Something that hinders something else. Specifically, the measure of something that inhibits electricity from flowing in a wire or a DC circuit. Abbreviated "R". see impedance
A component, material, circuit, or system which limits the current flow in through it. It is measured in ohms (W) is symbolized with the letter "R." Resistance depends on the molecular structure and dimensions of the device and the configuration of the circuit or system.
The opposition to the flow of electricity in an electric circuit measured in ohms.
Property of a fluid/tube system equal to the ratio between the pressure gradient across a tube and the flow through the tube.
the measure of a circuits impedance. Measured in Ohms. See resistor for details.
The ability of all conductors of electricity to resist the flow of current, turning some of it into heat. Resistance depends on the cross section of the conductor (the smaller the cross section, the greater the resistance) and its temperature (the hotter the cross section, the greater its resistance).
Ohm] It is the measure of opposition to current flow through a given medium. Substances with high resistances are called insulators and those with low resistances are called conductors. Those in between are known as semiconductors. The unit is the Ohm. 1 Ohm is defined as the resistance between two points on a conductor when an electric potential difference of one volt applied between those points produces a current of one Amp and when that conductor is not the source of any electro motive force.
The opposition to the flow of current that converts electrical energy into heat. Unit of measurement is the Ohm.
the degree to which a substance resists electric current.
Force which opposes flow of electrical current
A measurement of the impedence of a substance to charge movement.
When a voltage potential is placed across a wire, the number of electrons that will flow will depend on the degree of freedom of electrons in the conducting wire. The ability of the wire to conduct is called conductance, but this property of the wire is normally considered in terms of how it restricts the flow of electrons, that is its resistance. Resistance is measured in ohms.
The difficulty in moving electrical current through a conductor to which voltage is applied. Expressed in ohms.
Anything that impedes the flow of electrons through a conductor and is measured in ohms
The property of a wire or conductor that determines the current flow for a given applied voltage measured in ohms.
Impediment to gas flow, such as pressure drop or draft loss through a dust collector. Usually measured in inches water column ("wc).
In electrical systems, it is the resistance to the flow of current. It can be compared to friction loss in an irrigation piping system. Resistance causes a drop in voltage along the length of a wire and is measured in ohms.
Resistance () is electric potential difference divided by current when there is no electromotive force in the conductor. This definition applies to direct current. More generally, resistance is defined as the real part of impedance.
how hard it is for electricity to flow through something. Unit is Ohms.
The difficulty with an electric current will pass through a material. Even the best conductors have some resistance. The passage of an electric current through a resistance produces heat, and the amount produced is given by the following formula: Watts = volts(2) / Resistance on ohms
the proportionality constant between the applied electrostatic potential difference and the resulting current in a circuit.
A block to understanding or acting. Any resistance only exists by virtue of a continued push in the opposite direction. So in training, the useful question is to ask' "What am I doing that is contributing to this person's resistance?"
A force, such as friction, that slows down or stops a moving object. Also, a measure of how strongly a substance opposes the flow of electricity. The unit of resistance in an electronic circuit is the ohm. From the Latin re-, meaning “back,” and sistere, meaning “to take a stand.
() The ratio of the voltage across a substance to the current that flows through it.
Opposition of force or flow; in the vascular system, retardation of blood flow by constriction of vessels.
a property of an object associated with energy dissipation which occurs when a current exists in the object. For a passive device (one which has no emf) resistance is defined as the quotient: steady potential difference (∆) between two points on the object divided by the associated current () through the object; = ∆/. The value of the resistance depends on the contact points chosen but for many circuit components the two connection points are usually obvious. A thing whose resistance is independent of the potential difference is said to obey Ohm's law.
The unyielding of material to destructive acids and tough environments
This measurement shows the resistance to the AC current flow measured in ohms. See also Impedance and OHM.
An electrical property that opposes the flow of current through a circuit.
property of hosts that prevents or impedes disease development.
The voltage per amp needed to make electricity flow through a wire. See Ohm's Law.
resistance to blood flow as a result of viscosity, blood vessel length, and blood vessel radius; hindrance to the flow of electricity; hindrance to the flow of air as it moves through the respiratory pasageways; the abililty to ward off disease
The opposition of a conductor tot he passage of an electrical current, usually expressed in ohms.
The degree to which the flow of electrons is opposed by the material the electrons must pass through. Resistance is expressed in OHMS.
The ratio of the voltage difference to the current in an object made of an ohmic substance.
the property of a material that resists the flow of electrical current
A characteristic of a material that opposes the flow of electrons. It results in loss of energy in a circuit dissipated as heat.
