The ISO is a voluntary organization composed and financed by the national standards organizations of its member countries. ISO standards cover every conceivable item possible not just telecommunications.
Insurance Services Office. An organization providing statistical information, actuarial analyses, policy language, and related services for the insurance industry.
An international federation of national standards bodies. See the ISO Website.
International Organization of Standardization. An international standard body that develops, promotes, and publishes global standards in various fields. ISO also runs certification programs that makes it known to the public.
INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE. An organization of property and casualty insurance companies that develops insurance policies and calculates rates for its members. The rates may be used by smaller companies that do not have the loss experience themselves to accurately develop rates or they may be modified by larger companies to better fit their own loss experience.
Independent Sales Organizations. Companies that independently solicit prospective merchants for acquirers. ISOs may assume either partial or shared financial liability for merchant activity.
A GD&T (Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing) standard used when creating dimensions in I-DEAS.
An agency created to oversee the operations of a particular section of the power grid. It ensures reliability, schedules the flow of power and establishes a clearing price mechanism. see also: RTO
International Organization on Standard ization. A powerful body involved mainly in hardware standardization. Through its branches, like the International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC), the International Illumination Commission ( CIE), etc.
nternational Standards Organisation. This is synonymous with the United Kingdom's British Standards Institution (BSI).
Insurance Services Office. An organization that compiles statistics, provides information and materials to member companies that subscribe to their services.
Organization responsible for establishing industry standards for film emulsion.
Independent Sales Organization - provides service to non-financial institution locations to supply ABM or POS devices and associated services
Internet Sales Outlet. A third-party Web site that attracts visitors looking to buy goods or services. ISOs make money by selling links or ads that lead directly to the merchant Web sites, or by selling products or services on behalf of Web merchants.
International Standart Organisation
(Insurance Services Office) is an organization working with the insurance industry to maintain statistical data, file loss costs and manage standardized forms on behalf of its member companies. The ISO is to the insurance industry as the SAA is to the surety industry. See SAA.
nternational\ rganization for tandardization based in Geneva Switzerland. Among the many standards it issues are pump and seal standards for the metric community.
Insurance Service Office. This organization rates fire departments for insurance classifications.
noun: speed settings based on film standards
This is an abbreviated form of Independent Sales Organization, or a business which provides merchant functions such as credit card processing on behalf of the acquiring bank. In many cases, ISOs are responsible for signing on new merchant accounts or providing customer services. The term ISO is frequently interchanged with MSP or Merchant Service Provider. In general, an acquirer must register all of its MSP/ISO associates with its bankcard associations.
nternational tandards rganization - Standard for measuring the sensitivity of photographic imaging sources.
From Glossary of "Weaving the Web" ( 1999-07-23) An international group of national standards bodies. The ISO home page ISO standards are available, on paper, for a fee.
(Independent Sales Organization) A firm or an organization that enables a merchant to process online payments or other credit card transactions, usually in exchange for transaction fees or for a percentage of the total sales.
Insurance Services Office. A New York City-based rating organization that prepares forms and provides loss cost data for property-casualty insurers.
nternational tandards rganization. These people are the standard for transferring data. It is located in Paris.
( ndepenant ales rganization) an organization that sells products developed by a third party
An international standard measurement of a given film's sensitivity to light. High ISO numbers indicate a high sensitivity to light and low ISO numbers indicate a lower sensitivity. Higher ISO films require less exposure time, and thus are more suitable for shooting in low light. Lower ISO films tend to have a finer grain and are more suitable for shooting in brighter light. They are also more suitable for use for enlargements with no visible grain.
An international body that creates networking standards, including the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model.
Insurance Services Office. An insurance industry-supported agency that creates standard policy forms and collects premium and claims statistics.
A group of ASCII characters that can be used in HTML to display special characters. For example, you can't simply type the ® symbol from your keyboard since it's not a standard ASCII character; it'll show up as garbage on your Web page. But if you use the ISO entity equivalent, the Web browser will be able to interpret the character correctly.
A nonprofit organization established for the benefit of its member insurance companies and other subscriber companies. ISO gathers statistics, provides loss costs, drafts policy forms and coverage provisions, and conducts inspections for rate-making purposes.
Independent System Operators. ISOs operate, but do not own, transmission systems. On an hour-by-hour basis, the ISO plays traffic cop for buyers and sellers using energy transmission systems. Because power takes the route of least resistance and pays no attention to company boundaries, all providers transmitting energy affect each other when energy flows over transmission lines. Several large transactions taking place simultaneously can cause reliability problems for companies in the middle. An independent organization with jurisdictional control is supposed to avoid bottlenecks or other problems - and ensure some measure of reliability.
INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE. A voluntary, nonprofit association of property and casualty insurance companies providing a great variety of services on a national basis. Among its operations are rating, statistical, actuarial, and policy form services for all classes of property and casualty businesses. The association also functions, as provided by law, as an insurance rating organization. In addition, where applicable, ISO acts as an advisory organization or as a statistical agent. Established in 1971 by the consolidation of numerous associations and bureaus performing these services for separate class of business and in various parts of the country. Headquarters: New York, N.Y.
The international organisation that develops standards and is best known for developing OSI-the open systems interconnection reference model.
(Intelligent Standards Organisation)
An organization that specifies new networking standards. Not to be confused with OSI, which is the Open Systems Interconnect model put forth by the organization.
an entity which handles access to the transmission system to ensure that suppliers get fair access to use it, and that consumers receive electricity reliably. ISOs are designed to ensure that transmission-owning utilities cannot use their own transmission resources to gain a generation price advantage over other power suppliers.
International Organization for Standization.
International System established in Europe and adopted in the United States as a standard in which to model quality systems to ensure product is manufactured consistently. ISO strives to to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for continual improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable regulatory requirements. Polymer Science uses QCB ( )as a third party auditor to ensure compliance to ISO9001:2000.
Insurance Services Offices is the property/ casualty insurance industry's leading supplier of statistical, actuarial, underwriting, and claims data for property and liability risk.
Organization Of Standards The International; group that the standards of the world of the systems for the component materials of the bicycle, sizes and threadings.
Independent System Operator. The organization responsible for matching the electricity dispatched within the regional electric grid to the customer demand for electricity, to ensure customers receive uninterrupted power. The ISO operates on a regional basis, serving the New England states.
International organisation for standardisation. ISP Internet Service Provider
independent system operator. Independent manager of transmission lines to assure safe and fair transfer of electricity from generators to distribution companies.
International Standards Organization. An international standards organization involved in setting standards worldwide for all fields except electro-technical, which is the responsibility of IEC. ISO carries out its work thorough a range of working groups.
International Standards Organization / Film speed
International Organization for Standardization. ISO's mission is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitating the international exchange of goods and services, and to developing cooperation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activity.
An organization or individual that is not a direct member of Visa and/or MasterCard but is registered and sponsored by a member to perform sales, solicitation, service, merchant transaction processing solicitation cardholder solicitation or card application processing services. MasterCard classifies ISOs as Member Service Providers (MSP). Also called MLS (Merchant Level Salesperson), MSP (Merchant Service Provider), MSP (Merchant Sales Person), and MSP (Merchant Sales Provider).
Stands for "International Organization for Standardization." Yes, technically ...
Independent Sales Organization. A third-party company that provides services to merchants on behalf of the acquiring bank. These services include merchant accounts, funds processing, and account activity reporting.
International Standards Organization responsible for defining international standards.
Independent System Operator. An independent entity that controls the transmission system in a deregulated electricity system. ( Back)
International\ Organization for Standardization based in Geneva Switzerland. Among the many standards it issues are pump and seal standards for the metric community
Independent System Operator. An independent system operator is envisioned by federal regulators and others to be an independent third party who will take over ownership and/or control of a region's transmission system for the purpose of providing open access to retail and wholesale markets for supply. (This is to be distinguished from a Regional Transmission Group or RTG which is a group of transmission line owners who proposed to cooperatively operate the regional transmission grid.)
(International Standards of Organization) A system that enforces compliance to established quality standards.
(International Standards Organization) An organization which establishes international standards for computer network architecture. The ISO established the Open Systems Interconnection seven-layer model of network interconnection.
Independent Sales Organization. Independent sales organizations play a role in many business fields. In the credit card industry ISO's act as a third party between the merchant and the acquiring bank. Many businesses are unable to obtain merchant status through an acquiring bank because the bank views them as too large a risk. These businesses use an ISO to obtain merchant status.
International Standards Organization. An organization established to promote the development of standards to facilitate the international exchange of goods and services, and to develop mutual cooperation in areas of intellectual, scientific, technological, and economic activity. This international standards organization is responsible for telecommunications networking standards including OSI Reference Model.
International Standards Organization, a voluntary not-for-profit network of national standards institutes from 146 countries
Light sensitivity standard developed by the International Standards Organization.
International Standards Organization. It is the specialized international agency for standards' making; with membership of over 90 countries.
International Standardization Organization.
(International Standards Organization) is an internationally recognized organization that has established international standards for quality assurance systems. ISO 9002 applies to production/manufacturing locations. Plants must be approved and registered to enable suppliers to do business in the newly formed European Economic Community.
A value used to indicate a film's sensitivity to light. ISO also stands for the International Standards Organization. Since no similarly defined standard exists for digital cameras, the term "ISO 100 equivalent" is used. A larger ISO value indicates that the camera can take a better picture in dimly lit locations (such as indoors).
