Preservatives stop decaying, all natural skincare products will eventually deteriorate and go rancid. Chemical preservatives are generally used because they are cheaper than and extend the shelf life of products more than natural alternatives. Storing natural products in the fridge will help to extend their life.
Much like pasteurization, preservatives are additives used to increase beer shelf life and freshness. Preservatives are a necessary evil for most beers that have to be transported over long distances or beer that does not remain refrigerated.
Substances which are added to cosmetic products for the primary purpose of inhibiting the development of micro-organisms.
substances added to skin care products to extend their shelf-life. Natural preservatives include vitamin E, rosemary oil extract, benzoin oil, tea tree essential oil, and thyme essential oil.
Chemical agents that inhibit the growth of microorganisms in creams and cosmetic products, preservatives are necessary for a product to be safe to use.
Protects the product from deterioration caused by micro organisms.
Chemical or bactericidal activity which destroys or deactivates micro-organisms and enhances the colloidal stability of latex. Ammonia is the most popular preservative. Certain other chemicals used along with lower concentration of ammonia are called secondary preservatives.
Added preservatives allow for a longer shelf life, in toothpastes and other products.