus used for sending and receiving radio waves, usually constructed of metal.
A device used for transmitting, sending and receiving radio signals. Antenna boosters can also be used to increase transmissions.
The device that sends and/or receives signals from the satellite. Also referred to as a satellite dish.
Metal rod or length or wire which sends or receives electromagnetic waves.
A structure or device used to receive or transmit electromagnetic waves.
The conductive element that enables an RFID tag or tags to send and receive data.
device which radiates and/or receives radio signals.
A device for transmitting and receiving radio waves that comes in many shapes depending on operating frequency and use.
A device that facilitates the transmission and reception of radio signals.
A component in the transmission or receive chain that focuses RF energy into a "beam."
A device for radiating and receiving electromagnetic waves in the radio frequency (RF) range. Otherwise known as an aerial.
The antenna is the aerial that sends out and/or receives signals.
A device for transmitting and receiving radio waves. Depending on their use and operating frequency, antennas can take the form of a single piece of wire, a di-pole a grid such as a yagi array, a horn, a helix, a sophisticated parabolic-shaped dish, or a phase array of active electronic elements of virtually any flat or convoluted surface.
A device for radiating and receiving radio waves, usually designed to focus the waves to or from one direction. The antenna is often referred to as a dish.
Antennas are a device for sending and receiving information to and from the tag.
Device used with the patient programmer when the neurostimulator is placed in an area difficult to reach. The antenna sends signals to the neurostimulator. One end connects to the patient programmer, and the other is placed over the neurostimulator.
A device for transmitting and/or receiving radio waves. Usually a parabolic- shaped dish.
An antenna is a device used for transmitting, sending and receiving radio signals.
The thing that receives the signal from the satellite, comprising the dish itself and the LNB (see below). The surface of the dish is designed to reflect and focus (and thus concentrate) the signal on to the LNB.
The tag antenna is the conductive element that enables the tag to send and receive data. Passive, low- (135 kHz) and high-frequency (13.56 MHz) tags usually have a coiled antenna that couples with the coiled antenna of the reader to form a magnetic field. UHF tag antennas can be a variety of shapes. Readers also have antennas which are used to emit radio waves. The RF energy from the reader antenna is "harvested" by the antenna and used to power up the microchip, which then changes the electrical load on the antenna to reflect back its own signals.
A device for sending and receiving radio signals. Most of the latest phones now have built-in antennas to send and receive signals. Phones that also have FM radios use the headset as an antenna to improve reception.
an arrangement of conductors designed to radiate an electromagnetic field in response to an applied alternating electromotive force (EMF) and the associated alternating electric current-From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
A device for transmitting and/or receiving radio frequency signals.
A device for receiving radio-frequency (RF) signals from a source and making them strong enough to be handled by a tuner, television set, satellite receiver, etc.
also known as the interrogator or read-write head, it sends and receives information from RF tags
(Wireless) An electronic component used to transmit and receive radio waves. Antennas are designed to operate in a narrow frequency range.
A piece of equipment that allows transmission and reception of radio signals. Satellites need antennas to communicate with Earth. A satellite may need to receive instructions and transmit the information it collects, or it may relay the information sent to it to another site on Earth. Since the information is transmitted using radio waves, which move at the speed of light, this method allows for very fast communications (only a very small time lag).
An electrical conductor, or system of con-ductors, used to transmit or receive radio waves.
a device that intercepts or radiates radio frequency energy.
An antenna or aerial is an arrangement of aerial electrical conductors designed to transmit or receive radio waves which is a class of electromagnetic waves. In other words, antennas basically convert radio frequency electrical currents into electromagnetic waves and vice versa. Antennas are used in systems such as radio and television broadcasting, point-to-point radio communication, radar, and space exploration.