Independent System Operator. An impartial, independent third party responsible for maintaining secure and economic operation of an open access transmission system on a regional basis. It provides availability and transmission pricing services to all users of the transmission grid.
(International Organization for Standardization) 9001 International standard for quality requirements in business relationships
Independent System Operator. An organization that operates an electric-transmission system that it does not own. Usually, the transmission system it operates includes transmission lines owned by more than one electric utility. An ISO's responsibilities include insuring that there is enough generation available at all times so that if one generating plant fails, others will pick up the load immediately without interrupting service to customers. Electric transmission systems do not have valves that can control the flow of electricity over the transmission lines. Therefore, an ISO operates the transmission system by controlling the amount of electricity that is generated at each point in the transmission system so that the transmission lines do not become over loaded. The abbreviation ISO sometimes refers to any ISO, and sometimes to refers to the California Independent System Operator.
Independent System Operator. An organization created to control the operation of the power system, monitor reliability and coordinate the supply of electricity in a region.
International Standardisation Organization. A United Nations body with responsibility for international technical standards, except those covered by the CCITT.
International Standards Organization, a world-wide federation of national standards bodies whose objective is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in over 90 countries, with a vew to facilitating international exchange of goods and services.
International Organization for Standardization. (See Appendix C.)
The International Organization for Standardization or just ISO
International Standards Organisation -
A group of global standards maintained by the International Organization for Standardization.
International Organization for Standardization, which is made up of national members. A member is the "most representative of standardisation in its country". For example BSI (British Standards Institute), DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) and ANSI (American National Standards Institute).
International Standards Organization. The organization that published an associated series of standards on dimensioning and tolerancing. Carry the GD&T Ultimate Pocket Guide with you on the job. It contains all these glossary terms and more.
International Standards Organization—an organization that sets international standards.
This is the International Standard Organization which is a group which is responsible for the development of many international computer standards.
Insurance Service Organization. Group maintaining a database with information on the bonding limits of all contractors. A bonding agent sends a bid-bond request to the ISO database. If the Contractor is qualified for the bond, the bonding agent receives an eight-digit confirmation number from the ISO site. The bonding agent gives the eight-digit number to the contractor to include in the bid submission to Bid Express. Bid Express automatically verifies the validity of the bond and sends Mn/DOT a summary of the bond, including Power of Attorney, name of the bonding agent, etc. [ Back to the top
International Organization for Standardization, the group that developed the OSI protocols.
International Standards Organization. organization that publishes a broad range of international standards for industry, including a large number that are identical or nearly identical to CCITT standards.
International Organisation for Standardization
The International Organization for Standardization, against whose quality management standard the GRDC is certified.
International Organization for Standardization - located in Geneva, Switzerland. The US is represented at the ISO by ANSI, and ANSI distributes ISO standards in the US.
is an abbreviation of International Standards Organisation.
Brightness unit according to ISO, the International Organisation for Standardisation
Independent Sales Organization. Organization that processes merchants online credit card transactions in exchange for a percentage of the sales or transaction fees.
International Standards Organization, a body that promotes computer standards and developed the OSI's model for network communication.
Stands for International Organization for Standards. An organization responsible for setting the world standards in many electronics areas.
(International Standards Organization) An international group of national standards bodies. The ISO home page ISO standards are available, on paper, for a fee.
International Standards Organization. An international body composed of the national standards organizations of 89 countries. ISO issues standards on a vast number of goods and services, including networking software.
International Standards Organization specification for magnetic stripe encoding. Printer encoders generally support dual high/low coercivity and tracks 1, 2 and 3. Please check printer specifications.
See Independent Sales Organization.
INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR. (US) entity responsible for ensuring the efficient use and reliable operation of the transmission grid and, in some cases, generation facilities. Individual ISOs cover either a single state (eg, the California ISO) or a region (eg, the Midwest ISO). ISO responsibilities vary by jurisdiction, but can include co-ordinating scheduling for transmission transactions; overseeing the instantaneous balancing of generation and load; managing and redispatching generation in system emergencies; managing operating reserves; ensuring new transmission facilities are built when and where needed; and co-ordinating transmission payments. In some cases, ISOs are also responsible for managing power exchange activities.
International Standards Organization, is a committee of representatives from different countries responsible for the establishment of consistent global standards. ISO products include film speeds, computer standards like JPEG, and so on.
International Organization for Standardization. ( 099)
International Organization for Standardization "A network of national standards institutes from 147 countries working in partnership with international organizations, governments, industry, business and consumer representatives." ( LINK)
International Standards Organization. A voluntary, non-treaty organization founded in 1946, responsible for creating international standards in many areas, including computers and communications.
International Standards Organization. An organization responsible for determining standards, including standards on computer hardware and protocols.