A property of conductors which depends on their dimensions, material, and temperature.
an electrical device that resists the flow of electrical current
The quantity determined by the temperature difference, at steady state, between two defined surfaces of a material or construction that induces a unit heat flow rate through a unit area (in m2·K·W-1 or h·ft2·°F·Btu-1)..
That property of a substance which impedes or restricts the flow of current and results in a dissipation of power in the form of heat measured in ohms.
linked to the ionic conductivity and thickness of the electrolytic membrane, it must be kept to a minimum in order to deliver high current while maintaining a satisfactory voltage
The properly of a material to resist the flow of electrical current. Resistance is a property of all practical circuits to some degree. Current flowing through resistance always results in dissipation of energy, usually in the form of heat.
The restriction to the flow of electrons.
Pure resistance is measured in Ohms. Resistance in the form of resistors blocks the flow of electric current in a linear or non frequency selective manner.
The physical property of a material which impedes the flow of electricity.
A property of a conductor, which resists or opposes the flow of current in an electronic circuit.
A measure of the ability of a material to oppose the passage of electricity.
Physical opposition by the horse against the rider. Not synonymous with disobedience nor with Evasion. Can be momentary or pervasive.
A property of conductors that determines the current produced by a given difference of potential. Dimensions, material and temperature all influence resistance.
A measure of how strongly a circuit impedes the flow of a direct current.
Material (usually lamps or wire) of low conductivity inserted in a circuit to retard the flow of current. By varying the resistance, the amount of current can be regulated. Also the property of an electrical circuit whereby the flow of current is impeded. Resistance is measured in ohms. Analogous to the impediment offered by wall of a pipe to flow of water therein.
An electrical word. Resistance is the ratio of voltage to current (hence, Ohm’s law: V = iR).
The opposition to the flow of electric current. Also see Power and Ohm
Property of a material that resists the flow of electrons when a potential difference is applied across it. This is measured in Ohms. Resistance is the quality that causes electricity to produce light in a filament or heat in an electrical heater of any kind.
In hydraulics, the condition engendered by an obstruction or restriction in the flow path.
Any electrical conductor will resist the flow of electrical current. As it resists the flow of current, the current becomes weaker. Resistance generates heat and occasionally light, and is measured in Ohms.
The opposition of a substance to the passage through it of a steady electric current.From Ohm's Law, R = E/I, the resistance equals the voltage of the cell divided by the current flow.
The inherent characteristic of a material to inhibit the flow of electrons producing heat in conductors, devices, or components and is measured in Ohms.
The opposition of a substance to the passage of electrical current; friction against electrons moving.
The real (non-reactive) part of the impedance of a circuit.
Opposition to the flow of air, as through a canister, cartridge or particulate filter.
Opposition to the flow of DC current in a wire or electrical circuit. Return - An input jack on a mixing console that receives a processed send signal from outboard gear such as a equalizer, compressor, limiter, etc.
Opposition to the free flow of electrical current in a circuit.
That property of a conductor by which it opposes the flow of electric current, resulting in the generation of heat in the conducting material, usually expressed in ohms. 2) Opposition to the flow of current in one direction or which does not represent different opposition for signals of different frequencies.
The opposition to the flow of D.C. current.
Opposition measured in ohms to the flow of electrical current.
A property of electrical conductors or electrical insulators which characterizes their ability to conduct or resist the flow of electricity. Ringwave A low-energy test waveform specified by ANSI C-62.41-1991.
The opposition offered by a body or substance to a flow of electrons.
Air drag, or the opposition of the air to being displaced by the forward movement of an aeroplane.
Resistance is the opposition to the flow of current in DC and AC circuits. It is expressed in ohms and its symbol is R.
The opposition to the flow of a fluid through one or more passageways, such as opposition to the passage of blood through a blood vessel
The opposition a device or material offers to the flow of current. The effect of resistance is to raise the temperature of the material or device carrying the current. A circuit element designed to offer a predetermined resistance to current flow. A resistance of 1 ohm will allow a current of 1 ampere to flow through it when a potential of 1 volt is applied.
Symbolized "R" and measured in ohms. Opposition to current flow and dissipation of energy in the form of heat.
Resistance is any force that resists the flow of electricity, consuming power from a circuit by changing electric energy into heat. This is often called "the load" and is measured in ohms.
(la Résistance) Opposition to Nazi occupation.
The opposition to current flow in D.C. circuits. Measured in ohms.
A measure of resistance to flow of current, expressed in ohms.
