action when rock or mineral under pressure breaks rather than bends (see ductile)
Having hardness and rigidity but little tensile strength. A brittle material breaks readily under excessive load with a comparatively smooth fracture, as glass does.
High-frequency peaks, or weak fundamentals. Slightly distorted or harsh highs. Opposite of round or mellow. (See Thin.) Objects that are physically thin and brittle emphasize highs over lows when you crack them. Bad A/D converters with low bit depth can sound brittle.
(brittleness) Having hardness and rigidity. Breaks easy with a smooth fracture. One of several states of metal. See also, ductility, elasticity, fatigue, hardness, malleability, toughness
hard and stiff but easily broken; irritable, sharp-tongued A quick test of the material showed that it had no elasticity and in fact it was so brittle it shattered under pressure. She answered the insult with a brittle retort. brittleness (n)
having little elasticity; hence easily cracked or fractured or snapped; "brittle bones"; "glass is brittle"; "`brickle' and `brickly' are dialectal"
(of metal or glass) not annealed and consequently easily cracked or fractured
Brittle means easily broken, cracked or snapped.
A brittle structure or material exhibits low ductility, meaning that it exhibits very little inelastic deformation before complete failure. Center of Gravity: The location of the resultant of gravity forces on an object or objects: sometimes called center of mass.
Something that is easily broken, cracked or snapped is brittle.
A property or condition of paper that causes failure of the material when it is deformed by bending. Paper is said to be brittle when a corner will not withstand two complete double folds.
Brittle wood is easily broken, or more likely to break than softwood or hardwood. Commonly known trees with brittle wood are the Siberian Elm, Silver Maple, Cottonwoods, Poplars, and Willows.
Character of an item that is easily broken, weak or inflexible. In paper items, it is usually associated with high levels of acidity.[ back to the top
easily shattered or broken.
A metal is brittle when it permits little or no plastic deformation prior to fracture.
A material that fractures easily such as cement.