Independent System Operator. A neutral party responsible for the management and control of the electric transmission grid in a state or region.
International Standards Organization. Worldwide organization formed to promote development of standards to facilitate the international carriage and exchange of goods and services. Governs construction specifications for ISO containers.
Independent Servicing Organization
The abbreviation for "International Organization for Standardization."
International Organization for Standards. A worldwide federation of national standards bodies from 130 countries. The mission of ISO is to develop and promote standards in the world to facilitate the international exchange of goods and services.
International Standards Orgainzation ISO3166 - Country codes for Internet top level domains. ISO 9000 - A worldwide standard for QA (Quality Assurance) procedures, similar to the U.S. Department of Defense's "corrective action" program of many years ago. It does not regulate or assure product quality, it just assures that quality assurance and reporting procedures are formalized, in place, and meet ISO 9000 standards. A company can still produce trash, as long as procedures are followed.
International Organization for Standar-dization. An internationally-recognized body that sets standards for quality, environmental, and other systems.
Independent System Operator. Independent third-party with no financial interest in generation facilities that administers the operation and use of transmission systems owned by utilities. ISOs exercise final authority over the dispatch of generation to preserve reliability and facilitate efficiency, ensure non-discriminatory transmission access, administer transmission tariffs, ensure the availability of ancillary services, and provide information about the status of the transmission system and available transmission capacity. An ISO is regulated by FERC.
An organization of 89 member countries (founded in 1946) responsible for setting world standards in many electronics areas. Members of the ISO are the national standards organizations of the member countries.
International Standards Organisation ISP
International Organization for Standardization. The ISO standards on quality management (ISO 9000 series) and environmental management (ISO 14001) have been widely adopted. The new standard on Food Safety Management (ISO 22000) is expected to be widely adopted as well.
International Standards Organization. A worldwide federation of national standard bodies, founded in Geneva, Switzerland in 1946
International Organization for Standardization (see
International Organization for Standardization standards body
The International Standards Organization, located in Paris, is devoted to developing standards for international and national data communications, as well as standards to ensure quality in manufacturing. The US. representative to the ISO is the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
Founded in 1946, the leading international standards organization. Among its developed standards is Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), a suite of communication protocols used widely in Europe.
A standard measure of film speed (i.e., how sensitive the film is to light), as set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
International Standards Organization. An international body that standardizes goods and services. For Enhanced X-Windows, standards relating to character sets and fonts.
Acronym for International Standards Organization
International Standards Organization. The preeminent international standards-setting body, made up of representatives from countries worldwide, that oversees the development and ratification of many telecommunications and information-related standards.
International Standards Organization. Known for the development of a series of standards called ISO 9000 for developing Total Quality Management, and creating a continuous Quality Improvement Process.
(International Organization for Standardization) ISO 9000/14000/18000 standards covering quality, the environment, and safety are widely used in industry. Iso-octane A butane-based, high-octane component used in producing low-emission gasoline.
International Standards Organization. International organization that published a large number of networking standards (the OSI protocols), most of which are incompatible with the Internet protocols. Protocols originally developed by the CCITT are generally ISO protocols.
These folk create standards for everything, from cleanliness to file formats.
International Standards Organization - An internationally recognized standards body.
International Standards Organization (Geneva, CH).
International Organization for Standardization. Web site at
International Standards Organisation. The International standards-making body.
International Standards Organisation. More information at:
International Organization for Standardization, headquartered in Geneva. an agency for international cooperation on industrial and scientific standards.
INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR. A neutral operator responsible for maintaining instantaneous balance of a grid system. The ISO performs its function by controlling the dispatch of flexible plants to ensure that loads match resources available to the system.
International Organization for Standards, Central Secretariat, 1, rue de Varembe, CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland. It is a nongovernmental organization and it helps set international standards for all fields.
International Studies Office
Abbreviation for International Organization for Standardisation.
Stands for the International Standards Organization. Someone has to say what is the standard for transferring data. These people are it. You'll find them in Paris.
industry:(International Standards Organization) The really big organization that slowly works out standards for telecommunications for the whole world.
Independent System Operator. the ISO is the FERC regulated control area operator of the ISO transmission grid. Its responsibilities include providing non-discriminatory access to the grid, managing congestion, maintaining the reliability and security of the grid, and providing billing and settlement services. The ISO has no affiliation with any market participant.
International Standards Organization. The main ISO standard relating to smart cards is ISO 7816: "Identification cards: integrated circuit cards with contacts" The draft standard 14443 coverscontactless cards
Besides the standards organization, this is a CD/DVD image format somewhat similar to a BIN/CUE image fileset, but the one single .ISO file contains both: the data and the CD/DVD layout information. These types of images can be burned with several CD /DVDburning programs.
