The file containing the resources for a particular program.
A source file or compiled file that defines the resources that are used by an application. IBM C/C++ Compilers recognizes uncompiled resource files by the file extension .rc. A compiled resource file has the extension .res.
Resource files contain all the pieces that the screens and templates use, things like the colors used, text format and images used throughout the screens. [see also Theme, Screen file, Template
A non-code file that may be referred to from your Java program in VisualAge for Java. Examples include graphic and audio files.
A file in a Visual Basic project with an .res file name extension that can contain bitmaps, text strings, or other data. By storing this data in a separate file, you can change the information without editing your code. Only one resource file can be associated with a project. .
a file containing one or more resources - a piece of data that is compiled along with your control or VB application
a file that can contain many pieces of 'media' that your program needs
a file that holds information about 'resources' such as menus, dialog windows, controls (such as edit boxes), and other things of this nature
a plain text file containing resource settings affecting the behavior of MHonArc
a simple text based server file which tells the client computer what files to download when client computers are connecting and do not have the map
a special file used by the operating system or by an application for a specialized purpose
A resource is a piece of data-a string, a bitmap, a sound file-that is compiled along with your control or VB application. You use resources to avoid having to refer to files on disk; instead, the file resides in the compiled EXE (or OCX) you distribute to users. You create resource files using a resource compiler.
A file that can be used to set values for resources.
The resource fork of a file.