The rocks and soils that make up the bottom of a stream.
Material used on the aquarium bottom. Examples include gravel, sand, etc.
The material upon or within which a plant or animal lives or grows (e.g. rocky or sandy substrate).
a surface on which the organism feeds.
Carrier material for the corrosion protection / wear protection with rubber such as C-steel, stainless steel, glass-fibre reinforced plastic
Original material surface to which a coating is applied.
a layer of material that lays beneath another layer.
A substrate is a hard underlying layer or surface.
The material onto which a pigment, toner, or ink is applied. Substrates include paper, films, vinyls, labels and plastic.
A base upon which something is applied. This can include paper that is printed with ink, acetate that is coated with a photosensitive emulsion, and proofing material (paper-based or plastic) that is laminated with colorant.
The material (usually paper, plastic or metal) upon which an image is reproduced.
A flat carrier, often made from alumina or metal coated with an insulator, containing interconnection tracks.
Material or substance acted upon by an enzyme.
any object or material on which an organism (plant or animal) lives.
Submerged mineral or vegetative surfaces used by biota for attachment, movement, or shelter. Stream substrates include gravel, cobble, boulder, roots, leaves, and limbs.
a surface on which an organism grows or is attached
A surface on which paint or varnish has been or may be applied. Examples include wood, concrete, plaster, metal, and drywall. Email Ready for a knowledgeable environmental - pollution insurance professional? Firms with a presence in California Email me now. Email
The material in which a device is embedded or on to of which a device is fabricated
Material on, or in which an organism is growing or to which it is attached.
A generic term used to describe the laminate, or the face material. May be printed or plain.
The material on which the image from the photomask is projected in the lithographic process. The material can be glass, metal or silicon; a light sensitive layer of photoresist or photo emulsion is deposited onto the surface, which enables exposure.
The material in which the shiitake mycelia grows. This includes logs, sawdust, grain, etc.
solid particles that may be coated or have a chemically bonded phase for HPLC; the solid support does not contribute to the chromatographic separation itself (also called a support).
Substance on which an enzyme acts in biochemical reactions; or, in hybridisation arrays, the particular material onto which the biomolecules are deposited. These surfaces include glass, nylon, silicon or ceramic.
The physical material upon which a photovoltaic cell is made.
Generic name for the base layer of an integrated circuit, hybrid, multichip module, or circuit board. Substrates may be formed from a wide variety of materials, including semiconductors, ceramics, FR4 (fiberglass), glass, sapphire, or diamond depending on the application. Note that the term substrate has traditionally not been widely used in the circuit board world, at least not by the people who manufacture the boards. However, there is an increasing tendency to refer to a circuit board as a substrate by the people who populate the boards. The main reason for this is that circuit boards are often used as substrates in hybrids and multichip modules, and there is a trend towards a standard terminology across all forms of interconnection technology.
The starting material that will undergo chemical change in a chemical reaction facilitated by an enzyme.
the bottom or a firm supporting surface which can act as a site for attachment.
The surface to which a pressure sensitive label is applied or adhered.
The material being printed: paper, board, film, foil, etc.
material (sand, gravel etc.) placed on the bottom of an aquarium.
The material used as a floor or bedding for your animal
The surface on which organisms grow; usually providing physical support and a supply of nutrients.
The primary material that give weight and form to a compact disc. The polycarbonate substrate of a recordable CD is treated with a layer of dye and gold reflective layer in preparation for recording.
the surface on which the lichen grows. In the case of the lichens in this guide, normally the substrate is the surface of a twig.
The surface of a reptile's enclosure. It ranges from peatmoss to astroturf.
Fabric on which coatings or other fabrics are applied; a support.
Sealants, Adhesives and Tapes Material upon the surface of which an adhesive is spread or attached for any purpose of bonding.
The base material upon which the passivation, metallization and circuit elements are added to built a device.
A layer of material beneath the surface soil.
the bottom or material making up the bottom of a river or lake bed
It is a material on which a circuit is formed or fabricated.