International Standards Organisation [go to site
The International Standards Organization (ISO) is the organization that oversees the ongoing development and support of international standards.
Independent Service Organization. ISO. In the payment systems industry, a third-party organization that facilitates merchant registration to accept charge or credit cards.
International Standards Organization index of whiteness. High brightness market pulp has a whiteness of ISO 90 and above; integrated mills generally bleach pulp to around ISO 85. Newsprint has a brightness of around ISO 6570.
The short name for the International Organization for Standardization
International Standards Organization. This term refers to a films sensitivity to light, the greater the number the more sensitive the film. It can also be used to refer to standardized connections and devices. See: ASA and DIN.
Internet Standards Organization
International Standards Organization, central body for formation and dissemination of industry standards for all national standards bodies.
International Organization for Standardization. A worldwide group responsible for establishing and managing various standards committees and expert groups, including several image-compression standards.
(International Standards Organization) The modern speed rating for photographic materials used instead of ASA or DIN*. The scale is identical to ASA (American Standards Association) where the rating is based on an arithmetical progression, using an average gradient system. Therefore ISO 200 film is twice as fast as ISO 100 film but only half as fast as ISO 400 film. (see ASA & DIN)
Acronym for the International Standards Organisation - An international organisation, working through the United Nations, that maintains the standards for all applications of technology and mechanics for global industry.
International Organization for Standardization. The ISO has several committees under its umbrella that define global standards such as the compression standards JPEG and MPEG.
Independent Sales/Service Organization (VISA)
Independent System Operator. A voluntary organization designed to encourage open and non-discriminatory grid access. The ISO controls and operates the transmission systems of regional utilities so that generation companies can move (or wheel) power over the transmission lines. Actual ownership of the transmission facilities remains with the individual utilities, which continue to collect revenues and pay expenses related to the transmission assets.
Abbreviation for the International Standards Organization.
Independent System Operator: an entity that would operate the transmission system and whose role would be distinct from the ownership of the transmission system assets.
International Organization for Standardization - 9000:2000 series
(International Standards Organization) A series of quality standards produced by the Geneva based standards organizations. Organizations with ISO certification are said to be "ISO-compliant."
International Standards Organization (English translation).
The penultimate technical standards body based in Geneva, Switzerland. With representation on its working committees from almost all countries, the ISO defines technical standards for worldwide interoperability of hardware and software.
A prefix on film speed ratings that stands for International Standards Organization, the group that standardizes, among other things, the figures that define the relative speed of films.
Standards published by the International Organization for Standardization; the 9000 series defines quality assurance models for all companies in the industrial and service sectors; certification indicates compliance with certain formalized working procedures
International Standards Organization. An organization established to promote development of international standards. ISO web site.
The International Organization for Standardization (`ISO' is not an exact acronym).
An Independent System Operator is a 'neutral' operator responsible for maintaining instantaneous balance of the grid system.
International Standards Organisation (Organisation internationale de normalisation)
International Organization for Standardization. (Go to the ISO website)
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from some 140 countries, one from each country. ISO is responsible for the development of ISO 14001.
International Standards Organization. Organization that determines standards for international and national data communications. The US representative to the ISO is the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
International Standards Organization, an international standards-setting organization.
Independent System Operator. An organization that is independent of any market participant and that has control of the transmission system, and has continuous, instantaneous information on the state of the transmission system.
International Organization for Standardization. An international agency for standardization in all fields except electrical and electronic engineering.
International Organization for Standardization. You knew that, right? Best known for the 7-layer OSI Reference Model.
Insurance Services Office. An organization of the Property and Liability Insurance business designed to gather statistics, promulgate rates, and develop policy forms.
International Standards Organisation. A cooperative of national standards bodies for setting standards in many areas of technology, industry and commerce.
Independent Sales Organization. This acronym refer collectively to people who have contracted to sell our merchant processing services.
(International Organisation for Standardisation). An Geneva-based international organization that develops and publishes various international standards.
International Organization for Standardization. A worldwide federation of national standards bodies. The OSI reference model and the FCAPS model are maintained by this federation.
International Organisation for Standardisation. A worldwide federation of national standards bodies that develops international standards. A Technical Committee (ISO/TC211) is developing international Geographic Information/Geomatics standards. Among many other computing standards, ISO maintains an SQL standard and is developing an extended version, SQL3, which will support queries on geographic data sets.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) - ISO was founded in 1946. It is an international federation of national standards organizations from over 100 countries. ISO is a word, not an abbreviation, derived from the Greek isos, "equal", found in terms such as "isometric". It was created in an attempt to avoid creating even more abbreviations for the members' national languages.
The International Organisation for Standardisation's standard for building up an environmental management system.
International Standards Organization. (Organización Internacional de Estándares.)
