Electronic instrument system
initials for Enterprise Information Strategy (see listing).
Enterprise Information Strategy. a plan to develop or modify information systems synchronized with business plans. The EIS is prepared in Phase 4 of "PRIDE"-EEM.
Enterprise Investment Scheme. A successor to the Business Expansion Scheme, designed to offer individuals a tax efficient way of investing in unquoted companies. The scheme enables unquoted businesses to raise new equity finance of up to 1m per tax year.
Eligibility Information System
Electronic Interface System
Acronym for Enterprise Investment Scheme.
Enterprise Investment Schemes
Equipment identification system
Euro Information Services (Business advisory service on European affairs, market opportunities etc)
Enterprise Information Systems. A category of applications and technologies for presenting and analysing corporate and external data for enterprise-wide purposes.
Executive Information System: A system that lets upper management view the organization's performance at a highly summarized level and usually in a graphical representation.
Enterprise Investment Scheme. A tax incentive to encourage investment in smaller, unquoted companies.
executive information system. Computer software used to summarize operational data and prepare executive reports.
Executive Information Systems. A category of applications and technologies for presenting and analysing corporate and external data for management purposes. Extreme ease of use and fast performance is expected in such systems, but analytical functionality is usually very limited.
Executive Information System. A reporting application targeted for use by executives. Usually such applications have extremely user-friendly, graphical interfaces with a small local data store derived from connection to a data warehouse. It is often used synonymously with decision support system.
Executive Information System. A computer application and specifically designed data sets used to provide answers and analysis to executive business management. ()
Executive Information System. The english term more commonly used is DSS, or Decision Support System.
Executive/Enterprise Information Systems. Tools programmed to provide canned reports or briefing books to top-level executives. They offer strong reporting and drill-down capabilities. Today these tools allow ad-hoc querying against a multi-dimensional database, and most offer analytical applications along functional lines such as sales or financial analysis. (Also known as Decision Support System.)
executive information system. an information system that provides strategic information tailored to the needs of top management; a highly interactive management information system combined with decision support systems and artificial intelligence for helping managers identify and address problems and opportunities
Executive Information System. An application system which is similar to a decision support system, but it is designed for an executive to use. Typically, executives do not have a lot of knowledge about computer systems and queries, and they need simple-to-use systems with professional reports. Information in an EIS is usually presented through the use of charts and diagrams that are already familiar to executives. There are also drill-down capabilities within charts and diagrams. An executive can drill down by selecting a piece of the chart when they need more detailed information. The interface to an EIS is usually GUI or web-based.
Enterprise Information System In the 1980s, EIS stood for executive information system, a specialist computer application for management support. Used mainly in large corporations but failed because executives found it too hard to use. Now reborn in the 1990s as enterprise information system and largely similar. e-signature Used to ensure the security of all electronic transactions. It is the foundation stone providing the confidence on which all kinds of e-business rely. Ethernet Ethernet is the standard way of connecting computers and devices over a local area network (LAN) in the home or workplace. Recent computers will be factory fitted with an Ethernet card and socket. Ethernet cables linking computers and devices should not extend further than 100 metres.
Enterprise Information Server.
Executive Information System. Systems designed for senior management. Typically these systems feature drill-down analysis and trend analysis capabilities and are highly graphical. A strategic decision support application that employs and easy-to-use interface, graphical displays. Used principally for tracking, communication, and control. Glossary of Terms, James Martin & Company
Executive Information Systems. Tools programmed to provide canned reports or briefing books to top-level executives. They offer strong reporting and drill-down capabilities. These tools allow ad-hoc querying against a multi-dimensional database and most offer analytical applications along functional lines such as sales or financial analysis. DAMA web site at www.dmreview.com
Executive information system. A system designed specifically to support decision making at the executive levels of management, primarily the tactical and strategic levels.
Enterprise Information Systems. EIS provides a summary level of data subsets contained in system models for easy viewing and reporting.
Executive (or Enterprise) Information System - computerized information system which relies heavily on the use of graphics to analyze and present management information.