The media or substance you layer the bottom of your tank with
the material on which the lead is laid. (Lead deteriorates markedly on its underside from condensation, so the composition of the substrate is very important)
The surface that is being painted.
Material used on the aquarium bottom. Examples include gravel, crushed coral, crushed seashells, et cetra.
the rich, organic layer of compost or other material found at the bottom of wetlands.
Surface on which an organism feeds
Any stock or material on which printing is done
The material and/or location on which an organism grows and from which growth materials are extracted.
soil on the riverís bottom
The base material that is processed to manufacture an electronic or other micro device. Critical properties include size, shape, and bulk material.
the actual material of the wall that is painted, e.g. plaster, brick, wallpaper, board, etc..
A surface, in the case of modelling a plastic surface. The word is used gene ral ly in the context of paint ing.
1. The material spread out on the bottom of the aquarium, such as gravel, sand, or layers of different materials. Used as a planting medium or for decoration and attachment site for Biofilm. 2. Any surface on which living organisms are attached.
The material or product that is to be coated. BryCoat is a coating service that applies a range of coatings to customer supplied substrates.
The surface to which the roof is applied. Also called the deck or roof deck.
A surface upon which an organism grows, sometimes by using chemicals of particles in the material as food (also used to describe materials that can become involved in chemical reactions, particularly where those reactions are mediated by the enzymes of living organisms).
Any surface, including the substructure, which animals may contact in an enclosure. Has important husbandry and habitat simulation implications.
the surface to which vinyl letters are applied.
Cloth that is used as a base for coating or laminating.
Matrix. The material from which a substance to be analysed is removed.
a material upon the surface of which an adhesive is applied for any purpose such as bonding or coating
a catch-all term which refers to the subfloor or the sub-countertop on which you will be laying your flooring or countertop, whether it is ceramic tile, granite or any other type of material
a material having a rigid or semi-rigid surface
Any surface on which an adhesive or coating is spread.
A foundation material on the surface of which a substance may be deposited by printing, coating, etc.
Generally used to describe a panel product upon which a decorative finish material is applied.
The surface to which a self-adhesive material is applied. The base material onto which printing, engraving, etching, vinyl application or other processes are performed to produce nameplates, decals, overlays, legend plates, signs, and tags. Example: The substrate of a screen-printed vinyl decal is vinyl film.
The material or surface (wood, metal, concrete, etc.) to which the roofing or waterproofing membrane is applied.
The surface to which the tape is applied.
surface or element to which a finish is attached; surface or material on which an organism lives, grows, finds sustenance
The initial layer of material that is attached to the framework. The purpose of a substrate is to provide structural strength for the final riding surface. In steel surfaced ramps the substrate and riding surface are one in the same, which reduces the cost and provides a more durable unit.
Any material, wood, MDF, particleboard or other, underlying a finish to be coated.
The surface on which the flock and adhesive is applied.
A material on which an adhesive-containing substance is spread for any purpose, such as bonding or coating.
Any material that can be printed on, such as paper, film, plastic, fabric, cellophane, or steel.
The article that receives the image from the transfer paper. Most commonly 100% cotton or cotton/poly-blend t-shirts, may also be caps, mousepads, polyester materials, or smooth-surface items like mugs.
Material upon which a plastic card is printed.
The material of which something is made and from which it derives its special qualities. In electronics, it is the physical material on which a memscircuit is fabricated; used primarily for mechanical support and insulating purposes, as with ceramic, plastic, and glass substrates; semiconductor and ferrite substrates may also provide useful electrical functions.
A surface on which organisms live or a substance serving a biochemical reaction.
Bottom sediment material in a natural water system.
area of the bottom of the channel usually covered by water, or can refer to material associated with the bottom, also sometimes called bottom or bed. Usually the term substrate is used for rivers and bed and bottom is used for lakes and reservoirs.
the base of substance upon which an organism is growing. The bottom material of a waterway.
material lining the bottom of a pond
The surface to which a material (i.e. pressure-sensitive adhesive) is applied.