The International Organisation for Standardisation based in Switzerland.
Independent System Operator. An entity, as defined in AB 1890, responsible for operating the high-voltage electric transmission grid in a particular geographic area, as well as being responsible for scheduling power transmission and providing support services such as spinning, capacity reserve, and voltage support.
Series of standards and documented technical specifications used as guidelines to ensure that products, processes, and services are manufactured consistently. The ISO organization was established by European countries as a way to certify the quality control systems of companies across international boundaries.
The International Standards Organisation, the body responsible for setting world technical standards. It is based in Geneva, Switzerland.
(n.) International Standards Organization, which, among other things, sets standards for programming languages.
International Organization for Standardization. Agency responsible for developing international standards; over 160 technical committees, 650 sub-committees and 1500 working groups; more than 6000 ISO standards published; represents more than 90 countries. Founded in 1947.
International Organization for Standardization. Chartered by the United Nations, ISO was formed to define and promote the development of various international standards. Visit:
(International Standards Organization) The main international standards organization. ISO works to ensure that chip makers, software developers and smart card companies comply with the same specifications. Standards for the smart card industry include: ISO/IEC 7816-1:1998 Physical Characteristics of IC cards. ISO/IEC 7816-2:1999 Position of Module and Contacts on IC cards. ISO/IEC 7816-3:1997 Exchange protocol with IC cards (i.e., communication between readers and cards). ISO/IEC 7816-4:1995 Command set for microprocessor cards. ISO/IEC 7816-5:1994 Numbering system and registration procedure for application identifiers. ISO/IEC 7816-6:1996 Inter-industry data elements. ISO/IEC 7816-7:1999 Inter-industry commands for Structured Card Query Language (SCQL). ISO/IEC DIS 7816-8 Security related inter-industry commands. ISO/IEC DIS 7816-9 Additional inter-industry commands and security attributes. ISO/IEC DIS 7816-10 Electronic signals and answer to reset for synchronous cards. ISO 14443 Proximity cards (contactless).
International Standards Organisation. One of the most important international standards-making bodies because it produces international standards that are largely independent of industry interests. Find out more on the International Standards Organisation website.
The International Organization for Standardization, in Geneva, Switzerland, which publishes international specifications, test methods, and best practices for a variety of industrial products and processes.
International Organization for Standardization. The ISO and its affiliated International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) are the two major global standards-making groups
International Standards Organization Defines communications and computing standards.
International Standards Organization. An advisory body, whose recommendations have been accepted and incorporated into the official technical standards of many countries in the area of the transportable container, the aim of the organization is to achieve a standard approach to cargo container design and handling.
Independent System Operator. An independent third party that manages transmission systems owned by other entities.
Refers to Independent Sales Office.
(International Organisation for Standardisation). An international organization that (a) consists of member bodies that are the national standards bodies of most of the countries of the world, (b) is responsible for the development and publication of international standards in various technical fields, after developing a suitable consensus, (c) is affiliated with the United Nations, and (d) has its headquarters at 1, rue de Varembé, Geneva, Switzerland.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was founded in 1947. It is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from some 100 countries, one from each country.
short name for the International Organization for Standardization based in Switzerland, a body of professionals who set worldwide commercial quality and labeling standards for various foodstuffs, including spices and condiments (see Coloring Strength and Photospectometry Report).
Independent System Operator. An independent management team set up to run transmission systems owned by two or more entities. Under the arrangement, owners retain title to their assets and the ISO runs the systems as a joint operation. The ISO files a single transmission tariff for the region, plans and schedules transmission outages, takes a lead role in transmission system planning, collects transmission charges and makes payments to the actual providers.
(International Organization for Standardization) Coordinator of the main networking standards that are put into use today.
International Organization for Standardization, under which the national standards organizations, e.g. DIN, are subsumed.
Independent System Operator. An independent entity that operates the electric power grid to coordinate generation and transmission. For the New England states, it is ISO-NE.
International Standards Organization - The speed or light-sensitivity of a camera's CCD (or conventional film for that matter) is rated in ISO numbers such as 100, 200, 400, etc. Higher numbers, higher sensitivity to light.
International Standards Organization. An organization within the United Nations to which all national and other standard-setting bodies (should) defer. Develops and monitors international standards, including OSI, EDIFACT, and X.400.
The International Organization for Standardization or Organisation Internationale de Normalisation.
or International Organization for Standardization
International Standardisation Organisation
a worldwide federation, founded in 1947, of national standards bodies from some 100 countries, one from each country
The International Organization for Standardization (the acronym is derived from its French name), which sets industrial standard relating to everything from character sets to quality processors to SGML.
International Organization for Standardization. ISO is a network of national standards institutes.
The International Standards Organization that created a network model identifying the seven commonly- used protocol levels for networking.
