High-Maintenance Lawn Host Plant
Any pesticide used to destroy or inhibit plant growth; a weed killer.
A chemical that is used to kill plants.
Pesticide (chemical) used to specifically control undesirable plants and vegetation.
A pesticide used for killing or inhibiting plant growth. A weed or grass killer.
a product used for weed control. Woman Burning Weeds Millet, Jean-Francois Buy this Art Print at AllPosters.com
a chemical used to destroy or deter plant growth
Substance intended to kill plants.
A material used to kill weeds; in cotton usually characterized by timing: "PPI" - prior to planting and incorporated, "pre" - prior to plant emergence from soil, and "post" - after plant emergence, or by application type: "broadcast" - applied evenly over an area, "banded" - applied over a portion of total area, or "directed" - targeted at a specific area, usually toward the base of the cotton plant.
crop protection agent to combat weeds
A specific category of pesticides used for controlling weeds.
Chemicals developed to kill plants or regulate plant growth.
A material that will kill plants. Herbicides may kill essentially all plants or be quite selective in their activity.
any chemical agent that destroys or inhibits plant growth
A pesticide designed to control or kill plants, weeds, or grasses. Almost 70% of all pesticide used by farmers and ranchers are herbicides. These chemicals have wide-ranging effects on non-target species.
Synthetic herbicides are toxic, not only to the weeds they are intended for, but also to soil microoganisms, beneficial insects, animals (including humans), and our water supply. They are also unnecessary. Weeds can be effectively controlled by manual weeding, cover crops, and mulching. The last two do double duty by also improving the soil. On a small scale, boiling water can work wonders; boiling water with salt added can help prevent weeds from growing in paths and driveways.
A chemical used to control, suppress, or kill plants, or to severely interrupt their normal growth processes.
A pesticide used to kill or inhibit plant growth.
Any approved chemical or others preparation used to control unwanted vegetation. Also called pesticide, phytocide, silvacide. Opponents of herbicide usage will commonly use loose terms like poisons or chemicals.
a weed killer used in the production of crops.
a chemical agent that destroys plants or inhibits their growth
a chemical which injures or kills a plant
a pesticide used to kill unwanted plant s
a substance used to destroy plants or to slow down their growth
A chemical that kills or retards plant growth. Herbicides may kill the entire plant; or they may kill only the aboveground plant parts, leaving the roots alive.
Chemical that destroys plant life. Categories include narrow vs. broad spectrum; systemic or translocated vs. contact; persistent vs. non-persistent; and preplant, preemergence, and postemergence types.
an agent used to destroy or inhibit plant growth
A pesticide formulated to kill or control plants.
Any substance or mixture or substances intended for preventing, destroying or controlling any weed, including algae or aquatic weed.
A chemical used to suppress the growth of or kill plants.
A chemical used to control or destroy plants.
A chemical substance sprayed on plants so it will kill them
A chemical plant killer. Sometimes scientists have to use herbicides to kill off invading species that are harming other plants.
a substance toxic to plants used to destroy unwanted vegetation
A substance used to destroy or inhibit the growth of vegetation.
A pesticide specifically designed to kill unwanted plants.
A pesticide formulated specifically to target one or more species of plant.
A pesticide that controls plants or inhibits their growth.
A pesticide used for killing plants or grass.
Chemical used to destroy or inhibit the growth of weeds and other plants.
A chemical compound used to kill or control plant growth or algae. Simazine is a common pool herbicide.
A chemical used to kill plants or inhibit their growth. Herbicides can be selective (kills some plants but not others) or non-selective. They can affect the whole plant, or only part of a plant, at particular stages of development.
A class of pesticide that prevents, destroys, or mitigates unwanted plants or weeds.
A chemical compound, usually synthetic, used to control weeds.
A chemical that kills plants, sometimes designed to kill specific weeds.
chemical substances or living organisms (called bioherbicides) used to kill or control vegetation such as brush, weeds, and competing or undesirable trees. (2)
a substance that kills plants or limits their growth.
A natural or synthetic chemical pesticide applied specifically to control competition from undesirable plant species.
Chemical that destroys some or all plant life.
a substance that kills plants. Some herbicides are selective, killing only certain types of weeds or plants, while others will kill all plants.