The base stock or material to which a coating is applied.
In manufacturing of semiconductors, the surface on which a film is deposited, often the silicon wafer.
Refers to the substance lining the bottom of an iguana's enclosure, such as indoor/outdoor carpet, newspaper, etc.
Substances used by organisms for growth in a liquid medium. Surface area of solids or soils used by organisms to attach.
The material being processed. Also know as film and plastic.
The material that forms a base for the magnetic media that carries information
The base material on which a substance (such as ink, adhesive, coating) is applied.
The surfaces being bonded.
Term for any surface to be printed to which ink will adhere.
A generic term for the material on which a print job is being produced. Paper is most often the “Substrate†used in offset printing; however, vinyl, plastic, and other materials are also referred to as substrate.
The basic surface upon which the adhesive is applied and to which it is expected to adhere.
The paper, or other material, on which an image is printed or placed .
The material or product on which the adhesive is applied.
The sediment and other material that comprises the seabed (or floor of coastal waterway).
The platform upon which adhesive, laminate and/or other finishing material is applied.
The surface upon which the roofing is installed. Roof decks and adjoining walls (behind the base flashings) are both examples of a substrate.
inorganic material that forms the bottom of a stream.
The material onto which an image is printed e.g. paper, plastic, metal etc. T U V
In conservation, the immediate surface to which a coating or adhesive material is applied, e.g., the lacquer on a lacquered metal, not the metal seen beneath the lacquer
Material made of mineral and/or organic matter that forms the streambed.[ J K U V X Y Z
The surface being cleaned.examples of substrates are concrete, wood, aluminym, vinyl, stucco etc. It is interesting to note that if a top layer of paint is being removed the next layer of paint becomes the substrate.
Basic surface on which a material adheres. A single-crystal slice that is the basis for subsequent processing operations, such as epi layer deposition, diffusion, ion implants, etc.
A film to which subsequent layers or coatings are added.
the material on which a cryptogam is living and from which some (especially fungi) obtain nutrition
surface on which the shell lives, such as rock or seaweed
Material that is surfaced with veneer (e.g. particleboard).
A material on whose surface adhesive substance is spread for bonding or coating. Also, any material which provides a supporting surface for other materials used to support printed circuit patterns.
The material making up the base on which an organism lives or to which it is attached. Also, the material used to cover the bottom of the fish tank. Examples include gravel, crushed coral, crushed seashells, and sand.
Any surface to which a coating is applied. Surface Preparation - A general term referring to the preparation which must be given a surface, whether wood, metal, or other material, before coating is applied. .
A sheet of base material with or without an interconnection pattern and on which or within which "discrete components" or integrated circuits or both can be located.
A term used for any material to be blasted or engraved.
"Supporting surface" on which a sessile organism lives and grows. The substrate may simply provide structural support, or may provide water and nutrients. A substrate may be inorganic, such as rock or soil, or it may be organic, such as wood.
a term meaning, generally, a surface to which something adheres, the base material to be printed on, or the surface to which a pressure sensitive decal is adhered. In particular, any surface on which screen printing is applied.
The material (sand, gravel, dirt, etc.) at the floor of an enclosure, both terrestrial and aquatic.
The media surface which receives the printed image.
The base material that is the support structure of an IC or PCB. A base with interconnecting electrical conductors acting as a support for the attachment of electronic components. Substrates can be made from a variety of materials, from polymers to ceramic, and exhibit certain specific thermal-conductivity and strength characteristics.
The original surface or the structural material beneath the layer of veneer or laminate.
Any background material upon which biological sample has been deposited (e.g., clothing, glass, wood, upholstery).
The seafloor type or material on or in which an organism lives.
Any surface to which a coating or sealant is applied.
A manufactured product used as a base for laminates or veneers. Thickness, density, weight and surface smoothness may vary depending on the strength required and the laminate to be applied.