International Standards Organization. International body with responsibility for developing worldwide data communications standards, especially the Open Systems Interconnect models, a reference for developers of communications hardware and software.
International Organization for Standardization. A multinational, independent body formed to define international standards for, among other things, network communications.
International Standards organization. An organization that works with the UN to maintain the standards for all applications of technology and mechanics for furthering global industry.
Independent System Operator. A company or organization that would act independently of its parent company or organization to operate the power transmission grid for a specified geographic area, offering equal service terms to all users.
See International Organization for Standardization. WWWebfx Home Page
Information Security Officer. Responsible to the Information resources manager for administering the information security functions within the agency. The ISO is the agency’s internal and external point of contact for all information security matters. See the Incident Managment Page of DIR Web site.
International Standards Organization. Global organization that develops and approves standards for a diverse set of products.
International Standards Organisation. A voluntary, non-treaty organisation established in 1949 to promote international standards.
An acronym for International Organization for Standardization
International Standards Organisation. Film speed.
Acronym for the International Organization for Standardization, a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies).
Independent System Operator. A non-profit entity established by AB1890 to operate the transmission system in a safe, reliable manner; one form of a Regional Transmission Organization.
International Standards Organisation (International Organisation for Standardisation)
International Standards Organization (the governing body which certifies that our quality control system meets certain standards).
International Standards Organization, a voluntary organization concerned with international standards for data communication. Abbreviation for Kilo
World federation of organisations setting national technical standards. The main reference standards issued include the ISO 14001 (related to environmental management systems) and the ISO 9000 (related to quality systems).
INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR. An entity that monitors the reliability of the power system and coordinates the supply of electricity around the state.
International organization to maintain the industry standards. Regarding smart card, ISO7816 defines specification of contact interface IC chip and IC card. ISO14443 defines the contactless interface smart card technical specification.
The International Standards Organization, a worldwide standard-setting body. We use ISO 4217 currency codes in all of our services. - Long position A market position where a trader has bought a currency she previously did not own. A long position is normally expressed in terms of the base currency.
Independent Sales Organization. An organization that sells business products or services to merchants and/or acquires merchants on behalf of various types of merchant service providers.
International Standards Organization. Develops standards, by international agreement, over a wide range of technical areas.
International Standards Organization (or the International Organization for Standards).
Independent System Operator. A neutral and independent organization with no financial interest in generating facilities that administers the operation and use of the transmission system. ISOs exercise final authority over the dispatch of generation to preserve reliability and facilitate efficiency, ensure non-discriminatory access, administer transmission tariffs, ensure the availability of ancillary services, and provide information about the status of the transmission system and available transmission capacity. Under some proposals, an ISO may make some transmission investment decisions.
The International Organization for Standardization is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). ISO 4782 standard governs metal wire for industrial wire screens and woven wire cloth. ISO 9044 standard governs industrial wire cloth.
ISO is the International Organization for Standardization, founded in 1946 to promote the development of international standards and related activities, including conformity assessment, to facilitate the exchange of goods and services worldwide. ISO is composed of member bodies from over 90 countries and covers all areas except those related to electrical and electronic engineering, which are covered by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The results of ISO's technical work are published as International Standards or Guides.
International Standards Organization. A group that sets standards for data communications.
Independent Service Organization. ISO is a third-party organization specializing in facilitating merchant registration to accept charge or credit cards, operating in the payment processing industry.
See Independent Service Organization.
International Standards Organization: An organization established to develop standards to facilitate the international exchanges of goods and services and to develop mutual cooperation in areas of intellectual, scientific, technological, and economic activity. For more information, see the ISO home page.
International Organization for Standardization. ISO is an industry-wide body which defines network protocols.
The International Standards Organization. This organization produces international standards for many things, including programming languages, such as C and C++. In the computer arena, important standards like those for C, C++, and POSIX become both American national and ISO international standards simultaneously. This Web page refers to Standard C as “ISO C†throughout.
The International Standards Organization that publishes international standards. (see ANSI).
International Organization for Standardization, chartered by the United Nations. The ISOâ€(tm)s mission is to define and promote the development of various international standards. The ISO is best known for its seven-layer OSI model. Visit
INDEPENDENT SALES ORGANIZATION. A non-member company contracted by members of VISA or MasterCard to provide merchant or cardholder servicing.
International Standards Organisation ITAAB ISDN Type Approval Advisory Board ITU International Telecommunications Union IUT Implementation Under Test LE Local Exchange
International Standards Organization ISO is a non-governmental organization networking the national standards institutes of 156 countries.
(International Standards Organization) -- Organization responsible for a wide range of standards, including many relevant to networking. Developed the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model, widely used in networking today.
" means the International Organization for Standardization, a worldwide federation of national standards bodies."
