Definitions for "Antimony"
Keywords:  dopant, alloy, buried, tin, brittle
An elementary substance, resembling a metal in its appearance and physical properties, but in its chemical relations belonging to the class of nonmetallic substances. Atomic weight, 120. Symbol, Sb.
CAS Number: 7440-36-0. A metalloid element that is commonly metallic silvery white, crystalline, and brittle. It is used especially as a constituent of alloys and semiconductors. Chemical symbol = Sb. Molecular weight: 121.75 g/mol. Learn More...
A metallic element used to alloy lead to increase hardness. Symbol Sb.
Hysterectomy Preclinical
Keywords:  stibiconite, mineral
stibiconite, an antimony mineral, Sb2O3(OH)2
Occurs naturally in soils, groundwater and surface waters and is often used in the flame retardant industry, glass, batteries, fireworks, and explosives. Antimony may enter drinking water through natural weathering of rock, industrial production, municipal waste disposal, or manufacturing processes. Measured in mg/L or ppm. The MCL for antimony is 0.006 mg/L or ppm.
Antimony is toxic and is not present in water sources. Trace concentrations in drinking water, which are not of any significance to health, can be derived from brass fittings and from solders. 10 µg/l
Keywords:  rheumatoid, immunity
Immunity Rheumatoid
The maximum contaminant level is 0.006 mg/L. Elevated levels of antimony can increase blood cholesterol and decrease blood glucose.
Keywords:  see
See antimony
0.117 0.012 0.002 0.063 0.032