Refers to the surface that the art image is printed on, such as paper, canvas, board, or clear acrylic. Some durable substrates require the artist to engrave or use tools other than pencil to apply his signature permanently to the artwork.
(1.) The surface to which a self-adhesive material is applied. (2.) The base material onto which printing, engraving, etching, vinyl application or other processes are performed to produce nameplate, decal, overlay, legend plate, sign, and tag. Example: The substrate of a screen-printed vinyl decal is vinyl film.
Material acted on by an enzyme.
The composition of a streambed, including either mineral or organic materials.
The underlying material to which an optical coating is applied. Typically an optical material such as BK7 Glass or UV Fused Silica. Also see Optics Tutorial.
The material on which a bar code symbol is printed.
Underlying layer of loose/soft material below topsoil and overlying bedrock.
Substance, base, nutrient, or medium in which an organism lives and grows, or surface to which a fixed organism is attached. Oysters attach to hard substrates, preferably oyster shell.
Rigid material supporting the recording medium
Material sample to be ablated (e.g. film, wafer, printed circuit (PC) board, etc.)
The surface on which mosaic tile is installed.
Any surface on which printing is done.
A general term for material just below the ground surface.
(3) the mineral or organic material that forms the bed of a stream; the base upon which an organism lives.
The foundation upon which all things exist; for example, the soil supporting plants, animals, buildings, and other structures; trees are the substrate in which birds build nests; the bay bottom is the substrate supporting benthic communities.
A structure that underlies and supports or forms base material on which coatings are applied.
The base or material on which communication is written (e.g. rock, clay, bark, paper, parchment, etc.)
(sub´ strayte) • (1) The molecule or molecules on which an enzyme exerts catalytic action. (2) The base material on which an organism lives.
The material on which another material is coated or fabricated
The underlying materials that support the materials on the surface.
The material used as a base for Laminates, Thermofoils and Veneers.
Any material to be printed on.
Bottom material such as mud, gravel, rocks or sand.
The canvas, paper or other material on which the image is printed.
The surface on which a bar code field is printed. Can be a label, tag, or paper supply.
The material out of which the face is made. Wood, metal sheeting, paper and acrylic are all sign substrates.
Paper or other material being printed on press.
A surface on which paint, varnish, or other coating has been applied or may be applied. Examples of substrates include wood, plaster, metal, and drywall.
The underlying material upon which a device, circuit, or epitaxial layer is fabricated, normally a silicon wafer.
A fabric to which coatings or other fabrics are applied.
The material that is being coated or plated.
The body or base layer of an integrated circuit onto which other layers are deposited to form the circuit. The substrate is usually silicon, although sapphire is used for certain applications, particularly military, where radiation resistance is important. The substrate is originally part of the wafer from which the die is cut. It is used as the electrical ground for the circuit. Germanium is another substrate material currently being developed.
The medium upon which an organism lives and grows. The surface of the land or bottom of a water body.
Electrically active material on which a micro-electronic device is built (silicon or passive alumina ceramic).
The setting bed and other layers beneath a tile surface.
The surface to which an awning frame is attached. A substrate also is a base fabric.
the base or material on which an organism lives
The surface which an organism is growing on.
Materials to be bonded together (e.g. wood to wood, wood to metal, metal to metal, etc.).
The surface that the roof is installed upon.
The material out of which a sign face is made (e.g. wood, metal, banner material, acrylic, magnetic material etc.)
Term meaning the object to which a coating or process is being applied.
(1) The surface upon which the roofing or waterproofing membrane is applied (e.g., in roofing, the structural deck or insulation); (2) Surface (structural deck, insulation, or vapor retarder) upon which the roof membrane is placed. Also, the deck, vapor retarder, or membrane surface upon which insulation, or other roof system component, is placed.
the surface on which an organism grows.
The uncoated/unpainted surface.
Material consisting of silts, sands, gravels, boulder and woody debris found on the bottom of a stream channel.