See International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
An organization that sets worldwide standards in many different areas. For example, the organization has been working on a network protocol to replace TCP/IP.
Independent Sales Organization. an organization or individual that performs merchant solicitation, sales, or services functions for an association member.
An international organization involved in writing communications standards.
International Organization for StandardizationBR
Independent Sales Organization. A firm or organization that offers the service to process credit card transactions. AN ISO represents the processor and markets the service in exchange for transaction fees or a percentage of sales that the ISO receives form the processor. There are many different levels of ISO's available to merchants. Many are only agents of an ISO while others have a direct relationship with the processor.
Definition by International Standards Organisation
International Standards Organization. One of the largest and most recognized international standards bodies. ISO membership comprised of individual countries, not companies.
See the International Organization for Standardization. Go to TOP
International standard for quality system management.
International Organization for Standardization - model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing.
An Independent Sales Organization (ISO) is registered through Visa and Mastercard to set up credit card merchant accounts. ISOs represent banks or third party processors.
Independent System Operator. An independent organization that is responsible for coordinating, controlling and monitoring the operation of the electrical power system in a particular geographic area; similar to Regional Transmission Organization
see Independent System Operator
International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland. Develops international norms and standards.
Independent System Operator. Term used in U.S. jurisdictions for a bulk electricity system operator that is independent of other market interests. Similar to Ontarioâ€(tm)s IMO except that an ISO is not always a market operator as well.
Independent Sales Organization. Also called a member service provider. An outside company (not MasterCard or VISA member) which is contracted by members to administer merchant and/or cardholder servicing.
International Organisation of Standardization.
The International Organization for Standardization which is made up of national standards institutions from around the world. ISO is not an abbreviation, it is a word that is derived from the Greek isos, meaning 'equal'. The short form of the organisations name in any language is always ISO.
International Standards Organization. The principal international group responsible for standards in many areas.
International Standard for Organizations promoting developing standard processes and related activities to facilitate the internal exchange of goods and services.
Independent Service Organizations - aftermarket support organizations usually separate to the company making the product being serviced. Also International Standards Organisation.
Abbreviation for International Standards Organization. Established in 1947, ISO is a worldwide federation of national standards committees from 140 countries. The organization promotes the development of standardization throughout the world with a focus on facilitating the international exchange of goods and services, and developing the cooperation of intellectual, scientific, technological, and economical activities.
(Independent Service Organization) A firm or organization which offers to process online credit card transactions, usually in exchange for transaction fees or a percentage of sales. Merchants must generally establish a merchant account before contracting for ISO services, although some ISOs claim not to require separate merchant accounts. Also See: Factoring
International Standard for Organization. A committee that develops standards which products and services need to meet. Each set of standards is numbered; for example, ISO 9660 deals with the volume and file structures of CD-ROMs, and ISO 9642 deals with time and control codes for 24, 25 and 30 fps motion-picture systems.
Independent System Operator. An ISO is the entity charged with reliable operation of the grid and provision of open transmission access to all market participants on a non-discriminatory basis.
Independent system operator. An independent, Federally regulated entity established to coordinate regional transmission in a non-discriminatory manner and ensure the safety and reliability of the electric system.
Insurance Services Offices. Major rating organization in Property and Liability Insurance that drafts policy forms for Personal and Commercial Lines of insurance and provides rate data on loss costs for Property and Liability Insurance lines.
The Code of Practice for Information Security Management Systems. smile is currently the only UK-based Internet Bank accredited to ISO27001 by the International Standards Organisation.
International Standards Organization. International Standards Organization (ISO) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from some 100 countries, one from each country.
Private agency that rates fire department for setting insurance rates. Formed January 1971, a national insurance organization licensed as a fire rating organization; acts as an advisory organization to other property-liability lines of insurance.
International Organization for Standardization. A worldwide federation of standards bodies that promotes international standardization and publishes international agreements as International Standards.
International Standards Organization.. The organization that produces many of the world's standards. Open System Interconnect(OSI) is only one of the many areas standardized by the ISO.
International Standards Organization, an International organization working with the United Nations that maintains standards for all applications of technology for global industry.
International Organisation for Standardisation, responsible for a wide range of standards.
International Standards Organization, an international organization responsible for setting international standards, such as the ISO Latin-1 character set.
International Standards Organization, creates international standards, including cryptography standards.
ISO (International Standards Organization) is the International Standards Organizations. They do not create standards but (as with ANSI) provide a means of verifying that a proposed standard has met certain requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria by those developing the standard.
International Standards Organization. An organization that has defined a different set of network protocols, called the ISO/OSI protocols. In theory, the ISO/OSI protocols will eventually replace the Internet.
See International Standards Organization.
compatible with one or more ISO standards