Ability to resist deformation from impact.
A roof assembly’s ability to withstand the impact from falling objects such as hail.
the capacity of a device to resist impact.
Ability of a coating to resist deformation from a sudden blow.
The ability of a tape to resist sudden pulls or shocks as may sometimes be encountered by packages in transit.
Ability to resist fracture or damage from a falling object.
The ability of a finish to resist damage from being struck by a sharp blow.
Also known as shock resistance. The ability of a tape to resist sudden pulls or shocks.
Relative susceptibility of adhesives to fracture by shock, e. g., as indicated by the energy expended by a standard pendulum-type impact machine in breaking a standard specimen in one blow.
the ability of a roofing material to resist damage (e.g., puncturing) from falling objects, application equipment, foot traffic, etc. The impact resistance of the roofing assembly is a function of all of its components, not just the membrane itself.
Ability to ward off damage that occurs from a sudden force.
The resistance of a film to impact force.
Relative susceptibility of plastics to fracture by shock. Impact resistance is indicated by the energy expended by a standard pendulum type impact machine in breaking a standard specimen in one blow.
The resistance of plastic articles to fracture under stresses applied at high speeds.
The ability to resist deformation or cracking due to a forceful blow.
relative susceptibility of material to fracture by stress at high speeds.
Ability to withstand mechanical or physical abuse under severe service conditions. Resistance to blows, bumps and shocks incidental to use.
1. The resistance of a material to fracture by a blow expressed in terms of the amount of energy absorbed before fracture. 2. In yarn or cord the ability to withstand instantaneous or rapid rate of loading.
Energy required to break a specimen by a sudden blow.