Direction to a contact, expressed in degrees. A contact to the north is at 000; to the east, 090, etc.
A compass reading between 0 and 360 degrees (where 0° is North), indicating direction of one location from another.
Quadrantal angle East or West of North or South, from 0° to 90°.
The compass direction of a survey line.
An azimuth; a horizontal direction of a line or direction of travel with true north or true south as a reference.
the angular direction in which an object is observed with respect to a reference direction or another object.
The horizontal direction of an object with respect to an observer or the compass; a determination of position.
Direction taken by reading a compass.
Direction from one point to another. Is expressed as an angle in degrees from a reference meridian.
The direction of travel from your current position to a landmark or destination expressed in degrees from 1 to 360. Same as azimuth.
a direction on the ground or on a map defined by the angle measured from some reference direction: this may be true (geographic) north, magnetic north, or grid north.
directional reference system which divides the 360° of a circle into quadrants. Directions are described in reference to their position to the east or west of the north or south starting position. This system is not commonly used in modem surveys.
a way of describing a line by cardinal direction, such as East West, North or South.When describing bearing, for example, you may say North 30°, 40 minutes west.Bearing can help describe location more precisely.
The direction of an object, expressed in degrees, from the vessel.
A mechanical component that is designed to support two or more parts which articulate in differing directions.
In surveying, the angle measured clockwise that a line makes with north. See also Grid, Magnetic & True north.
() the direction of travel from your current position to a landmark or destination; measured in degrees (0º to 360º) from north in a clockwise direction
the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
a degree reading or direction from your position to another object
a horizontal angle measured clockwise from north (either magnetic north or true north) to some point (either a point on a map or a point in the real world)
a measurement of direction between two points
a positional description of an object, relative to your vessel and measured in degrees of arc
In the US, an angled measured by a quadrant and an angle, such as S25E. (In the UK this means the same as Azimuth in the US.)
The direction from one location to another location given as a reading in degrees.
A bearing is your direction of travel or the direction between two points. Like an azimuth, a bearing is measured in reference to true or magnetic north, but its value never goes over 360. The use of the word bearing has changed over the years and now means the same thing as azimuth.
The bearing is the azimuth measured in degrees from North to the plan-view projection of a drill hole, ellipsoid axis, or variogram axis. This is also known as the dip direction of the line segment.
Compass direction, usually in degrees from the ship to a particular destination.
The horizontal direction to or from any point, usually measured clockwise from true north, or some other reference point through 360 degrees.
Angular direction expressed in degrees.
compass direction expressed in degrees.
Nautical term describing the compass direction from the ship to another object or location.
(BRG) The compass direction from your position to a destination, measured to the nearest degree.
The direction of an object expressed either as a true bearing as shown on the chart, or as a bearing relative to the heading of the boat.
The angle, usually stated in degrees, between two geographic locations.
Direction, especially angular direction measured from one position to another using geographical or celestial reference lines. A bearing used by sunPATH is the horizontal angle in degrees from North. North being zero degrees on a compass with a clockwise scale of 360 degrees.
a direction the direction in which an object is seen, or the direction of one object from another, expressed in compass points or degrees. A true bearing is one expressed in degrees relative to true north; a magnetic bearing is one expressed in degrees relative to magnetic north.
A direction an object is relative to the observer (based on the compass heading).
The compass direction from a position to a destination
The ship's compass direction, such as a "northwest bearing."
the direction of travel as indicated by the compass.
direction according to compass
The horizontal direction of an object or point, measured as an angle, usually clockwise, from true or magnetic north through 360 degrees.
Direction of a line with reference to the cardinal points of the compass.
Directions , Navigation Beat Maneuvers
A compass reading or line that describes the direction of an object relative to the boats position.
a compass direction from one point to another
A direction with respect to either a compass point, such as north, or to the craft.
For G.P.S. navigation, it generally refers to the compass reading to navigate from one position to another measured to the nearest degree. (In traditional nautical navigation, it is referenced in degrees from quadrants of the compass)
A surveying term used to designate direction. The bearing of a line is the acute horizontal angle between the meridian and the line. The meridian is an established line of reference. Azimuths are angles measured clockwise from any meridian.
A directional measurement taken by an observer, or the measured angle (often in degrees) between the north meridian and the line joining the observer and the object. Directions or azimuths are bearings.
compass direction to a landmark.
A mechanical device that permits the motion of a component in one or more degrees of freedom while resisting motion in all other degrees of freedom
A definition of the direction of a line based upon the clockwise or counterclockwise angle formed between that line and either pole of a meridian.
Direction of an object at sea expressed in compass notation.
The cardinal direction (North, South, East, West) of a line; e.g., North 50 degrees, 30 minutes West.
A direction in degrees from where you are to where you want to go/ horizontal angle measured from north to your direction of travel
The precise compass direction (in degrees) from your present position to the next waypoint. (Readings are selectable in either degrees magnetic or true north).
Horizontal direction of an object from an observer, expressed as an angle from a reference direction (e.g. compass bearing, true bearing, relative bearing).
Direction of travel or direction between two points. A bearing is measured from the cardinal directions of north or south in reference to true/magnetic north. However, the bearing measurement is never over 90 degrees. Bearing usually refers to the direction to a waypoint in a GPS receiver. See Azimuth. Back to the top of the page... C - D
A system that measures in reference to the cardinal points of a compass in 90 degree quadrants.
An angle measured clockwise from north (Lesson 4.4).
the compass direction of an object or destination from the ship. Relative bearing is the direction relating to the ship with the bow 0° and the stern 180°. True bearing is the direction from the ship relating to true north with north being 0° and south 180
The direction of an object from the observer.