One of many different existing metadata schemes. The abbreviation no longer stands for anything. The IMS Project is part of the non-profit EDUCAUSE consortium of U.S. institutions of higher education and their vendor partners that work to develop open market-based standards for online learning, including specifications for learning content metadata.
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems - assists and encourages the formation of international research consortia.
See Instructional Management Software
International Military Student(s)
Incident Management Systems. Monitoring and surveillance systems that identify the occurrence of incidents in real-time so that they can be quickly located and removed.
Integrated Media System: the computerized circulation and cataloging program used in CBE libraries
The IMS Global Learning Consortium develops and promotes the adoption of open technical specifications for interoperable learning technology. SCT's integration with learning management systems is based on IMS specifications. is developing and promoting open specifications for facilitating online distributed learning activities such as locating and using educational content, tracking learner progress, reporting learner performance, and exchanging student records between administrative systems.
Infrastructure Management Service
International Microwave Symposium
International Monetary Systems
Inventory Management Systems
Information and Monitoring System, for data about the Grid
Information Management System (IMS). An IBM program product that provides data communication interfaces between application programs and terminals and between application programs and databases.
Integrated Management System. The contractor's system and related sub-systems implemented on major contracts to establish a relationship between cost, schedule and technical aspects of the contract, to measure progress, accumulate actual costs, analyze deviations from plans, forecast completion of contract events and incorporate changes to the contract in a timely manner.
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. The user interface for EOSDIS. It provides information about data, both in EOSDIS and in external archives, on a 24-hour basis; accepts user orders for EOS data; provides information about future data acquisition and processing schedules; accepts and forwards data acquisition and processing requests; and maintains information on system status, management, and coordination. Source: EPO.
See Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems. IMS ( is an industry-led, international research and development (R&D) program established to develop the next generation of manufacturing and processing technologies.
Instructional Management System. Refers to a coalition of government organizations dedicated to defining specifications for e-learning and online learning products.
Infrastructure Managed Services. The IT business processes that control the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of IT services.
The IMS Global Learning Consortium -
International Monitoring System
International Measurement System, the handicap system previously used to determine the Overall Winner of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race.
Information Management System. An IBM software product which includes the IMS hierarchical Database Manager (IMS DM) and the IMS Transaction Manager (IMS TM).
Information Management System VHFDF Very High Frequency Direction Finding
Information Management Section
IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (IMS) is developing and promoting open specifications for facilitating online distributed learning activities such as locating and using educational content, tracking learner progress, reporting learner performance, and exchanging student records between administrative systems.
Information management system; also: integrated management system
Instructional Management Systems Global Learning Consortium. A global coalition of academic, commercial and government organisations, working together to define the Internet architecture for learning. IMS is an initiative of EDUCAUSE. The funded service JISC CETIS was established to provide information on IMS standards and initiatives.
International market statistics
Short for IMS Global Learning Consortium. The IMS is developing and promoting open specifications for facilitating online distributed learning. It's traditional emphasis surrounded meta-tagging specifications. (See Meta-tagging.)
Information Management System Hierarchical-database-oriented transaction processing software. Used by the Bellcore SMS/800 system.
Intensive Management Status. Assignment to long-term Administrative Segregation due to chronic behavioral problems, extreme protective needs, or the persence of a serious threat to the safety of staff or other offenders through a pattern of violent or seriously disruptive behavior. Referenced by 320.250 - Intensive Management/Treatment Status Placement/Transfer/Release
International Monitoring SystemA network of 337 monitoring stations and analytical laboratories established pursuant to the CTBT which, together with the IDC, gather and analyse data with the aim of detecting any explosive nuclear testing.
The IMS Global Learning Consortium is a membership-based consortium that develops specifications (such as Meta-data, Learning Information Profile, etc.). Varous IMS specifications are widely adoped by learning management systems, learning content management systems, authoring environment, assessment engines and course management systems.
Institute of Management Studies. A correspondence based coaching program for CAT.
Instructional Management Systems Project, a global coalition of academic, commercial and government organizations, working together to facilitate e-learning through interoperability of instructional systems and learning content. The UK IMS Centre has been renamed CETIS. IT Information Technology. The computer infrastructure, hardware and software used to process data and deliver information.
Information Management System. An IBM product which provides hierarchical data management (DL/I) organization and services, plus terminal and network management.
CTBT internationala monitoring system SSI
(Information Management System) A database/data communication (DB/DC) system from IBM that is used to manage complex databases and networks.
Incident Management System
Institute of Management Services
A standards body developing and promoting open specifications for facilitating online distributed learning. Its traditional emphasis surrounded meta-tagging specifications
Inventory Management System
Information Management System (an on-line teleprocessing monitor); also Information Management Services
Information Management System. An IBM hierarchical database management system for mainframes.
IBM Information Management System ( IMS). IMS was developed in 1969 to manage data for NASA's Apollo Moon Landing project. It was later released as the world's first commercially available DBMS. IMS supports the hierarchical data model.