A chemical used to kill or inhibit the growth of plants.
Any chemical substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate the growth of any tree, bush, weed, or algae (and other aquatic weeds).
Chemicals used to kill undesirable vegetation.
any substance that is toxic to plants; usually used to kill specific unwanted plants
Any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent the growth of or destroy terrestrial or aquatic weeds (wood or nonwoody undesirable vegetation).
A pesticide formulated to inhibit growth of or kill plants. Non-selective herbicides work on may different types of plants, while selective herbicides are specific to a selected group of plant species.
Chemical used to kill or control algae or plant growth.
A chemical compound used to kill or control plant growth or algae. Simonize is a common spa herbicide.
A chemical that kills plants or inhibits their growth; intended for weed control.
(ur´ bis ide) • A chemical substance that kills plants.
A chemical used to kill plants. Preemergent herbicides are used to kill weed seeds as they sprout and thus to prevent weed growth. Postemergent herbicides kill plants that are already growing.
A substance used to destroy weeds.
A substance that kills plants or inhibits plant growth.
Chemical applied to control pest plant species
A substance that kills plants and is used to control weeds. Herbicides vary in their specificity. Some kill a broad spectrum of plant species, while others kill only specific species or groups of species.
A substance that is fatal to plants, or to selected plants.
A chemical effective at killing plants. Widely used in agriculture, horticulture and gardening to control unwanted plants (referred to as weeds). Herbicides can be selective, killing only some plant species or a group of plants, or non-selective (sometimes called broad spectrum) – which are generally poisonous to all plants.
A chemical or organic mixture that kills plant tissue. Some herbicides are formulated to kill only certain plants or types of plants.
A pesticide that is used to kill plants, or to inhibit their growth or development. Also known as weedkillers.
An active ingredient used to destroy weeds.
a toxic substance used to destroy plants.
A substance used to control weeds. May be selective or total. Glyphosate (Roundup) is a total herbicide, Cheetah S (Fenoxaprop-P-ethyl) will kill only wild oats in cereals and some other crops.
Chemical agent used to control weeds.
a pesticide used to kill unwanted plants ( e.g., weeds)
(back to: Farming/Spreading Pesticides/Herbicides) A pesticide used for killing or preventing plant growth. A weed or grass liquid.
A material that will kill or inhibit the growth of plants. Herbicides may kill virtually all plants or be quite selective in the way they work.
A herbicide is a pesticide used to kill unwanted plants. Selective herbicides kill certain targets while leaving the desired crop relatively unharmed. Some of these act by interfering with the growth of the weed and are often based on plant hormones. Herbicides used to clear waste ground are nonselective and kill every plant with which they come into contact.
A chemical compound which kills/suppresses the growth of plants
a substance that kills weeds. Another term for a weed killer.
A chemical or biological preparation which kills plants.
A chemical substance that controls or destroys plants, weeds, or grasses.
A chemical used to kill weeds
A chemical compound used to kill unwanted plants.
a type of pesticide that kills weeds
A phytotoxic chemical used for killing or inhibiting (stunting) the development or growth of plants.
A product that destroys weeds.
A substance that is toxic to plants; typically used to control the growth of unwanted plant species
substance used to control unwanted plants
A chemical substance capable of killing plant materials, usually weeds.
chemical that kills a plant or inhibits its growth.
A chemical compound used to kill u...
An herbicide is a chemical that kills certain plants. Herbicides are usually intended to kill weeds.
Chemical used to kill/prevent plants or weeds.
A chemical used to destroy undesirable plants and vegetation.
A chemical used for killing-off invasive plant species that might reduce crop yields. Used in non-organic/modern farming practice and may result in chemical residues being found in the products (food, skin care, cosmetics, etc.) manufactured using the crop that has been sprayed with it.
A compound, usually a man-made organic chemical, used to kill or control plant growth.
A chemical pesticide designed to control or destroy plants, weeds, or grasses.
Any agent used to destroy or inhibit growth of plants, especially weeds.
a pesticide used to kill specific plants.
A chemical that controls or destroys undesirable plants.
A chemical agent that destroys or inhibits plant growth.
a pesticide applied to kill weeds.