The underlying material upon which a device circuit or epitaxial layer is fabricated. This term also applies to the MIS capacitor, which has only two terminals: the gate and substrate.
The base material (aluminum, polycarbonate, polyester, vinyl, etc.) being used to produce the final part. The pressure sensitive adhesive is applied to this material.
The surface or material to be coated.
The surface to which a label is applied, adherend. Converters also refer to the face stock being printed as the substrate. Refer NS & LM.
the material upon which another material is built upon
material of which printed part is made, i.e. acrylic, styrene, nylon or many others.
The layer of earth or rock that lies immediately below the surface soil.
The actual material that the digital printer lays ink onto, such as the sheet of paper, canvas, film or whatever else is properly prepared and run through the printer.
The surface or material on which the ink is applied.
Surface upon which a coating is to be applied.
The surface onto which a coating system is placed, and to which it adheres.
An adherend. The surface to which a sealant or adhesive is bonded.
The material or substance on which the enzyme reacts.
The material that makes up the bottom layer of the stream, such as gravel, sand, or bedrock.
The parent or base material to which the coating is applied.
A material upon the surface of which as adhesive or resin is spread for any purpose such as bonding or coating.
In the billboard industry, the fabric or material on which an advertisement is printed. Common substrates are flexible vinyl, canvas, mesh, paper and translucent materials.
The piece of material printed (e.g. paper, board, plastic, tin).
An existing concrete surface that receives an overlay, decorative or protective coating, repair procedure, or other resurfacing treatment.
The material, work piece, or substance on which a coating is deposited.
The media surface that receives the printed image.
The surface or material on which an organism lives--rock, sand, mud, pilings, shells.
The surface to which a pressure-sensitive tape, fabric, foam, etc. is applied.
The raw glass or base material to which other materials or fabrication procedures are applied.
any surface on which a plant or animal lives or on which a material sticks
The material which comprises a stream bottom.
Metal base for subsequent coating.
The land below any water body. Sand, Gravel, and Mud are all types of substrates
the materials, such as sand, gravel, or cobble, that make up the bottom, or "bed," of a body of water.
Material which is being joined or bonded.
A material upon the surface of which an epoxy is spread for any purpose, such as bonding or coating.
The material upon which something is printed, usually paper.
The surface on which a bar code symbol is printed.
The physical material upon which a photovoltaic cell is applied.
The material that receives the printed image. Sometimes called "media."
Mounting surface for integrated circuits. May be semiconductor or insulator material depending on type of IC.
Mechanical insulating support upon which a device is fabricated.
the surface upon which the roofing or waterproofing membrane is applies (i.e. the structural deck or insulation).
(base) the surface that the tesserae are adhered to. ex. wood, metal, glass.
The supporting or underlying material.
The base material which forms both the support structure of an electronic circuit and the insulating layer upon which the conductor pattern is fabricated. Provided that the material meets the manufacturing and usage design requirements, the term may refer equally to an epoxy-glass PCB laminate, a flex material, or the ceramic base for a hybrid circuit.
The material upon which a plant grows. North Country substrates range from rock surfaces to peat to mucky lake bottom.
material from which a fungus may extract nutrients.
Any substance or material from which a fungus can obtain nutrients.
The foundation material of a MOSFET. Piece of semiconductor material which is part of the building block of any digital IC.
Any material on whose surface an adhesive is spread for bonding or coating.
the solid bottom to which an animal may be attached, on which it moves about or with which it is otherwise associated.
Substrate is a term used in printing (mainly industrial printing) to describe the base material onto which will be printed.
Stream substrate (sediment) is the material that rests at the bottom of a stream. There are several classification guides.
The substrate of an aquarium refers to the material used on the tank bottom. It can affect water chemistry, filtration, and the well-being of the aquarium's inhabitants, and is also an important part of the aquarium's aesthetic appeal. The appropriate substrate depends on the type of aquarium; the most important parameter is whether the aquarium contains fresh water or saltwater.