The opposition that a device or material offers to the flow of direct current, equal to the voltage drop across the element divided by the current through the element. Also called electrical resistance.
Ventilation Filter. Pressure drop across a filter at a stated flow and under given conditions; generally expressed in millimetres water gauge or in units as N/m² or Pascal's. See also flow resistance.
refers to the resistance of a material to the flow of electrons, measured in ohms.
In a device, circuit, or component, the opposition to current flow. Resistance is identified by the letter "R" and is measured in "ohms."
The degree of obstacle presented by a material to the flow of electric current is known as resistance and is measured in ohms.
The opposition that a conductor offers to the flow of direct current. In alternating current circuits, resistance is the primary component of impedance.
The opposition that a substance offers to the flow of electric current
Electrical resistance is a measure of how hard it is for a current to pass through a given material. It is similar to the way that it is harder for you to walk through water than air. It is usually measured in Ohms.
the resistance in a substance to the flow of electric current.
In dc circuits, the apposition a material offers to current flow, measured in ohms. In ac circuits, resistance is the real component of impedance, and may be higher than the value measured at dc.
Property of a material that opposes the flow of current.
The degree to which a device opposes or resists the flow of electricity. As the electrical resistance increases, the current decreases. See ohm and resistor.
The characteristic of an electrical device that provides opposition to the flow of current.
The resistance to electrical current. Resistance is measured in ohms.
The internal structure of wires even in the best conductors opposes the flow of electric current and converts some current into heat. This internal friction-like effect is called resistance and is measured in ohms. Resistance equals Voltage divided by Amperage.
A measure of the difficulty in moving electrical current through a medium when voltage is applied. It is expressed in ohms.
opposition to the flow of electric charge
A characteristic of electricity measured in ohms and symbolized by "R." All material resists the flow of electrons. Conductors such as copper have low resistance. Insulators such as glass have high resistance.
The property of a conducting material (a resistor) to offer an obstruction to the flow of our electric current. Can be calculated by the use of Ohm's Law.
In water conditioning, the opposition offered by water to the flow of electricity through it; the reciprocal of electrical conductance. The unit of measurement for electrical resistance is the Ohm. Electrical resistance can be used to approximate the mineral content, or lack of it, in high quality water. (See conductance).
A term describing the opposition of a circuit to alternating or direct current.
Commonly, the non-frequency-dependent resistance of current flow within an electrical circuit. See also Impedance.
a measurement of how much a material opposes the flow of electricity (Wood has high resistance so it is a poor conductor of electricity. Copper has low resistance, so it is a good conductor of electricity.)
R: The opposition of a conductor to current is called its resistance. A good conductor has a low resistance and a bad conductor has a high resistance. Back to top of the page
The property of a conductor which opposes the flow of an electric current, resulting in the generation of heat in the conducting material and the lowering of voltage in the conductor. The measure of the resistance of a given circuit is the voltage drop across that circuit divided by the current passing through it. The unit of resistance is the ohm.
A substance that impedes the flow of current resulting in loss of power, such as heat.
(1) The opposition to the flow of direct current. Equal to the voltage drop (E) across the material in which the current is flowing divided by the current (I) flowing through the material. See Ohm's law and IR drop. Also, see impedance.(2) In fluid flow, see viscosity.
The measure of the ability of a material to pass a current.
The measurement of how much a resistor impedes the flow of electrons in an electrical or electronic circuit. Resistance is measured in ohms.
The opposition offered by a material to the flow of a steady electrical current. DC systems have resistance only.
The opposition to current flow. Electricity flows in the path of least resistance.
The ability of an electrical conductor to resist the flow of current. The smaller the cross-section of the conductor, the greater the resistance. The higher the temperature, the greater the resistance. Thus, the higher the current, the larger the cable must be to carry the current effectively. Resistance is measured in ohms.
The property of conductors which - depending on their dimensions, material, and temperature - determines the current produced by a given difference of potential; that property of a substance which impedes current and results in the dissipation of power in the form of heat. The practical unit of resistance is the ohm.
The opposition to current flow. or the reciprocal of thermal conductivity.
In electrical or electronic circuits, a characteristic of a material that opposes the flow of electrons. Speakers have resistance that opposes current.
Resistance is the potential difference measured between the ends of a conductor when a current is flowing in it. Measured in Ohms (W).
The opposition of a body or substance to electric current passing through. Socket: A hollow opening or cavity into which something fits, such as an electric light socket.
the measure of a device's opposition to the flow of current. The unit of resistance is the ohm (Ω)
Resistance is any force that resists the flow of electricity, consuming power from a circuit by changing electric energy into heat. Electricians measure resistance in ohms.
