Overarching general statements relating to the learning to be achieved by students on a programme.
Aims, objectives and purposes are often used interchangeably to mean desired outcomes from educational or learning activities. The UK Education Departments have produced a set of objectives for HE: imparting employment skills; providing opportunities for adult lifetime learning to enable individuals, employers and the nation as a whole to adapt to changing circumstances; promoting the general powers of the mind; advancing learning and research; promoting culture and high standards in all aspects of society; serving local and regional communities, as well as national interests at home and abroad. See also Learning outcomes
the main purpose for which a school exists. Aims provide the general direction for a school's activities. They are not necessarily quantifiable. They are a broad statement of values and intent. They are achieved by being converted into more specific objectives and targets.
are the objectives that an organisation aims to achieve and the way in which an organisation delivers its mission.
The overall result the project is expected to achieve. Specific tasks or things that you want to achieve. Often used interchangeably with "goals" or "objectives", although there is a difference between aims and objectives. For example, an aim might improve the quality of funding applications to charitable trusts. In order to reach that aim one objective might be to offer training, information and advice to applicants.
The broad intentions of any item of teaching activity. Aims "express the subject provider's broad purpose in presenting each programme [and course] of study in the subject". These are generally written as two to five broad brush statements which capture the essence of a programme/course. A typical pattern might be one or two which give the distinctive content "flavour", one which identifies the student intake, and one which gives some link to the remainder of their studies and/or the external world (e.g. graduate research/employment). See Sample List of Aims.
This is the section of the unit description which provides a statement of the aims of the unit.
Statements regarding the expected outcomes of an educational process expressed in terms of the teacher's intentions.