deposits of silt or other material, made by running water
(3) pertaining to material that is carried and deposited by running water.
Earth material moved and washed or transported by water. Alluvial gold (touched by water).
Soil composed of sand, clay or silt which has been dispersed by water.
alluvial refers to deposition in riverine landscapes. Alluvium is the sediment deposited from transport by channelled stream flow or over-bank stream flow.
matter transported by water
Pertaining to material carried or laid down by running water. Alluvium is the material deposited by streams. It includes gravel, sand, silt, and clay.
these are fine-grained soils with mud, silt with a high content of sand and stones. A soil valued for viticulture and typical of the Medoc region of Bordeaux.
the product of sedimentary processes in rivers, resulting in the deposition of alluvium (soil deposited by a river).
Pertaining to material or processes associated with transportation and or subaerial deposition by concentrated running water.
pertaining to material deposited by rivers
Relating to alluvium: clastics deposited by streams, rivers, or floodwaters. In general, clay, silt, sand, and gravel transported and deposited by running water; the primary mechanism of erosion on the earth's surface. Back
Geologic layers deposited by streams.
Sedimentary material from running water, sometimes containing precious metals, which is deposited in river beds, flood plains, lakes or at the foot of mountain slopes.
Processes or landforms involving deposition of sediment; river channels occupying river sediment rather than bedrock.
Compare? Relating to and/or sand deposited by flowing water.
Of or pertaining to an unconsolidated, stratified deposit laid down by running water. Occasionally applied only to fine sediments (e.g. silt and clay), but more generally referring to coarser sediments such as sand and gravel as well.
Deposited by water as in soil (alluvial soil) or areas of such soil.
associated with river and floods
Having to do with material (like sand and rocks) that is collected and deposited by running water (like a river).
Of or relating to river and stream deposits. Of or relating to river and stream deposits.
Describes unconsolidated material such as sand, gravel, and silt which has been deposited by flowing water.
are sediment deposits (silt, sand, and gravel) resulting from operation of modern streams.
Diamond deposits which are located in sediments transported by river or marine systems.
Soil that has been deposited by flowing water.
Of or pertaining to or composed of alluvium.
an adjective referring to the process of depositing soil or earth material by running water, as in a riverbed, flood plain or delta.
Of or relating to silty deposits transported by water, or occurring on river floodplains
material which has been eroded and deposited elsewhere in the form of sediments. It also describes deposits of materials that have been eroded from bedrock and deposited in sediments.
Relating to, composed of, or found in alluvium, which is clay, silt, sand, gravel, or other similar material deposited by running water.
Made of soil and sand left by rivers or floods.
geologic deposits usually created by flood events
Used to describe sediment, specifically that which is fine grained and fertile
adj. Sediment deposits that are transported by streams and collected in riverbeds, floodplains, lakes, fans, and estuaries.
Process where transported chiefly by water and is sorted.
fertile deposit of clay, silt and sand left by river floodwater.
Alluvial means deposited by running water.
Soil that contains clay, silt, sand or gravel deposited by running water is said to be alluvial. Grapes grown in mostly sandy and stony alluvial soil produce wines with more concentrated fruit flavors.
deposits left by flowing flood water in a river valley
sediment deposited by flowing water, such as in a riverbed
Sediment deposited by a stream or river.
a deposit of unconsolidated sediment that has been transported by a stream
sediments of gravel, sand, silt or clay deposited by water.
Alluvial refers to sediment deposition in riverine landscapes.
Material deposited by a stream or running water
characterized by the deposition of sediment by a stream or other running water at any point along its course.
1) Used to identify unconsolidated or clay-like materials deposited over time by moving water. 2) Used to describe a strata of material that constitutes a concession, i.e. relating to the Brisas alluvial concession.
Referring to deposits of silts, sands, gravels and similar detrital material which have been transported by running water.
Alluvial deposits are clay, silt, sand, gravel, or similar detrital material deposited when streams carrying a heavy load reduce their velocity as they emerge from mountainous terrain to a nearly horizontal plain. An alluvial fan is created as braided streams shift across the surface of this feature depositing sediment and adjusting their course.
Generally pertains to loose gravel and / or mud that has been deposited by water. An example of this would be stream gravel.
made up of sedimentary material deposited by flowing water, such as a riverbed or delta.
(1) Pertaining to processes or materials associated with transportation or deposition by running water. (2) Pertaining to or composed of alluvium, or deposited by a stream or running water. (3) An adjective referring to soil or earth material which has been deposited by running water, as in a riverbed, flood plain, or delta.
Referring to soil which has been deposited by running water. For example, alluvial floodplains are formed when a river overflows during a flood and deposits silt on its banks.
Originating from the transport and deposition of sediment by running water.
processes, materials, or landscapes related to streams or rivers
The type of process where sedimentary materials, such as oils and rocks, are deposited or accumulated by flowing water.
Relating to mud and/or sand deposited by flowing water. Alluvial deposits may occur after a heavy rainstorm.
Relating to materials deposited by flood.
Soil, sand and gravel, which is deposited on land, usually at a shoreline, as the result of flooding or tidal action. The resulting land is normally retained by the owner.