The characteristic of the electric conductors that resist or oppose direct current through an electrical circuit.
The resistance to the flow of electric current measured in ohms (1/2) for a conductor. Resistance is function of diameter, resistivity (an intrinsic property of the material) and length.
The opposition of a conductor to the passage of an electrical current, usually expressed in ohms.
Opposition to electrical current, usually expressed on ohms.
Opposition to the flow of electrical current. Measured in ohms.
property of a conductor that opposed the current flow produced by a given difference of potential. The ohm is the practical unit of resistance.
material's ability to decrease or stop electrical current
The ratio of the potential difference (i.e., voltage) across an electrical component (i.e., a resistor) to the current passing through it. The relationship between voltage, current and resistance is described by Ohm's Law, V=IR.
Opposition to the flow of electric current, measured in ohms.
See also Ohms. An electrical term used to describe the distance to a dead short on a wire pair.
The opposition of electric current by a material or electrical device. Electrical energy is converted into thermal and other forms of energy when work is done by a current to overcome a resistance.
The opposition to the flow of current in an electrical circuit. It is analogous to the friction of fluid flowing in a pipe.
All components in electrical circuits exhibit one or more of the characteristics of resistance, capacitance, and inductance. The commonly used unit of resistance is the ohm, which is the resistance of a conductor in which a potential difference of 1 volt causes a current flow of 1 ampere.
The opposition to the flow of current through a circuit or electrical device, and is measured in ohms. Resistance is equal to the voltage divided by the amperage.
Measured in ohms - analogous to friction in hydraulics. A measurement of the restriction of the free flow of electrons in electrical conductors. Copper has a low resistance making it a good conductor - Glass has a high resistance making it a good insulator.
The property of a conductor which opposes the flow of an electric current resulting in the generation of heat in the conducting material. The measure of the resistance of a given conductor is the electromotive force needed for a unit current flow. The unit of resistance is ohms.
Opposition to the flow of current in a magnet wire, turning electrical energy into heat energy.
The opposition to current flow. The load in an electrical circuit.
a measure of opposition to the flow of electrical charge.
(1) The frequency-invariant opposition to current flow, abbreviated as "R." The unit of resistance is the ohm (Ω). (2) The resistance of a PolySwitch device under specified conditions (e.g., 20¡C), before connection into a circuit. Devices of a particular type will be delivered with a range of resistances; therefore, a minimum value, Rmin, and/or a maximum value, Rmax, are often given.
The opposition to flow of direct current (DC).
opposition to the flow of DC energy through a cable.
An opposition to movement, such as wind against a vehicle.
The opposition to electric current flow. All conductors offer some resistance and the basic unit of resistance is the ohm.
Opposition to electrical current flow, usually unrelated to frequency, especially if noted as DC resistance or DCR.
The resistance to flow of electricity through a material. Socket: A hollow opening or cavity into which something fits, such as an electric light socket.
The opposition to electrical flow in a circuit or component.
The opposition to the flow of an electrical current or a fluid.
The opposition to the flow of electrical current in a conductor, usually stated in ohms. Unlike impedance, resistance relates only to electronic components, not to tissue or body fluids. However, in pacing, resistance and impedance are sometimes used interchangeably. Abbreviated R. See also impedance.
That property of a material that resists the flow of an electric current.
Anything that impedes the flow of electricity, particularly in direct (DC) current. Resistance is measured in ohms.
In air flow, it is caused by friction of the air against any surface, or by changing the momentum of the gas.
Impedance to flow in a tube or a conduit; Quantified as the ratio of the difference in pressure between the two points along a tube length divided by the volumetric flow of the fluid per unit of time (cmH20/L/sec)
The inherent characteristic of a material to inhibit the transfer of energy. In electrical conductors, electrical resistance results in the generation of heat. Electrical resistance is measured in Ohms. The heat transfer resistance properties of insulation products are quantified as the R-value.
The opposition to the flow of electric current. That property of a material which impedes electrical current and results in the dissipation of power in the form of heat. Resistance is measure in Ohms.
Opposition of a material to electrical current passing through.
The opposition to current flow in a circuit represented by the letter "R" and is measured in "ohms."
The property of some materials to restrict the flow of electricity. Measured in ohms.
The electrical term used to describe the property that various materials possess to restrict or inhibit the flow of electricity. Electrical resistance is relatively low in most metals and relatively high in most nonmetallic substances. Electrical resistance is measured in ohms.