A goal for an activity; as, the target of this year's fundraising drive is 2 million dollars.
A metallic object toward which a beam of electrons is aimed in a tube designed to generate X-rays; when the electrons strike the target, the impact causes emission of X-rays.
Any object toward which a beam of photons, a laser beam, an electron beam, or a beam of atomic or subatomic particles is aimed.
in ESP, the object or event which the receiver tries to guess (image-targets, card-targets, location-targets, etc.); in PK, the object, process, or system which the subject tries to influence.
A board marked with concentric circles which is aimed at in shooting events.
Goals set by schools to close achievements gaps; required by Senate Bill 168 passed in 2002.
is the goal intended to be attained and which is believed to be attainable, e.g. sales target, margin target, or profit target.
goal to be achieved, a mark to shoot at. [D03324] Webster
A surface, usually paper or tag board, containing one or more aiming points.
An aircraft appearing on an air traffic controllers radar scope.
Any object that is downstream in a call chain from a given target.
The act of shooting a firearm to align sights. See also “Sighting In.
The named data object associated with a pointer (in the form pointer-object = target). A target is declared in a type declaration statement that contains the TARGET attribute. See also pointer and pointer association.
Any objective of economic policy. The value of an economic variable that policy makers regard as ideal and use as the basis for setting policy. Contrasts with instrument. The level of an exchange rate that guides exchange market intervention by a central bank or exchange stabilization fund.
In Windows 95 or 98, any object pointed to by a shortcut.
The object or event which a "subject" attempts to perceive (as in the case of "Psi" or "ESP" testing) or directly influence solely based off the power of the mind (as in the case of "PK" testing).
A mark or area of the lane which the bowler uses to aim his or her shot.
Time for Audit, Review, Guidelines, Education and Training. Allows GPs to attend dedicated training events as an integral part of their working week. The aim is to keep health care professionals up to date with new research and techniques and to ensure that patients benefit from all the latest medical developments.
An area designated and numbered for future firing. Also, in radar (NATO), a target generally is any discrete object that reflects or retransmits energy back to the radar equipment. Specifically, a target is an object of radar search or surveillance.
a goal or result aimed at.
In radar, a specific object of radar search or detection.
A named data object specified to have the TARGET attribute, a data object created by an ALLOCATE statement for a pointer, or a subobject of such an object.
An objective (constraint or expected result) set by management to communicate program purpose to operating personnel (for example, maintaining a monthly output level).
In Project Builder, any item in the middle of the dependency tree; for example, an executable is a (compile) target for a library, while a library is a target for a group of objects and an object is a target for a source file. See also: input item.
A named data object that may be associated with a pointer. A target is specified in a TARGET statement or in a type declaration statement that has the TARGET attribute.
a reference point to shoot at; "his arrow hit the mark"
a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence; "he fell prey to muggers"; "everyone was fair game"; "the target of a manhunt"
sports equipment consisting of an object set up for a marksman or archer to aim at
the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable); "the sole object of her trip was to see her children"
intend (something) to move towards a certain goal; "He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face"; "criticism directed at her superior"; "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself"
a company which is the object of a takeover
a detailed performance requirement, preferably expressed in quantitative terms that must be met in order to achieve a defined improvement objective
a detailed, quantified requirement that arises from specified objectives
a goal that is more tangible than an ideal, and probably has definite standards of achievement and a definite time frame
a more detailed performance requirement related to and supporting a specific objective
an object with at least an empty field whose value has to be predicted
a number or level that an organisation aims to achieve
a project file which is to be brought up to date as specified in the configuration object
a specific area, object, person, function or facility subject to military action
a subgoal that must be passed in order to reach the immediate main goal
a victim only if you hold still for the archers
(n.) a named type declaration statement containing the TARGET attribute, a data object created by an ALLOCATE statement for a pointer, or a subobject of such an object.
The part or whole of a person, population or organisation which the intervention aims to affect.
area where radiation beams are aimed; usually a tumor, malformation, or other abnormality of the body.
goal or objective with a deadline (i.e. how much by when). Targets specify expected results for a given period of time and provide measurable milestones that help gauge progress toward an objective (e.g., restore 1000 acres of oak woodland by 2040). Targets can be a discrete number or a range between two numbers.
object An object in flowHDL or blockHDL to which another object (source object) is connected through use of a transition arc.
A specified objective that indicates the number, timing and location of that which is to be realised.
In translation, and as opposed to "source", the term "target" designates everything related to the language into which the text will be translated. The "target" or "translated" text is the objective of the work to be carried out. The target language must be the translator's mother tongue.
The camera object and the conical light object both need a target to tell them where to aim. Attaching the target to a path will cause the camera or light to pan in such a way as to keep the target in the center.
Refers to any object that causes an audio or display indication.
A level of performance set for attainment.
is the object of compilation, i.e. the binary file to be generated by the compiler.
A build that is an object for testing. See: build.
A specific and measurable aim relating to an objective.
Any person or object within reach of a falling tree or part of a tree, that may be injured or damaged.
A board marked with concentric circles which shooters aim to hit.
An object in the object plane which the system can focus on and analyze.
An individual, operation, or activity which an adversary has determined possesses information that might prove useful in attaining his/her objective.
an intermediate result towards the objective that a programme seeks to achieve.
In ESP experiments, it is the object or event which the subject tries to perceive or guess; in PK experiments, it is the object, process, or system which the subject tries to influence.
One of up to six objects that the attacking team must seek to destroy.
The specific organizational goals established in each of the four Balanced Scorecard categories.
In the Application Kit, the object that receives action messages from an NSControl.
The language into which the text is translated.
Refers to any object that causes an audio or visual response in a detector.
A person or thing aimed at. ("The gun was aimed at its target - the spaceship".
Targets are used to denote the degree of improvement desired or an attainable goal.
A visual object, symbol or event in the environment
A level of water quality to be achieved in a specified time frame as a step towards the desired long-term objectives. It is derived from comparing available water quality data/information with the water quality objectives, and considers social and economic factors.
The object at which a survey sighting is aimed.
The object, usually made of thin card, at which shooting is directed and which enables scoring of the results.
Something you are aiming for – usually the numerically measurable part of an objective.
A National Forest's annual goals for accomplishment for natural resource programs. Targets represent the commitment the Forest Service has with Congress to accomplish the work Congress has funded, and are often used as a measure of the agency's performance.
"a computer or network logical entity (account, process or data) or physical entity (component, computer, network or internetwork" [Sandia] "an objective, a minimum result aimed at .." [Oxford
(1) An object on the terrain of specific interest in a remote sensing investigation. (2) The portion of the Earth's surface that produces, by reflection or emission, the radiation measured by the remote sensing system.
In Technical Analysis, it is the objective price which a trader attempts to achieve.
A bright, easily visible object used in surveying to allow easy sighting.
1. Any object being sensed 2. A retroreflective material that returns light back to a sensor
Any of the many types of objects detected by radar. A radar target must have an index of refraction sufficiently different from that of the atmosphere to return a target signal to the radar by reflection, refraction, or scattering. Also, it must be near enough and have a large enough radar cross section that the target signal will exceed the threshold of detectability of the radar receiver. The target is then said to produce a detectable echo.
An object, background, or reflector at which something is aimed.
Mark situated near the finish line. Usually shown as an X which is 10 meters in diameter. The pilot drops markers aimed at the target and points are awarded according to the distance from the centre of the target to where the markers land. (Marker)