See Best Available Techniques
Best Available Techniques. The EU Directive (96/61 EC) on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) allows local authorities to grant environmental permits to process industries, including new and existing petrochemical and chemical installations. The final permit sets Emission Limit Values (ELVs) that are defined on the basis of the Best Available Techniques (BAT). These BATs are a reference point against which to judge the current performance of an existing installation or to judge a proposal for a new installation. They result from an exchange of information between the European Commission, member states, industry and NGOs. More...
Best Available Techniques. BAT Standards are used to judge the performance of industrial processes and to provide a target for improvement plans. They are gathered in a BAT Reference Document ( BREF).
Best Available Technology. The most effective, economically-achievable, and state-of-the-art technology currently in use for controlling pollution, as determined by the U.S. EPA.
Best Available Techniques, defined under Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC). Note that BAT has many more cost and implementation issues than its predecessor BATNEEC.
Best Available Technique (ref. IPPC)
Best Available Technologies
Best Available Techniques to minimise environmental impact and improve performance as detailed in the BREF notes and defined in Article 2 (11) of the IPPC Directive.
Best Available Technology. A level of technology based on the very best (state of the art) control and treatment measures that have been developed or are capable of being developed and that are economically achievable within the appropriate industrial category.
See Best Available Technology
Best Available Technique as defined in EU directive on integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC).
Best Available Techniques describe the most effective technology and methods designed to prevent and where is not praticable, to reduce emissions and their impacts on the environment. These techniques must be already developed under economically and technically viable conditions. BAT are linked to IPPC Directive
Best available technology economically achievable (applies to non-conventional and toxic pollutants)
Best Available Technology, The current technology available to detect and treat the contaminant of concern.
Best Available Techniques. In terms of assessing the potential effects of pollution, a system that aims to balance the costs to the operator against the benefits to the environment.
Best Available Technology. A technical term used to describe the best and most stringent technology, treatment techniques, or other means available for controlling emmissions, effluent, waste materials, etc. after considering field, rather than solely laboratory conditions. Molycorp is required to use the best available technology in its mining operations unless it can be demonstrated that it is unfeasible for energy, environment or economic reasons.
a balance between state-of-the-art technology / management tech niques and what an industrial sector can actually afford.
The most effective and advanced stage in the development of activities and their methods of operation which indicate the practical suitability of particular techniques for providing in principle the basis for emission limit values designed to prevent and, where that is not practicable, generally to reduce emissions and impact on the environment as a whole.